Can I carry a pneumatic gun with me - basic rules, law and recommendations

Pistols operating from compressed air, simulating military weapons in terms of external parameters, have recently become very popular. These products can be easily purchased in stores and markets. In this case, no permits for such weapons are needed. Therefore, anyone can use a device that shoots balls under the influence of compressed air. Many comers have up-to-date questions, for example, whether it is possible to carry an air gun with you, what restrictions and prohibitions exist.

is it allowed to carry an air gun

You can carry these guns with you anytime, anywhere, but you need to know the legal basics. Not even all police officers or ordinary people thoroughly know the law “On Weapons”. Carrying with you is not forbidden, but you can’t be nervous about the look of a pistol.

Types of weapons

It should be noted that there are different types of pneumatics. Some models are allowed to be carried freely without any restrictions; licensing documents may be required to purchase others. It's all about the power of the gun. Energy is measured in joules. The law classifies weapons by power. So, pistols are allocated up to three joules, up to seven and a half, up to twenty five and above.

Gun 3 J

This includes products that without any documents can be purchased in markets and in stores. The law states that absolutely anyone can buy such a “weapon”. More rarely, more powerful solutions can be acquired, but this is no longer entirely legal. Such weapons should not go on free sale. If the power of the shot is not more than 3 J, then even a child can use the gun. To the question of whether it is possible to carry a pneumatic gun for children, there are answers in the legislative framework. So, weapons up to 3 J are considered toy.

But there is another point. We must not openly demonstrate the presence of weapons. Some people can confuse pneumatics with a real firearm and will necessarily report what they see to where they should. Then you can expect serious trouble. You also need to remember that injuries from shots, even if they are minor, will still be considered bodily harm - there is a responsibility for this. Health damage will be small. However, when causing serious harm (for example, after getting the ball into the eyes), the consequences will be quite serious.

Can I carry a pneumatic gun with me? You can, but carefully, without demonstrating it to those who do not need it.

7.5 joules

Weapons of the second category are products that are classified as hunting or sports. These pistols can also be freely purchased in stores, but not in all, but in special ones.

air gun in hand

Not everyone can buy such a weapon. According to current legislation, these products are only available to adults. Is it possible to carry a pneumatic gun with you from the age of 18? If it falls into this category, then it is possible, but observing certain rules. But there is a nuance. About age restrictions associated with wearing, in this law is silent. But with regard to the right to purchase, it is possible to acquire such weapons only from the moment of the 18th anniversary.

To purchase a gun, which will be used for sports or for hunting, you must have permits. In the case of pneumatics, no permissions are required.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to carry a pneumatic gun with a muzzle energy of 7.5 J. You can carry with you, this is not prohibited by law. But to purchase such copies can only be adults, and therefore you can carry them with you only by adults.

The rules are the same as for toys. You can not demonstrate without special need, do not threaten with a gun, do not scare passers-by on the street, do not carry it charged. Such trunks can only be used in special places. These are shooting galleries, ranges, and also forests where you can hunt.

Can I carry a pneumatic gun

Products that pass through this class are considered to be weapons. Therefore, here the owners should already be interested in the law. More on this later.

In law

Let's see if it is possible to carry a pneumatic gun with you according to the norms of the legislative framework of the Russian Federation. It has two points in this regard.

In the Russian Federation, wearing is prohibited, as well as any type of transportation when the gun is loaded. It is also prohibited to use in cities, towns and other settlements outside places and premises that are specially adapted for shooting sports.

girls shoot

In addition, the law prohibits the wearing of these products at rallies, various street processions, pickets and demonstrations, as well as any other events with a mass crowd.

Acquisition Rules in Russia

According to the classification, any pistols from 3 J and above are considered sports weapons. Everything that is in power from 7.5 J and beyond is hunting. Pistols up to 25 J have huge power, therefore, according to the classification, they are considered high-risk products. To buy such a gun or rifle, you must have permits in your hands. For storage, as well as for wearing permits are needed.

Can I carry an air gun without permission? This is a question that interests many owners of these products. Without any permits, only samples with a caliber of up to 4.5 millimeters are allowed. Energy can be up to eight joules.

Can I carry a pneumatic gun

To buy and carry more powerful weapons, you need a package of documents. This is an application to the police department, original passport and photocopy, medical certificate. Also need photos. If a weapon is bought for hunting, a hunting ticket is presented. A copy and original is needed. For a license for such a gun, a sports passport is added to this package.

Storage rules

We have already considered the basic rules for carrying an air gun, and now we should consider the rules that are associated with the storage of air guns. So, keep the gun out of the reach of children and other places. A safe is well suited for this. If it is not, then a powerful drawer with a lock is suitable.

The weapon is stored in a discharged state, without a cylinder, the spring should not be cocked. More complete rules regarding storage are indicated in the instructions for the gun.


The law clearly states whether it is possible to carry a pneumatic gun freely, and under what conditions. But what punishment follows for breaking the rules?

what does a pneumatic gun look like

So, a violation of the rules for handling pneumatics can result in penalties from 500 to 2 thousand rubles or deprivation of the ability to purchase, store, use weapons for a period of 6 months to a year.


Can I carry a pneumatic gun with me? Instances up to three joules are not considered weapons; up to seven and a half - use is limited. If you follow the rules, then of course you can wear it. The main thing is not to go too far.

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