Which is better - serum or face cream: comparison of formulations, difference in consistency, effectiveness

To date, an incredibly large assortment of various facial care products is presented. Each of them has certain properties and contains useful components. Many buyers are wondering: "Which is better - serum or face cream?". It is necessary to understand the main differences, what stages of skin care should be in the daily routine, as well as the features of using these cosmetic products.

Proper care

Professional cosmetologists around the world claim that the skin needs constant cleansing, toning and moisturizing. In the modern world, a trend of Korean care has emerged, which includes a large number of stages using cosmetics. According to girls, using this technique, you can quickly get rid of possible imperfections and improve skin condition. To answer the question of which is better, serum or face cream, you need to understand what care will be used.

Proper face care


  1. Make-up remover. All kinds of means are used here: milk, butter, micellar water or cream to remove makeup.
  2. Cleansing with foams, gels or mousses.
  3. Toning. Girls often omit this stage, but the skin needs to restore balance after washing. With the help of a tonic, it is possible to remove residual impurities, increase elasticity and improve the penetrating ability of subsequent products.
  4. Moisturizing. When discussing this stage, the question pops up about which is better - face cream or serum. For an unambiguous answer, it is necessary to consider these two care products in more detail.

Serum Features

This cosmetic product has become very popular in Korea, where girls regularly include it in the skin care process. Choosing which is better - serum or face cream, you need to understand that they differ in their properties. And accordingly, and efficiency. Serum molecules are much smaller, which provides deep penetration into the cells.

Benefits of Face Serum

With regular use, you can really get rid of various imperfections, improve the condition, even out the natural shade and saturate the skin with useful components. The serum is saturated with various acids, active components, vitamins and mineral complexes, which increases the effectiveness of the cosmetic product for quickly solving specific problems.

Face cream

This cosmetic product is more popular among Russian buyers, as it is more common for girls. The assortment of various cosmetic companies includes products that will nourish, tone, brighten and moisturize. Face cream has the usual texture and is used after rubbing the skin with a tonic. But this tool is unable to penetrate into the deeper layers, so the effect after the first use is completely invisible.

Cream instead of face serum

The difference between the cream and serum for the face is that in its composition the components are presented in a lower concentration, which virtually eliminates the appearance of an undesirable allergic reaction. But manufacturers use a variety of emulsifiers and perfumes that extend the shelf life of the care product. Active components:

  • oils;
  • vitamins;
  • mineral salts;
  • plant extracts;
  • collagen.

When answering the question of which is better - face cream or serum, professional cosmetologists argue that these two products should be present in daily care, as they have a complex effect to obtain the maximum effect from the application.

Skin type selection

Each of them has distinctive features and needs that must be met to restore and maintain beauty. Creams and serums for face skin have certain properties, are saturated with various components and are aimed at solving specific problems. How to choose a caring product come from individual needs:

  1. Dry type. A constant lack of moisture, the presence of peeling, the heterogeneity of the shade and the rapid appearance of creases are the main characteristics of the skin. To solve problems, it is necessary to deeply moisturize, so cosmetologists do not recommend using serum instead of face cream, but applying them at the same time.
  2. Fatty type. Owners of such skin suffer from regular inflammation, the presence of sebum and enlarged pores. Some cosmetic brands produce special serums that control the secretion of the sebaceous glands and help reduce imperfections. However, some agents may contain hormonal substances or antibiotics, and they are absent in creams.
  3. Normal. This is a less common type, since there are many factors that affect the condition of the skin. It is in this case that cosmetologists recommend using a face cream instead of serum, because the dermis does not need intensive exposure.

Key similarities and differences

As previously written, whey is a more concentrated care product. It is aimed at eliminating certain shortcomings in a short period of time. What is the difference between a cream and a face serum? Cumulative effect, since it must be used regularly for several weeks. The main similarities of the funds:

  • the ability to use on all skin types;
  • solving various problems;
  • availability;
  • budget cost;
  • good skin hydration;
  • saturation with useful components.
Which is better - cream or face serum

Before you get a care product, you need to understand what the difference is. Serum or face cream is a pretty serious choice to consider. The differences are as follows:

  • consistency: whey is more liquid, quickly absorbed and leaves no residue on the face;
  • composition: a high concentration of beneficial components provides deep penetration and saturation of cells;
  • effectiveness: with the help of serum you can get the desired effect in a shorter period, while the cream must be used regularly for several weeks;
  • mission: the cream can be used at any age due to the low content of active components; the main task is to moisturize and protect the epidermis from the effects of various factors, and the serum is different in that it has a complex effect.


On the shelves of cosmetic stores is a huge selection of care products that can combine several properties. This is justified by the fact that whey has a more saturated concentration of beneficial components and can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is not recommended to use for girls under 25 years old, when the skin is able to recover on its own.

