Quentin Tarantino: biography, personal life, best films

Quentin Tarantino is one of the most popular and successful directors of our time. His approach to work causes many indignation, his corporate identity has earned a large number of mixed reviews, but his films have long been classics of the genre. The cult director has been awarded many prestigious awards; he has a multi-million army of fans. The best films, biography and personal life of Quentin Tarantino - in the article further.

early years

Quentin Tarantino's biography begins in the US state of Tennessee. The future great director was born by a young woman named Connie, who was barely sixteen. She was distinguished by outstanding successes in school, which, thanks to her knowledge, she graduated at 15. Connie was educated as a nurse, and later became engaged to musician Tony Tarantino. The couple did not have special love, the termination of such an alliance was swift. After some time, the woman gave birth to a son, and his father never found out about it.

When the boy was two, he and his mother moved to Los Angeles. There she married again, and again to the musician who adopted the young man. In the photo - Quentin Tarantino in childhood.

Quentin Tarantino photo

Connie had to work hard, so Quentin, studying in elementary school, was often left to his own devices. His favorite pastime was watching movies and TV shows. As a child, he watched everything. Most of the paintings were not intended for people under 16 years old, however, the curious Tarantino did not resist the demonstration of violence. The cinema has become Quentin's favorite place. At age 15, the young man dropped out of school and got a ticket. Despite the fact that the direction of his place of work was very piquant, the guy dreamed exclusively of high-quality cinema. For the sake of this, Tarantino began to attend evening acting classes.

Young quentin

At 22, the future director tripled to work in a video rental, where he not only was able to review countless films, but also learn about the preferences of cinema lovers. Such knowledge definitely helped him in creating his masterpieces, although they are not designed for mass consumption.

The beginning of the creative path

The beginning of his career in a short biography of Quentin Tarantino is often mentioned with the creation of the film "Reservoir Dogs". However, the future director began by writing scripts, following the advice of acquaintance producer Lawrence Bender. Quentin's first work, written in 1985, was "Captain Peachfuz and the Anchovy Bandit," which was never realized. After that, Tarantino created many images and plots, but remained unattended by various studios. After several years of searching and wandering around Hollywood, Quentin, together with his friend Roger Avery, shot the amateur film "My Best Friend's Birthday". Half of the work was destroyed by fire at the installation stage, so the work remained unfinished. After that, the future famous director starred in the comedy series "Golden Girls". Quentin Tarantino first appeared on television as a double of Elvis Presley.

The script for the first full-length picture of Tarantino was written in three weeks. A project called "Mad Dogs" Quentin was ready to take off without a full budget. The money appeared thanks to the then-famous actor Harvey Keitel, who took part in the creation of the first Tarantino film.

Quentin in Mad Dogs

"Mad Dogs"

The debut picture "Reservoir Dogs" was released in 1992. The premiere took place on January 18 at the Sundance Film Festival. In May, the work of Tarantino took part in the program of the Cannes Film Festival.

The plot of the film is set around a gang of criminals about to commit a robbery. However, something went wrong, and the guys gather in the appointed place to understand who could set them up.

Little known then Tarantino received a huge amount of positive reviews. Despite the fact that during the session many viewers left their seats, in general, the tape was warmly received. The director was able to recoup his work in three times before the official American hire.

Among the merits of "Mad Dogs", critics noted, of course, the direction of Quentin Tarantino, contributing to the development of independent cinema.

"Crime novel"

Two years later, Tarantino made his second film, which brought the director real success and worldwide fame - Pulp Fiction. The plot of the picture has a non-linear structure, which has become the hallmark and directorial style of Quentin. The film shows several stories that are not interconnected at first glance: here are the preparation of two young people for a robbery, and the philosophical conversations of two gangsters, and a drug overdose of a girl. All of these storylines are ultimately intertwined.

Tarantino in Pulp Fiction

The picture was awarded many prestigious awards. Millions of viewers who have fallen in love with Quentin’s cinema have begun calling his style “Tarantino”. It is characterized not only by the absence of a chronological narrative, but also by the presence of branded long dialogue characters.

Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction is regularly ranked among the top ten films. He was awarded the Academy Award for Best Screenplay, as well as the main award at the Cannes Film Festival. In total, the picture has more than forty different movie awards.

Meet Robert Rodriguez

Quentin Tarantino’s biography says that life brought him to different people. The maestro met Robert Rodriguez at the Toronto Film Festival during the presentation of his debut Mad Dogs. Robert represented his "Musician" there. Novice directors, having talked, found a lot in common and decided to cooperate.

