Mechanical face peel - what is it? Description of the procedure, contraindications, reviews

The ecology of large megacities negatively affects not only our health, but also our appearance, which is especially exciting for the fair sex. In addition to this factor, skin problems can be caused by heredity, malnutrition and stress. Mechanical face cleaning comes to the rescue.

What it is?

Expanded pores, acne and comedones, frankly, create an unpleasant picture. You must admit that problem skin can even cause a sense of disgust among others, not to mention the low self-esteem of its possessiveness.

combined facial cleansing

Fortunately, professional facial cleansing is available in almost every cosmetology room today . Deep cleansing effectively removes blackheads and blackheads, and also exfoliates dead particles.

Owners of problematic and oily skin are recommended to clean the face mechanically. What it is is pretty simple to guess: the wizard manually processes all problem areas. Of course, the process can cause some discomfort, but with all the stages of skin preparation, it will be minimal.

Choose a wizard

It is not easy for many girls and women to decide on the procedure, but it is even more difficult to find a qualified specialist. What to look for before cleansing your face?

  1. Compliance with sanitary standards.
  2. Experience of the master.

These are the two most important factors that influence the end result. An inexperienced cosmetologist, for example, may not completely clean the pores or introduce the infection into the wounds.

Low cost and efficiency - these are the main features that distinguish mechanical cleaning of the face. Photos before and after the manipulations posted on brochures promise a visible result. The main thing is not to panic when you see your face immediately after the procedure - after a few hours the redness and swelling disappear.

First step

As we have already said, the pain of cleaning depends on proper preparation, as well as individual characteristics. The first step is to remove makeup and open the pores. Depending on the specific situation, the master decides what to do - limit himself to using a cosmetic product or apply a special cleansing mask. There are several ways to open pores:

  • using a thermal gel;
  • using a vaporizer (steam jet treatment).

Dilated vessels on the face, asthma and dry thin skin are contraindications for vaporization.

Opening the pores prevents dehydration and facilitates the further cleaning process.

Second phase

So, steaming the skin softens the sebaceous plugs, therefore, after treatment, lotion is required. Then the master proceeds directly to cleaning the pores, using one of the tools:

  1. Spoon Uno. At one end of the stick is a spoon with one hole, and at the other - a small strainer. A spoon is used to remove single acne. A strainer will help deal with black dots and comedones.
  2. Vidal loop. Suitable for dealing with deep comedones and blackheads on the surface.
  3. Vidal needle. It is used to eliminate small white pimples ("wen"), as well as deeply located blackheads. Owners of sensitive and dry skin painfully perceive the Vidal needle, and after the procedure small bruises may appear.

mechanical cleaning of the face before and after

All instruments must be made of medical steel. Before use, antiseptic treatment is mandatory to prevent inflammation. It happens that none of the tools is suitable - in this case, the wizard manually removes the secret from the pores.

Without exception, cosmetologists know that effective facial cleansing lasts until the skin has cooled. After about twenty minutes, the pores begin to close and cleansing becomes quite painful.

If the “front of work” is large, then the procedure is carried out in several stages, using a vacuum device to clean the face. A small glass tube in contact with the skin creates pressure, due to which all sebaceous plugs come out. This combined facial cleansing allows you to achieve the best results.

Third stage

At the last stage, the treated areas must be sanitized and sooted, as well as the pores narrowed. Most often, the master uses a lotion or tonic, then a special mask, for example, from healing clay. It perfectly relieves inflammation, tightens pores and absorbs excess sebum. Massage is sometimes performed to stimulate blood circulation.

The “face cleansing” procedure, the price of which is about 2000-2500 rubles, allows the skin to breathe and significantly tightens the pores. In addition, there is a complete removal of pimples and comedones.

After the “magical” transformation, girls and women want to know how often you can cleanse your face? There are different opinions on this subject, and for the sake of increasing profits, some cosmetologists are ready to advise doing the procedure even twice a month, without taking into account the condition of the skin. Of course, you should not trust such a master, because too frequent removal of sebum leads to an increase in its production.

