Folly is a character trait

You can argue about the origin of man as much as you like, however, both the advocates of creationism and the defenders of the theory of evolution agree on one thing: without proper education, a person slides to an extremely low level of development. Crazy actions destroy the body and mind, harm others. Because of this, folly is a very dangerous phenomenon, the carrier of which should be isolated from society or returned to the true path as soon as possible.

Etymological analysis

In Russian, some concepts relate in an unexpected way. So, there is the term "madness", which indicates a person who is deprived of reason. Conventionally descended from a path befitting any person. In our case, people used synonyms:

  • wobble - continuously, slowly, but systematically move somewhere;

  • mind is the logical component of human nature.

Actual departure from awareness. See how someone does inappropriate acts? Falls into a rage for a minor reason, arranges tantrums, is naughty for the sake of getting any little things? This means that folly has completely absorbed the personality.

It is not easy to confuse an extravagant person

Available Interpretations

In practice, this characteristic is not the worst. The negative connotation is mild, and in some cases is absent altogether. The term under study can mean various options for abandoning logic:

  • reckless;

  • unreasonable.

In the first case, we are talking about following our own desires, the first whim. You do this if you eat up before going to bed during a diet, spend the last money on an expensive and useless accessory. Or when you perform a feat, risking your life for your comrades. Not so bad from the point of view of universal morality.

At the second decryption, the speaker indicates an insufficient analysis of the situation. There is no desire to do something, but do you have to? But you could stop for a couple of minutes, calculate the moves and come to a compromise or a more profitable solution.

Folly what does it mean

Examples of use

In real life, you rarely hear such a word. It is too long, it sounds strange to contemporaries, and it seems that it would be more appropriate in the book. Young people will prefer to confine themselves to a short “nut” or expressive “stubborn”. Older people try to refrain from assessing the behavior of others, so as not to seem impolite. Although occasionally they can characterize someone’s actions as not too reasonable.

Do not worry if they say that you are characterized by folly. This is a feature of real heroes, a mixture of fatalism and the desire to get the most out of life. Of course, sometimes it is necessary to restrain desires in order to remain within the bounds of decency. But if you do this every day for many years, it will become too boring.

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