Quentin and Robert

Their first collaboration was the 1995 Four Rooms movie, which consists of four parts that combine the scene (hotel) and the main character (receptionist). Tarantino and Rodriguez removed two parts. The story of Robert tells the story of a Mexican gangster family, and Quentin showed the story of a man from Hollywood. A year later, Tarantino took part in the creation of Rodriguez's Desperate painting.

In 1996, Quentin unveiled an unrealized scenario in which the plot revolves around two felons. They take the family hostage and cross the Mexican border. There, the company stops at a bar where vampires rest. Tarantino focused on finalizing the script and working on the main role, and the director's chair gave way to a friend Rodriguez. "From Dusk Till Dawn" was released in 1996.

Tarantino's From Dusk Till Dawn

Jackie Brown

"Jackie Brown" is a crime film released in 1997. The picture is an adaptation of Tarantino's favorite work "Rum Punch." Starring Pam Grier and Samuel L. Jackson.

The plot focuses on a stewardess moonlighting as a cash smuggler and arrested by federal services.

The film did not deserve rave reviews from critics and was received very coolly. Many viewers were upset when they saw no continuation of the two previous works of the maestro.

After a kind of failure, the director gave only one interview and practically left the cinema. Tarantino's vacation lasted almost six years.

"Kill Bill"

Quentin Tarantino and Uma Thurman have already worked together to create Pulp Fiction. In 2003, the director "loudly" returned to the cinema, releasing the first part of the film "Kill Bill." The plot of the bloody action movie was developed by the maestro while still working on the second picture.

Tarantino and Thurman

The film is made in the style of spaghetti western in combination with a plentiful demonstration of martial arts. The film tells the story of a girl who decided to avenge her ex-husband for treason and attempted murder.

The second part of "Kill Bill", released a year later, has more dialogs and fewer battle scenes than the first.

"Inglourious Basterds"

Another important project in Quentin Tarantino’s directorial biography is the movie Inglourious Basterds. The premiere of the picture took place in 2009. The plot unfolds during the Second World War. In occupied France, a group of Jewish soldiers begins a real hunt for the Nazis, killing them and removing scalps from German enemies.

The picture was perceived extremely ambiguously in different countries of the world. Despite this, film critics praised the work of Tarantino. Inglourious Basterds has been nominated for eight Oscars. Christopher Waltz, who received the main Hollywood award, was called by many experts Quentin's "secret weapon."

Tarantino and Westerns

"Django Unchained"

In 2011, director Quentin Tarantino began work on the creation of the spaghetti western "Django Unchained". Filming ended a year later, the premiere of the picture, in which the viewer is introduced to the story of a slave named Django, who was free and trying to find his wife, took place in 2012. Starring: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, and Leonardo DiCaprio. Tarantino was awarded the second Oscar for this scenario.

"Disgusting Eight"

In 2015, another Western-style Tarantino project was released - The Abominable Eight. The main roles in the film were played by Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Lee. The action takes place after the end of the Civil War in the United States. The heroes of the film gather in the inn to hide from the storm. Together with them in the room are other travelers. The picture was awarded the Oscars and Golden Globes. The film was praised by critics.

Tarantino and DiCaprio

Other projects

There are a lot of rumors and facts in the biography of Quentin Tarantino. The maestro himself likes to embellish the story or reassure the listener. It happened with a large number of unrealized projects of the director. It is worth noting, first of all, of course, the long-awaited third part of “Kill Bill,” which Quentin has been promising fans for a long time.

There have also been many rumors about Quentin creating a film ending the revenge trilogy (Inglourious Basterds, Django Unchained), but work has not begun.

Despite all the promises, in August 2019 Tarantino’s ninth film “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” will be released. The main roles in the film went to Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt. The plot revolves around the murders committed by the gang of Charles Manson.

Personal life

Quentin Tarantino’s biography contains many stories related to his personal life. He had a relationship with actress Mira Sorvino, and with director Allison Anders, and even with Sofia Coppola, although the last maestro calls her friend everywhere. Of course, one should not lose sight of the rumors about his connections with Uma Thurman, but Quentin denied them.

Quentin married

On November 28, 2018, Tarantino first married. His chosen one was Daniela Peak. At the time of the betrothal, Quentin was 55 years old. The cult director has no children yet.

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