Most often from experts you can hear the following recommendations:

  • oily skin with a lot of black spots can be cleaned about once every three months;
  • combined type - once every six months or a year.

After the session

It is always nice to see the result of the work of an experienced master - mechanical cleaning of the face is no exception. The “before and after” photo below demonstrates the effectiveness of the procedure.

professional face cleansing
However, do not forget about the basic rules:

  • after visiting the beautician for 12 hours, it is forbidden to wash with water;
  • for a week put off face products containing alcohol;
  • try to avoid direct sunlight or a solarium;
  • small sores that may appear in place of injured pores are best left untouched.

In the first days after the procedure, some girls and women are worried about itching - this is a normal skin reaction, as well as red spots. In a few days, peeling may appear, and restoration will take at least a week, so on the eve of important events, face cleansing is never performed.


It is worth recalling that mechanical cleaning of the face is a rather serious intervention, which can either transform the skin or spoil it in case of infection. However, there are a number of diseases that are not compatible with this procedure:

  • herpes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • furunculosis;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema.

Mechanical face cleaning is not suitable for owners of sensitive and dry skin, as well as prone to inflammation and allergic reactions. In addition, do not plan a trip to the beautician during menstruation.

No extra cost

Salon procedures are not available to all the fair sex. We will tell you how to clean your skin at home. In fact, it is not so difficult, but subject to the above steps.

To open the pores, make a steam bath. To do this, tilt your face over a container of hot water and cover your head with a towel. After a few minutes, lightly pat the skin with a tissue, and then continue to steam for 10-15 minutes. Instead of ordinary water, you can prepare a decoction of chamomile or other suitable herbs (celandine or calendula).

Cleaning tools are now quite easy to buy, while paying attention to the quality of the product and carefully read the instructions.

Remember that all manipulations must be carried out with clean hands and on well-cleansed skin. If the face has open wounds, unripe pimples or other inflammations, be sure to postpone the procedure.


Mechanical face cleaning (many girls and women know what it is, but resort to the services of a cosmetologist only in extreme cases) is a “not for the faint of heart” procedure. Here is how her reviews of the most daring young ladies characterize. The effect is really tangible, but for its full manifestation, you should wait about a week.

Some women want an instant transformation, and when immediately after cleaning they see their red face with small wounds and swelling (add more pain here), they are horrified that they will no longer go to this “execution”.

Keep the effect

Special attention deserves skin care after mechanical cleaning, which will help prolong the effect. Pay attention to three means to eliminate the consequences of the procedure:

  1. Aloe vera gel to remove stains and redness.
  2. Blue or green clay. Acne after cleansing means inflammation. A clay mask is a proven way to remove hated pimples.
  3. White clay + mineral water. A mask of white clay will help speed up the healing of small wounds. Before going out, apply salicylic ointment gently.

how to do face cleansing

Our skin needs our help in recovery, so avoid sharp changes in temperature and drinking alcohol for three days. Maximum hydration and compliance with the drinking regime will allow you to quickly return the natural protective layer.

To save the result, you can choose peeling based on fruit acids. Experts advise to carry out the procedure twice a week in combination with a soothing mask.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Skilled craftsmen skillfully combine salon procedures - this is how combined facial cleansing appeared. This is a combination of the above mechanical cleaning and ultrasonic cleaning.

During the procedure, ultrashort waves gently affect the skin. Ultrasound helps fight non-inflammatory acne and “clogged” pores.

how to clean your skin

The main facial cleanser is a scrubber, under the influence of which the “black dots” are removed and delicate cleansing of contaminants occurs, age spots become lighter and the skin color is leveled. During the procedure, the production of elastin and collagen is stimulated.

Ultrasonic cleaning has the following contraindications:

  • second half of pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute infection;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • cancer;
  • hypertension;
  • recent maxillofacial surgery or a gold thread lift.

In the cabin or at home?

