How to grow eyebrows? The most effective methods and tools for eyebrow growth

Many eyebrow experts hear from their clients the phrase: โ€œI want eyebrows like those of Cara Delevingne,โ€ because everyone wants to have perfect eyebrows. Otherwise, you have to be content with what is. However, this is not the right point of view. Thin โ€œstringsโ€ above the eyes can turn into thick and beautiful eyebrows. But for this you need to grow them. How to grow eyebrows? Are there any aids? Let's take a closer look.

Can I grow eyebrows?

Today's trend is a thick eyebrow. It is quite difficult to match, but possible. Before answering the title question, you need to understand why some girls have rare eyebrows. Main reasons:

1. Frequent staining. If you constantly aggressively apply chemistry to the hairs, this will lead to a slowdown and termination of hair growth on the eyebrows.

2. If you do not follow the basic principles for eyebrow care. If you do not remove makeup residues in the eyebrow area, this will lead to brittleness and hair loss.

3. Incorrectly pluck. If it is inept to use tweezers, then this can damage the hair follicles. As a result - hair growth arrest, chaotic and rare appearance of new ones.

How to grow eyebrows at home

4. The factor of heredity. If thick eyebrows have always been only desirable in the family, then the likelihood that you will become the owner of a thick eyebrow is extremely small.

5. Hormonal failure. With a change in the hormonal background, hair immediately begins to fall out on the eyebrows, including on the head. At the first symptomatic signs, you need to see a doctor. He will recommend taking tests that determine hormone levels. Thyroid hormones are responsible for the condition of the hair.

6. Wrong lifestyle. If a personโ€™s nutrition is unbalanced, he abuses alcohol, smokes, then these negative factors affect the body, including eyebrows, not in the best way. How to grow eyelashes and eyebrows? Prevent the negative effects of external factors on the body. This is the first and basic rule.

7. Unprofessional eyebrow correction. We often trust the professionals. And this is logical. It seems that if a person called himself a master, then that is what he is. But there are many eyebrow masters who make unsuccessful eyebrow corrections. After it, almost no hairs remain on the eyebrows.

Despite the wide range of reasons for the slow growth of hairs on the eyebrows, the situation can be corrected. Even if rare eyebrows are a gift of genetics.

What to do with rare eyebrows?

There are several basic ways to grow eyebrows. Of course, it all depends on the desired speed of obtaining the result and the initial state of the eyebrows.

Basic Rules:

  • regularly do eyebrow massage using oils that stimulate hair growth;
  • during the week 1-2 times, feed the hair follicles with oils with chamomile extract, honey, aloe;
  • take care of your eyebrows every day: clean and comb with a special device;
  • include in your diet foods that contain vitamins for hair growth;
  • Take a course of hair bulb restoration and growth acceleration using professional cosmetics (eyebrow balms, serums).

If you correctly approach the process of stimulating hair growth, then inactive bulbs will come to life. You can see the result in just a month. But the main rule: do not pluck hairs with tweezers.

How to grow eyebrows at home after tattooing?

Many girls resort to the cosmetic tattoo procedure for a number of reasons: rare eyebrows from birth, there is no time for constant care, staining, shaping. The prejudice that it is trendy and beautiful is the main misconception. Beautiful and natural eyebrows are in fashion today.

To restore the growth of eyebrow hair, you can use special oils.

Pharmacy methods

How to grow eyebrows at home? Oils have healing properties.

  1. Castor oil. It is extracted from castor seeds. This oil is often used for hair care, because it:
  • does not form a greasy film;
  • nourishes hair follicles;
  • promotes active growth;
  • smoothes the scales on a thread, making it smoother.
    Usma for eyebrow growth
    2. Burdock oil. Another irreplaceable โ€œcomradeโ€ in the fight for beautiful and thick eyebrows. It contains: palmitic and stearic acid, essential oil, mineral salt and vitamins of groups A, E, C, B.

Burdock oil strengthens and activates hair growth, prevents brittleness and loss, however, it can cause an allergic reaction. Before use, it is necessary to check the reaction of the body. Put a little oil on the back of the wrist, if there is even the slightest redness, then you will have to refrain from using it.

The following oils contribute to the growth of eyebrows: almond, peach, coconut, sea buckthorn, essential, olive.


Usma oil for eyebrow growth is not as popular as burdock. But in vain. Usma (wajda) is widespread in the East. This plant belongs to the medicinal. Usma oil for eyebrow growth is believed to be the most effective. In the East, it has a beneficial effect against hair loss.

The oil, which is obtained from the leaves of usma, is rich in vitamins and micronutrients. Therefore, using usma for eyebrow growth is an ideal solution.

This oil is prescribed even for baldness.

Usma juice has the ability to dye hairs. First turns a dark green color. After a short period of time, it turns black. Oil does not have such a coloring effect. If you do not want to give your eyebrows a dark color, then use usma butter rather than juice.

How to apply?

The application of oil should be combined with massage along the eyebrow line. This will stimulate blood flow and allow better absorption of oil into the base of the hair follicle.

Massage should be done according to the growth of hairs: from nose to ears. Small light tweaks, sharp movements and spiral rubbing.

It is enough to apply a few drops on the fingers and massage it into the eyebrows with massage movements. You can use a special eyebrow brush, an old mascara brush (wash it well beforehand).

