Alexander Smirnov - biography and films

Today we will talk about who Alexander Smirnov is. His films, as well as a biography will be discussed below. This is a Soviet film and theater actor. He is recognized as an Honored Artist of the RSFSR.


Alexander Smirnov is an actor who was born in 1909, September 12. At the age of 12 he worked as a student of a shoemaker. Later he worked at the plant as a planer-toolmaker and a worker. He studied at the general faculty of special purposes. Graduated from it. After that he entered the school of film actors of the Mosfilm film studio. He graduated in 1940.

Alexander Smirnov


Alexander Smirnov is an actor who began to play episodic roles in 1936. At the beginning of World War II, he went to the front as a volunteer. In 1945, after demobilization, he began to work as a full-time actor at Mosfilm, as well as in the Theater-Studio of the film actor. His wife was actress Vera Burlakova. Alexander Ilyich Smirnov passed away in 1977, on July 5. He is recognized as an Honored Artist of the RSFSR.


In 1936, Alexander Smirnov starred in an episode of the painting "Dawns of Paris." He played a worker in the movie Generation of Winners. In 1938 he appeared in the guise of a prisoner in the film “The Oppenheim Family”. In 1940, he received the role of a student in the film "The Law of Life." He played Prince Gorchakov in the film “Suvorov”. In 1941, appeared as Alexei Artamonov in the film “The Artamonov Case”. He was a student in the film "Dream."

Alexander Smirnov actor

In 1946, the film “The Cruiser Varyag” was released on the screens with his participation as a fleet officer. In 1947, Alexander Smirnov played Lastochkin in the film "The Story of a Furious." In 1948 he appeared in the image of a breeder in the film "Michurin." In 1950, he received the role of adjutant in the film "Zhukovsky". He played the communist in the film "Conspiracy of the Doomed." In 1951, Hill became a correspondent for the film "Farewell to America!" Played Skvortsova in the film "Country Doctor".

In 1954, the film "Shipka Heroes" was released, where the actor appeared in the role of General Strukov. In 1955 he played the director of the plant in the film "They came down from the mountains." In 1956 he received the role of Semiyonov in the film "There is such a guy." Appeared in the image of Samoshkin in the film "Polyushko-pole". In 1957 he worked on the painting "Case in the Desert." In 1958, he played Vasily Teplov in the film "The Eighteenth Year." Got the role of Grupsky in the film "Mayakovsky began like that." In 1960 he played a fleet officer in the movie "Michman Panin." The next role is General Krasovsky in the film "Northern Rainbow". Got the role of Popelsky in the film "Blind Musician." From 1960 to 1961 he worked on the painting "Resurrection", in which he played jury Nikiforov. In 1961, he appeared in the guise of the director of a psychiatric hospital in the film “The Court of the Crazy.” In 1964, starred in the films "Moscow-Genoa" and "Missiles should not take off." In 1965, two films were released with his participation “Black Business” and “Year as Life”.

Alexander Ilyich Smirnov

From 1965 to 1967, Alexander Smirnov worked on the painting "War and Peace." In 1966, he starred in the films “How Many Years, How Many Winters!”, “Conscience” and “The Cyclone Will Start at Night”. In 1967, received a role in the film "They Live Together." In 1968 he worked on the films “Spring on the Oder”, “First Girl” and “The Mysterious Monk”. In 1969 he played in the film "Tchaikovsky". In 1970, he starred in the films “The Moscow Character”, “One of Us” and “Sespel”. From 1970 to 1971 he worked on the film Waterloo. From 1970 to 1972 he participated in the film "Liberation". In 1971, starred in the films "World Guy" and "Nyurkina Life." In 1972, received a role in the film "Taming the Fire." In 1973, starred in the film "And in the Pacific."


Now we will tell you more about the last picture, in which Alexander Smirnov participated. The events of the film “And in the Pacific Ocean” take us back to 1922. The civil war is nearing completion. Parts of the Far Eastern Soviet Republic are attacking White Guard troops near Spassky. Vladivostok is awash with American and Japanese interventionists. Despite their neutrality, they interfere in the life of the Far Eastern Territory and rob the population. At the same time, the military overthrows the liberal government of the Merkulovs. In Vladivostok establish a military dictatorship.

Alexander Smirnov movies

Peklevanov - the head of the Bolsheviks with a pair of comrades makes an escape from prison. One prisoner is being killed. At the same time, in a nearby village, a prosperous peasant Vershinin was traveling with his wife to Vladivostok. They want to sell fish in the market. However, the representative of the Far Eastern government appears in the village, he is trying to rape a resident. Guys stop him. In response, he begins to shoot. The men take away the revolver from him. Vershinin lets him go. He begins to shoot again. Mirosha from a gun kills him.

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