Tweezing eyebrows with thread - what is it and how is it done?

What tricks only girls and women do not resort to in their pursuit of excellence! Repaint and lighten hair, exhaust themselves with diets, endure pain during epilation. Daily cosmetic procedures include plucking eyebrows. This part of the face, even more than the eyes themselves, gives it expressiveness and is a natural border.

How much does eyebrow correction cost?
Not every girl has eyebrows in perfect condition. Too thick or irregular shape, unevenly growing hairs - all these imperfections are difficult to hide even under a layer of makeup. So, whatever one may say, you need to tweeze your eyebrows. Another question is how to do this. In modern beauty salons you will be offered many services, but many girls, after they find out how much eyebrow correction costs , decide to do this at home. Today we’ll talk about the trend that came to us from India. This is an alternative to tweezers and waxing - a newfangled plucking of eyebrows with a thread.

This method consists in the fact that two ordinary cotton threads are twisted, and with their help a whole series of hairs is captured and removed. Experts say that using a thread is easier and more convenient than using any tweezers. Moreover, it is not as painful as wax and other means of hair removal.

plucking eyebrows with thread
Tweezing eyebrows with thread: instructions

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect the skin. Then take a thread of 100% cotton 50-60 cm long and fold its ends together. You will get a circle of thread, which you will need to put on the fingers of both hands, "opening" them. Now in the middle, twist the thread several times (at least 10 times). If you open your fingers again, you get a kind of letter “X” with a twisted middle. Move this twisted bundle to the right so that the fingers of the right hand squeezed together, and the left, on the contrary, widens. Then move it in the opposite direction. And so several times, until the twisted section will go back and forth absolutely freely.

In principle, the main tool for work is ready. Now prepare your eyebrows yourself: comb them with a brush and comb them up. Take the thread with the index and thumbs of both hands. Tweezing eyebrows with thread is as follows: the twisted section of the thread is brought close to the skin, after which it moves several times here and there, just as you did before. Thus, the hairs are drawn into tiny gaps between the turns. It remains only to pluck them.

After the procedure, lubricate the skin with a calming lotion - for example, with aloe extract.

eyebrow correction thread
The advantages of this method

  • Eyebrow correction with thread is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to pluck.
  • The hairs are pulled out together with the roots, moreover, several at once.
  • During the procedure, you not only thin out the groomed eyebrows, but also exfoliate the skin.
  • With this method, the hairs grow back much more slowly, becoming softer and thinner.
  • Tweezing eyebrows with thread is a universal method. It is suitable not only for women, but also for men, both for eyebrows and for removing hair above the upper lip, aligning the line of the beard and mustache.

At first, plucking eyebrows with a thread may seem difficult. But after some practice you will use cotton tweezers no worse than a professional cosmetologist.

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