What is a carcinogen? Exposure to carcinogens

Behind each case of cancer is a carcinogen. This is a factor causing a malignant process.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) found that in 2012 Russia was in fifth place in the world in the number of patients who died from cancer. In terms of 100,000 of the population, our country turned out to be a sad championship - 122.5. Over the past ten years, the incidence rate has increased by 25%.

Causes of Tumors

You should not think that a carcinogen is just some kind of harmful substance. The physical factors that can cause cancer include radiation, ultraviolet and electromagnetic radiation, sometimes prolonged mechanical stress and even noise.

carcinogen is

The predisposition to the occurrence of certain types of tumors can be inherited, that is, embedded in genetics.

The most common causes are viruses, poor ecology, harmful production and living conditions, improper preparation, storage and consumption of certain foods.

There are also psychological reasons, for example, the state of stress caused by personal problems or social upheavals, especially in combination with some character traits.

Weakened defense

Normally, the human body is quite capable of combating the threat of cancer. The changes that carcinogens cause at the cellular level are ongoing. After all, we do not live in ideal conditions. But as long as the immune system copes, the person is protected.

Mechanisms are working that allow the time to recognize and remove damaged cells.


Exposure to carcinogens over time can lead to a weakening of protection. At some point, immunity fails, and malignant growth may become uncontrollable.

How carcinogens are studied

The chemical theory of carcinogenesis is experimentally confirmed, it is proved that there is a direct relationship between the occurrence of tumors and the dose, duration of exposure, as well as the composition and activity of certain substances.

Reference books have been created, the range of natural and synthetic compounds is expanding, which carry the threat of the occurrence of malignant tumors of animals and humans.

Many laboratories in the world are working to establish a mechanism for the occurrence of malignant tumors, depending on what substances are carcinogens and in what dose do they affect experimental animals.

To obtain experimental cancer, cell cultures are used , as well as specially bred lines of laboratory mice, rats and larger animals, including apes.

Changes in tissues and cells after administration of the studied substance are investigated using the most modern methods.

Where does the danger come from?

Why are there so many patients? Almost no family in Russia has not been circumvented by this misfortune. The elderly and young, men and women, and small children suffer.

Even if we do not talk about stress at work, overwork, insecurity in the future, resentment and other experiences that weaken health, and dwell only on the “material” causes of cancer, we can identify very many.

carcinogens cause

In production, a carcinogen is:

  • benzene, benzapyrene;
  • asbestos;
  • arsenic, nickel, mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium;
  • coal tar, soot;
  • creosote, petroleum oils and many other agents.

Work in mines, coke, shoe, furniture, rubber and various other harmful industries leads to significant cancer risk.

In everyday life, the danger is:

  • natural radon in basements and lower floors of buildings;
  • traffic fumes;
  • emissions from industrial enterprises and boiler houses;
  • many construction and decoration materials;
  • furniture made of polymers;
  • household chemicals, solvents;
  • tobacco smoke (especially second-hand smoke), chewing tobacco.
    carcinogen is

And this is also not a complete list of possible reasons for getting sick to someone dear to you.

Surprisingly, but many drugs are on the list of carcinogens.

Dangerous food

Where do carcinogens in foods come from? How does malnutrition increase cancer risk?

It is imperative to pay attention to the proper storage of products. Aflatoxin, produced by molds that infect cereals, flour, and nuts when stored in wet conditions, is a powerful carcinogen.

Extremely dangerous is the use of expired, rancid, overcooked, repeatedly heated fats. It is from them that the body will then build cell membranes, synthesize hormones. Biomolecules built from damaged "bricks" become a source of distorted information that disrupts the proper functioning of all systems.

Substances formed in fried meat can cause various types of tumors, including prostate cancer.

carcinogens in foods

Excessive intake of not only animal fats, but also margarines, refined oils worsens lipid metabolism. In combination with various toxic effects, this can lead to the appearance of malignant tumors, including hormone-dependent ones. The predominance of omega-6 over omega-3 fatty acids in food can also act as a carcinogen.

Abuse of refined carbohydrates violates the sensitivity of cells to insulin, which leads to premature aging, deposition of fat and a decrease in immunity.

The habit of paying attention to the composition and shelf life of purchased food in the same way as eating green, red, orange fruits and vegetables, seafood, unrefined oils, and fresh nuts will help maintain good health.

When honey becomes poison

Honey is considered a medicinal product. It is used for colds, loss of strength, exhaustion, tuberculosis and many other diseases. High-quality honey, collected in ecologically clean places, is certainly healing.

honey carcinogen

But only until it has been heated above 50 degrees Celsius, then honey is a carcinogen, because the amount of oxymethylfurfural increases in it.

This substance is formed by heating sugars in an acidic environment; it is also found in cognac, carbonated drinks, sweets, tinted with roasting, and burnt bread. Honey brought from southern countries or stored for a long time also contains an increased amount of osimethylfurfural. Russian standards for its content in products are stricter than in EU countries.

If you indulge yourself with a honey cake once or twice a year or bake meat in the honey marinade the same number of times, probably nothing bad will happen. But if this happens weekly, then the risk of getting sick will certainly increase.

Therefore, one should criticize recipes from culinary shows and glossy magazines with more criticism, evaluating not only the beauty and taste of the presented dishes, but also their potential harm.

The most important conclusion

A carcinogen is a substance that, accumulating in the body, acts at the cellular level and changes the way somatic cells divide. Their reproduction ceases to be a controlled process - this is the essence of malignant diseases.

The tumor grows and feeds at the expense of the body, killing it.

Quitting smoking, proper nutrition, physical activity, a cheerful frame of mind - quite beyond the power of an individual. Improving the environmental situation, compliance with protective measures in hazardous industries, timely access to a doctor will save lives.

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