How to grow eyebrows quickly at home

It is best to use oil before bedtime, and in the morning, waking up, it needs to be washed off with an eyebrow. In order to accelerate the process of hair growth, such manipulations can be carried out 2 times a day.

After an unsuccessful correction, what should I do?

In pursuit of beautiful eyebrows, itโ€™s important not to overdo it. The desire to pluck hairs to give a perfect shape can only turn around to aggravate the situation.

How to grow eyebrows? First you need to grow hairs, only then give them an attractive external shape.

In addition to daily application of oils, you can use nourishing masks. They can be cooked at home.

Recipe number 1

You will need these ingredients:

  • figs;
  • milk.

Cook the ingredients to a pulp state, cool, put the mixture in gauze or other thin tissue. Later, attach to the eyebrows and cover with a towel to maintain heat, keep the mask on the eyebrows until it cools completely.

Recipe number 2

Need 2 tbsp. l pour chamomile flowers with boiling water, let it brew. Later in the tincture put 1 tsp. honey.

Usma oil for eyebrow growth

Apply the mask with a cotton pad. After 20 minutes, remove the mask from the eyebrow.

I want thick and wide eyebrows, what should I do?

The secret of such eyebrows is regular (daily) care. It is necessary not only to achieve an increase in eyebrow growth, they need to ensure a healthy look.

It is necessary to carry out such manipulations every day.

1. Cleansing. When removing makeup from the eyelids, thoroughly clean the eyebrow arches. Otherwise, cosmetics left overnight destroy the structure of the hair follicles and brittle the hairs on the eyebrows. When cleaning, use products that contain oils. For example, two-phase lotion for make-up remover.

How to grow eyelashes and eyebrows serum for growth

2. Combing. This action should become a habit. The process is no different from how you comb the hair on your head, you just need to accustom yourself to comb the eyebrows. It is recommended to use a special eyebrow brush.

How to grow eyebrows in a week

Prolonged pulling of hairs leads to damage to the hair follicles. Accordingly, hair growth slows down or stops altogether. However, after unsuccessful plucking of eyebrows, they can be grown.

How to grow eyebrows? It is necessary to carry out procedures to enhance eyebrow growth and take care of them daily.

It is known that vitamins of groups A, E, C, B1, B6 and B12 are responsible for hair growth. It is logical to revise the diet and add foods that will contain these vitamins.

Vitamin A is found in viburnum, liver, broccoli, sour cream, butter, carrots.

Home Remedy for Eyebrow Growth

Vitamin E - in nuts, spinach, squid, dried apricots, vegetable oil, seeds, sea buckthorn.

Vitamin C - in rosehip, oranges, sweet pepper, lemon, blackcurrant, cabbage, sea buckthorn, kiwi.

Vitamins B1, B6, B12 - in the liver, meat, fish, beans, pine nuts, lentils, horseradish, oatmeal.

The most effective eyebrow growth treatment

Food should be as balanced as possible. If an element is not enough in the body, this will affect the condition of the hair, bones, nails and skin.

How many eyebrows do they grow?

The hair growth rate is individual. Therefore, even the average period of growing thick and wide eyebrows cannot be assumed. On average, a new hair begins to grow on the 5th day (about 1 mm). After a month, you can expect that the full length of the eyebrow will fully recover.

However, if you use methods to accelerate the growth of hairs, then the first result can already be seen in 2 weeks.

How to grow eyebrows in a week?

Special cosmetics are indispensable. There are a number of high-tech drugs that are aimed at growing eyebrows.

You can conditionally divide them into two categories: hormonal and non-hormonal.

Hormone preparations contain prostaglandins; these hormones are obtained artificially. The most popular and effective drugs in this group:

  • Latiss;
  • "Kareprost";
  • Advanced
  • "Volum";
  • Rapidlash Eyelash Enhancing Serum;
  • Feg Eyelash Enhancer.

Despite the effectiveness of these drugs, they have side effects. You can not use them during pregnancy.

The category of non-hormonal drugs is safer. Since they contain natural ingredients and oils. Of course, the effect will not come as quickly as possible, but will persist for a longer period.

Non-hormonal drugs:

  • SATURA Balm;
  • Mavala Double-lash gel;
  • Talika Lipocils gel;
  • Adonia BrowRevive Organic Serum.

These products are equipped with special brushes to make them convenient to apply.

Effective remedies

To increase the density of hair on the eyebrows, a homemade eyebrow growth agent with honey and cognac can help. Combine a teaspoon of warmed cognac with an equal amount of sweetness. Keep the mask as long as possible, it is allowed to use this tool as a daily eyebrow care.

The most effective tool for eyebrow growth and changing their shape is a mask of onions and almond oil. Grate the root crop, moisten with water. So she will not strongly bake the mucous membrane after melt with oil in equal proportions. Apply the resulting slurry on slightly moistened eyebrows for 40 minutes. This is an excellent tool in finding the answer to the question: "How to grow eyebrows quickly at home?". However, there is a slight drawback: because of the onions, increased tearing is formed.

Another good product released by Evelyn is eyebrow growth serum. Reviews about this cosmetic product are as positive as possible. It contains a whole complex of vitamins and argan oil.

To get perfect wide and thick eyebrows is real, the main thing is to regularly look after them. When growing hairs, try not to use eyebrow makeup. Proper balanced nutrition also affects hair growth.

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