Berezina (river): description and history. Berezina River on the map

Berezina is a river that is not only known to the Russian people. It is listed in the chronology of the French battles, and this country will remember it as long as they remember the commander Napoleon. But the history of this river is connected with other events and military operations.

Belarusian river Berezina: description

This is the longest river in Belarus, its length is 613 km, and the total area of ​​the entire basin is 24,500 km 2 . Berezina is a right tributary of the Dnieper. It originates in the Vitebsk region in a swampy area near the city of Dokshitsy and flows in a southerly direction. Flowing along the Central Berezina plain, it reaches the Gomel region and near the village of Beregovaya Sloboda flows into the Dnieper.

Berezina river

There is a river basin on the southeastern slope of the Belorussian Ridge, which is also considered the watershed of the Baltic and Black Seas. On the east and west sides it intersects with the basins of the Pripyat, Druti and Ptichi rivers . From the north, the Western Dvina River basin ends and the Berezina River continues. On the map you can see that it has a beautiful, winding channel. The depth of the river in the reaches can reach up to 7 meters, but on average it varies from 1.5 to 3 meters. Throughout the course, the channel narrows and expands from 100 to 300 meters.

The banks of the river are steep - 1-2 meters, but sometimes their height can reach up to 15 meters. Mostly on the slopes are forests. The height of the right bank is usually higher than the left. The Berezina River (photos are shown in the article) is navigable, but only in a small area, about 500 km.

Why is the river called "Berezina"

Many are sure that the name came from the simple Russian word birch. But for some this origin is doubtful, because if you take into account the suffixes, the derivative name of this word would rather sound like Berezovka, Birch, etc. Therefore, it is likely that the name of the river came to us from another language, although it also means this white-trunked tree. For example, in the Baltic-Lithuanian language, “birch” sounds like “berzinis”.

Berezina river on the map

But there are those who put forward the version that the word “Berezina” is connected with the Baltic-Slavic root meaning “fast” (Lithuanian: “burzdus”; Proto-Slavic: “birz”), and in Russian this combination sounds like “greyhound”.


Along the river bed are such famous cities as Borisov, Berezino, Bobruisk and Svetlogorsk. There are also several villages. It is interesting that Berezino is located in the very center of the country, and earlier this place was a transshipment point on the river trade route. Gradually, this shopping center with the settlement grew. So the Berezina River in Berezino played a key role in the emergence of this city.

River area

Berezina river in Berezino
After the city of Borisov, the arm of the river gradually turns into an overgrown, swampy area. Rare species of birds settle here, wild animals found their home. On this territory there are many bears and bison. After the Berezinsky Reserve, vegetation on the river is reduced and is preserved only along the banks.

River tourism

Berezina is a river loved by many travelers. In warm time, vacationers regularly cope with kayaks, canoes, kayaks , catamarans and other means. If you swim along the river, you can admire the nature of various reserves and biosphere reserves. On the banks of the Berezina organized tourist parking. You can also drive to the river in your car.

Berezina River Description

Fishing on the Berezina

There are a lot of fish in the river. Here are found: tench, pike, roach, silver bream, perch and crucian carp. Also valuable species live here: chub, burbot, podust, trout, pikeperch, catfish and podust. You can catch in different places, because the river is filled with fish. If it happens that the bite does not go, you need to experiment with gear, bait or place. Sometimes it happens that two fishermen catch next to one bait, one goes one after another, and the second is not lucky, it does not even catch. If this happened to you, try to find your place and depth.

Mark on history

Among the locals there is a legend about the Berezina River. They talk about the fact that an important battle took place on these shores, and the French army led by Napoleon was defeated. Today, many people know the echoes of this story. But only a few know that Berezina is the river of many historical battles. So, in 1709, King Charles XII of Sweden transferred his army across the river and was defeated near Poltava. Also in 1920, the front line of the Soviet-Polish war fell precisely on the Berezina. And in 1944, when the Patriotic War was on, one of the main German groups was defeated on this river.

legend of the berezina river

Despite the fact that in history there have been many battles on the Berezina, the most famous is the defeat of Napoleon.

War with the french

Events unfolded during the Patriotic War in 1812. Napoleon after the battle of Red retreated with his army to the West. Kutuzov with his warriors is significantly behind. But the calculation was that Napoleon would be blocked by Admiral Chichagin with an army of 25 thousand soldiers who would follow from the south. And from the north, the experienced Wittgenstein attacked the French with an army of 35 thousand.

Starting from November 16, Chichagov could already control all possible crossing routes. According to the plan of the Russian command, it was on Berezin that the French army should be defeated together with its emperor. At this point, Napoleon was in a hopeless situation, as he was cramped on all sides, and approached the Berezina River. At that time, he had up to 40 thousand soldiers capable of war. About the same number were injured or unarmed. The army of the French was exhausted.

battle on the river berezina
Napoleon demonstrated to Chichagin that he was preparing to transport troops from the southern side of the city of Borisov. The Russian admiral began to lead his army to the supposed crossing point. At this time, Napoleon was building bridges near the village of Studenki, which was located north of Borisov.

The river was so cold that ice floated on it. Being neck-deep in water, the French spent hours building a crossing. Many died from the cold. On November 26, the army began the crossing. The Russian general Chaplitsa with his small detachment tried to interfere by firing bridges of two guns. He could not come close, since the French were defending. So Napoleon’s army crossed almost without interference.

Berezina river photo

On the second day, when the French pushed the Chaplitz detachment, the troops of Wittgensten fought not far from Borisov. One of the French divisions surrendered.

Only on November 28 Chichagov intervened in the battle on the Berezina river. At this point, the bulk of the French army was able to cross and actively defended. The remaining Napoleonians tried to get to that shore, hundreds of them died from shelling.

November 29 Wittgenstein was able to throw all his strength to the main place of the battle. The remnants of Napoleon’s army and convoys could not cross because the bridges were burned. The French army lost more than 20 thousand soldiers. But those who simply followed Napoleon died - the wounded and civilians (among them women and children). They died not only from bullets, many froze in the river or drowned.

Berezina river on the map

The losses of the Russian army were almost four times less, but, despite this, the battle was considered unsuccessful. Napoleon, who was trapped, was able to leave and save part of the army and lead him to Vilna, today Vilnius. The reason for this was Chichagin.

Both armies attributed themselves a moral victory. It was so, the Russians actually won, but the French were tactically victorious. Averchenko aptly noted: "Napoleon was victorious."

Berezina and the French

As a result of that fateful battle, the French arose a new concept of "birch". The river, or rather its name has become a household name and is used as "tragedy", "disaster" or "catastrophe".

What happened to the army of Napoleon? Interestingly, before this defeat, the French army was considered Great. But now from that moment it has practically ceased to exist. Although Napoleon continued his military campaigns, now his army was ordinary, not so frightening. Since then, she has suffered great defeats and setbacks.

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