Ultrasonic cleaning at a price is quite affordable for many women. Depending on the range of services and cosmetics used, the cost of the procedure is from 2000 rubles and more.

If you have not found a good beautician or are limited in time, then you can always buy an ultrasound device and forget what salon cleaning is. The price of a portable scrubber is about 4000 rubles.

After the procedure, the skin looks toned and radiant, but ultrasonic cleaning is also not worth it. Clean once, and then observe how long the result will last. In any case, going to the cosmetologist more than once every ten days can lead to overdrying of the skin and other negative consequences.

Atraumatic cleaning

Modern cosmetology also knows more gentle methods than mechanical face cleaning (what is it, the stages of carrying out and contraindications we already told at the beginning of the review). One of the most popular services is atraumatic facial cleansing, which requires only a certain set of tools.

The main stages of the procedure:

  1. Makeup removal and surface contamination.
  2. Softening comedones with a special composition.
  3. Peeling. With the help of fruit acids, a painless peeling is carried out, which does not leave redness and peeling.
  4. Opening pores. Instead of traditional steaming, a special mixture is applied to the face. This tool helps to dissolve comedones and sebum. Then there is a lotion treatment that prevents infection.
  5. Mask. It is aimed at narrowing the pores. It is selected individually by the cosmetologist according to the type of skin.
  6. Gel to relieve irritation. Accelerates cell regeneration and soothes the skin.
  7. Recovery. There is practically no natural protection after cleaning, therefore a nourishing cream serves as a temporary “shield”.
  8. The final chord. Atraumatic cleaning ends with the application of a special powder or sunscreen.


  • allergic reactions;
  • open wounds, burns;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema.

Holy land

Holy Land specialists know how to cleanse your face perfectly. For a quarter century, the Israeli cosmetics manufacturer has managed to take a leading position in the industry. Beautiful customers appreciate not only the high quality of products, but also the incredible variety of lines for the treatment and care of any type of skin.

mechanical face cleaning what is it

Holy Land atraumatic cleansing complex improves skin tone and evens out color, smoothes wrinkles and significantly reduces pores. The compositions are based on raw materials of plant origin, so the risk of an allergic reaction or irritation is minimal. Means from the Israeli manufacturer are suitable even for problematic and sensitive skin.

The cost of the procedure is approximately 4000 rubles.

Laser cleaning

Another revolutionary procedure is laser facial cleansing. Using a special device, the laser beam penetrates the middle or upper layers of the epidermis, where dead cells and dirt are removed under the influence of the temperature regime.

mechanical face cleaning what is it

According to experts, laser cleaning has many advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • due to lack of contact, the risk of infection is excluded;
  • rapid restoration of the skin;
  • elimination of oily skin.

Laser cleaning is indicated for enlarged pores, uneven terrain, age spots and wrinkles.


During the session (30-40 minutes) the upper layer of the skin is actually removed by the laser, at the place of which the full renewal process is then started. Additionally, collagen is stimulated, which is responsible for elasticity and firmness.

The procedure is categorically not advised to owners of dry and sensitive skin. In addition, there are other contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • herpes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases in acute form.

Any cleaning of the face (mechanical, vacuum or ultrasound) leaves marks on the face, however, the effects of laser exposure are more noticeable. The remaining skin layer is an ideal medium for the multiplication of infections and bacteria, therefore, special care is necessary.

Restrictions relate to the use of foundation or powder for two weeks after the session, as well as additional peelings. Do not wash your face with tap water and wipe your face with alcohol-containing tonics.

Difficulty of choosing

If you are still wondering which facial cleansing is better, then we strongly recommend contacting a beautician. Depending on the type of skin and current problems, the specialist will give his recommendations.

Also, consider the painfulness of the procedures. Some girls can easily tolerate mechanical cleaning, while for others, even ultrasound is a real “strength test."

However, the main advice: to solve the problem is necessary from the inside. Everything that appears on the face (comedones, acne), in most cases, is associated with the work of internal organs. Therefore, it is better to first correct the problems in the body, and then tidy up the face.

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