Psoriasis: diagnosis, causes and treatment of psoriasis by folk methods.
Before moving on to the question of how to cure psoriasis, let's look at what it is and what causes stimulate the development of psoriasis? Many people know that psoriasis is a disease of the skin, namely the epidermis, while it differs in the duration of the course and chronic inflammatory nature. It appears on the skin in the form of pinkish, heavily flaky areas. Distinctive features of the disease: the presence on the skin of dense pinkish tubercles with a flaky surface, accompanied by unpleasant sensations of itching, tightness of the skin, etc. This is caused by the fact that at the cellular level, the processes of cell division and their rejection are accelerated, which manifest themselves as peeling. Exacerbation of psoriasis entails the appearance of new papules, and old papules, at this time, turn pale. The external manifestation of this disease is similar to some types of lichen. Scientifically proven is the fact that this disease is not contagious.
Causes of Psoriasis
Despite the fact that this disease has been known for a long time, but so far there is no consensus on what is the cause of its occurrence. However, there is no doubt that such a disease can be either acquired or inherited. Science has recorded the so-called two periods at which age people can get this disease: 16β20 and 57β60 years. And, darker less, it can be determined with the main factors that provoke this disease. These include: alcohol, nicotine, stress, injuries to the skin, including sunburn, HIV, a number of drugs containing: lithium, interferon A, terbinafine, etc.
Psoriasis: the nature and radius of its action.
This disease affects the skin, initially appearing, as a rule, on the scalp. With it, hair loss is not observed, unlike ringworm.
There is a palmar-plantar form of this disease. It usually proceeds simultaneously with nail psoriasis. Papillomas are formed on the palms and feet, and the nails become loose, crumble along the edges, impressions and grooves appear on them.
This disease can occur in severe forms, when the appearing flaky scales become multi-layered and yellowish. Under such a papule, a weeping bright surface is an exudative form.
Severe forms of psoriasis also include psoriatic erythroderma. With this form, a large area of ββthe skin is affected. Numerous inflamed skin areas appear with a bright color and itching.
Another type of psoriasis, characterized by the presence of fluid-filled vesicles in various areas of the skin, a worsening of the condition and an increase in body temperature is pustular psoriasis.
Arthropatic psoriasis affects not only the skin, but also the small joints of the feet, hands. It is manifested by pain in the joints during movement.
Teardrop-shaped childhood psoriasis is a consequence of the disease: chickenpox, tonsillitis, etc.
If a dermatologist has given you such a diagnosis, then he will definitely give the necessary recommendations on how to cure psoriasis.
The treatment of this disease is rather laborious and does not always lead to a complete cure, but, despite the complexity and inexplicability of many of its nuances, there is not only medical, but also alternative treatment. Since the disease is attributed to ancient diseases, the alternative treatment of psoriasis is rooted in antiquity and has passed through many millennia, quite successfully honing ways to deal with this ailment.
To begin the treatment of psoriasis with folk methods is a diet. It is necessary to exclude foods such as chocolate, garlic, onions, alcohol, spicy seasonings, since they can aggravate the disease. Also, when treating psoriasis with folk methods, it is advisable to abandon the use of honey, smoking, smoked meats, fatty foods, fried foods. Accelerates the treatment of psoriasis with folk methods, proper nutrition, namely boiled foods, mainly not oily fish, fruits, vegetables. Direct sunlight should be avoided. And at the same time use for the treatment of herbs: celandine, Kombucha for baths with immersion of the whole body or its individual affected parts. After such a bath, wiping is not recommended.
You can prepare a mixture consisting of Kalanchoe juice (10 g), eucalyptus oil (30 g) and honey (10 g), which is applied to the affected areas of the skin.
One of the most effective folk remedies is fresh chicken eggs. After boiling, boil them for 15 minutes, then separate the yolks and crush them into gruel. The resulting slurry is fried in a clean, empty pan over low heat. During frying (5 minutes), stir it periodically. From what happens, you need to squeeze the oil and smear it with affected areas of the skin at least 2 times during the day. Out of 10 eggs, as a rule, 50 g of butter comes out.
Also, with psoriasis, it is recommended to carefully rub the affected areas with alcohol, but then you need to lubricate them with hernia juice.
Another recipe that helps get rid of this ailment: 50 g of fruits, flowers of Japanese Japanese sophora, we insist in 500 g of vodka for 30 days. You need to drink the resulting infusion three times a day for 1 hour half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is at least 3 months. In the event that vodka is contraindicated for you, you can use an aqueous infusion of the same plant, infused overnight in a thermos.
It helps daily intake of sea buckthorn oil per day, while it can and should be applied externally as a 5% ointment.
For lotions with this disease, you can use garlic, which is crushed, poured with boiling water and infused for an hour.