Cream-serum for face and eyelids is quite popular, which greatly simplifies the process of care and replaces several "jars of beauty." Efficiency during use will be much lower than from the product in its pure form, but this combination will be the best option for owners of a sensitive type of epidermis, prone to allergic reactions. The result after applying the serum can be seen after one or two applications, and for the effect of the cream several weeks should pass. It depends on the concentration of active components and the direction of the cosmetic product.

Recommendations for use

To get the maximum effect, you must follow the instructions indicated by the manufacturers of cosmetics. When answering the question of whether a cream is needed after serum for the face, professional cosmetologists say that it is needed. The molecules of a saturated product are quite small and able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, however, they are able to quickly evaporate and lose their properties.

The best serum and face cream

For maximum effect, it is recommended to follow this instruction:

  1. To cleanse the face of makeup and all kinds of dirt.
  2. Use tonic to restore water balance.
  3. Apply care products for the skin of the eyelids.
  4. Distribute a small amount of serum between the palms and applying movements on the face. Avoid getting the product on the delicate area around the eyes, as redness from the active components may occur.
  5. Then a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied until completely absorbed.

These instructions will be an excellent option for evening care, when the skin needs more nourishment and recovery. In the morning it is worth using either serum or cream to avoid clogging of pores and not to apply an extra layer of makeup.


These cosmetic products have certain features and differences that help in choosing the right one for daily care. The benefits of serum, according to cosmetologists and buyers:

  • high efficiency;
  • the possibility of daily use;
  • quick result;
  • economical consumption;
  • ease of use;
  • the presence of a large assortment and range of applications;
  • saturated composition;
  • intensive hydration;
  • anti-aging effect;
  • restores elasticity;
  • the presence of a pipette, which ensures hygiene of use;
  • enriched with acids and other active substances;
  • saturates cells with useful components;
  • quickly absorbed and leaves no residue.

Positive qualities of face cream:

  • nice texture;
  • minimal risk of allergic reactions;
  • lack of contraindications;
  • good hydration;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • restores water balance;
  • may contain UV protection;
  • the ability to use at any age;
  • economical consumption;
  • eliminates unpleasant sensations in the form of dryness, tightness and irritation;
  • budget cost.

It is worth noting that these are two completely different means, so professionals do not recommend using serum instead of face cream. To obtain the desired effect, they should be used in combination during evening care.

Top manufacturers

In the global trading market there is a huge number of manufacturers of quality caring cosmetics. The high price is not always an indicator of the effectiveness of the product, so it is worth listening to the opinions of professionals and other buyers. A review of manufacturers of creams and serums for the face will help you to easily choose a quality product.

Vichy anti-aging cream

Thanks to the reviews of cosmetologists and ordinary girls, you can make a list of the best tools for solving various problems:

  1. Aven Moisturizing Cream with Sun Protection 25. Perfect for both dry and combination skin.
  2. Garnier Youth Shine is a budget basic product that can be used daily for moisturizing and nourishing.
  3. Vichy Anti-Aging Cream is saturated with collagen, antioxidants and sun protection.
  4. Saturated cream "Kils" will be an excellent option for owners of dry and sensitive skin types, moisturizes, restores water balance and evens out the complexion.

When choosing a serum, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of each type and determine the tasks that this cosmetic product should solve.

Hyaluronic face serum

The best serums, according to customer reviews:

  1. Detox Moisturizing Christina is rich in caffeine, minerals and vitamins. It is aimed at toning, tone leveling and intensive skin nutrition.
  2. 5 in 1 gel serum Evelyn is one of the best from the budget segment. It moisturizes, softens, restores elasticity, smoothes and improves skin tone.
  3. Whitening "Belita Vitex" allows you to quickly get rid of unwanted pigmentation and freckles. Owing to its complex effect, owners of any skin type can use it, as it not only deeply moisturizes, but also soothes inflammation, regulates the amount of sebaceous gland secretions and has an antibacterial effect.
  4. The hyaluronic face serum "Novosvit" has become a real bestseller among buyers and professional makeup artists. With the help of active ingredients, it fills facial and age wrinkles, smoothes the skin, moisturizes, softens and evens out the natural shade. This tool is suitable for evening use, and as a base product before applying decorative cosmetics.

It is worth noting that a wide range allows you to easily choose the right tool. It is necessary to pay attention to the purpose of the serum or cream, their composition, manufacturer's recommendations, as well as the expiration date.


The article examined the question of how the cream differs from serum for the face, and also what are their main similarities. We can conclude that these two caring products are not interchangeable, since they perform different functions. To obtain a result, it is necessary to choose high-quality products that will satisfy the individual needs of a certain type of skin.

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