Pressure chamber in Moscow: description of the procedure, addresses, reviews

If you live in a constant multitasking mode, bear a lot of responsibility at work, spend little time in the sun and in general, are tired so that you want to howl at the moon, there is a great way - a pressure chamber, in Moscow or another city. A wonderful way to restore the body and restore vitality.

What is a pressure chamber?

Most often, this is a small room, finished inside with metal, or an iron capsule, all the details of which are clearly matched to each other to create absolute tightness. Under these conditions, increased or decreased pressure is created. This indicator is the basis for the smooth operation of the device.

pressure chamber session

Operating principle

In Moscow, the pressure chamber is quite popular, reviews about the procedure are mostly positive. The principle of its operation is quite simple: in a sealed enclosed small space, a certain pressure is created at which the composition and saturation of the gas mixture, which contains a large concentration of oxygen, is clearly regulated. In this regard, certain conditions must be observed, a kind of safety precautions. Before placing a person in the apparatus, it is necessary to remove clothing, jewelry and other items that could cause injury. What for? If oxygen, in high pressure, comes in contact with explosive, flammable materials, a sharp fire or explosion may occur.

A person is placed inside the capsule for a period of half an hour to an hour, as indicated by the attending physician. During this time, the body is saturated with oxygen due to the flow of blood. Under pressure, this happens several times faster. In a pressure chamber, the pressure approaches pressure five meters below sea level. Blood delivers oxygen molecules to the farthest parts of the body. It is scientifically proven that it is the lack of oxygen that causes many serious chronic diseases, including the formation of malignant tumors.

pressure chamber monitoring

As we know from the chemistry course, an excess of oxygen puts the body into sleep. According to the reviews of patients and doctors, this is one of the advantages of a pressure chamber, a deep, quiet sleep, without constant alerts on the phone and calls, has a truly magical effect on the body. One session per week restores strength and energizes for the whole week. It is especially recommended for people with mental labor and for those who work in closed, poorly ventilated rooms and lack oxygen. The average course duration is from five to ten sessions.

Benefit and harm

In many cities, including Moscow, the pressure chamber is considered a medical method of treatment and has a fairly wide list of indications for use:

  • all degrees of carbon monoxide or chemical gas poisoning;
  • all forms of oxygen starvation, including brain hypoxia;
  • with anemia caused by mechanical damage;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • gastrointestinal tract disorders;
  • psychiatry;
  • gynecological problems;
  • erectile problems in men;
  • weight disorders;
  • alcohol and drug addiction;
  • rehabilitation of cancer patients;
  • dermatitis and skin diseases;
  • visual impairment;
  • ENT pathology;
  • recovery after surgery.
medical survey

According to doctors, oxygen contributes to the active renewal and restoration of cells. And if you combine the pressure chamber sessions with physical exercises, which also supply the body with oxygen and prevent the blood from stagnating, you can achieve truly amazing results, be healthy and strong.

Despite an impressive list of recommendations, the pressure chamber, like any medical treatment, may have contraindications. It is not recommended to use such treatment for people suffering from claustrophobia and epilepsy attacks. It is worth taking care of with heart disease, coronary disease, tuberculosis. In severe asthma, signs of pulmonary, cardiac, renal and hepatic insufficiency, the pressure chamber is prescribed exclusively by the prescription of the leading doctor.

State Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin

pressure chamber at the Botkin hospital

The licensed procedure in the pressure chamber in Moscow can be found, first of all, in the city clinical hospital named after S.P. Botkin, which has a specialized department of diving medicine. All procedures are carried out under the supervision of a highly qualified diving doctor. Over the eight years of the department’s existence, the department’s specialists have gained vast experience in identifying and treating all diseases associated with diving. Unique doctors helped patients not only from all over Russia, but also from abroad: Mexico, the Philippines, and the Baltic Sea countries. It is worth saying that the diving medicine department cooperates with doctors from the Ministry of Emergencies, FMBA and IBMP.

The department has four pressure chambers, two purely oxygen, two with an oxygen-air system, with which you can conduct extended sessions. According to doctors in the reviews, the technical capabilities allow us to analyze and identify almost all diseases and related complications. Also at the State Clinical Hospital named after Botkin uses hypobaric hypoxia, translated into civilian language means "mountain air". The method of oxygen deficiency is used exclusively as directed by your doctor.

The Botkinsky pressure chamber in Moscow is located at: 2nd Botkinsky passage, building 5, third floor.

Diagnostic and treatment center R +

The R + treatment center also has a pressure chamber. The procedure in Moscow, in the area of ​​Kommunarka, is carried out at the address: pos. Kommunarka, st. Linden Park, building 6, building 1. The facility is open daily from 10.00 to 19.00 and offers a wide range of services, including oxygen barotherapy. You can make an appointment not only directly at the clinic, but also online. The cost of the service is about four thousand rubles. Those who have already passed the pressure chamber session in R +, in their reviews rate it as a strong four, but complain about the rather high cost of the service.

City Clinical Hospital № 13

State Clinical Hospital №13

The hyperbaric oxygenation method treats a wide list of diseases at the City Clinical Hospital No. 13 in Moscow. Pressure chamber sessions here are prescribed for people with chronic fatigue, low immunity, migraine, poor condition of the body as a whole. Sessions are conducted under the supervision of experienced doctors. Each procedure is designed for an hour. At this time, due to the increased oxygen content, the patient may even sleep, which will beneficially affect the effectiveness of the procedure as a whole. The number of necessary procedures is prescribed by a general practitioner who identifies problems through general tests. The number of appointments can vary from five to fifteen.

The pressure chamber address in Moscow: st. Velozavodskaya, house 1/1, therapeutic building. Barozal is located on the seventh floor. The cost of the procedure is about two thousand rubles.

City Clinical Hospital № 29 named after N.E. Bauman

Treatment in a pressure chamber in Moscow can be taken at the Clinical Hospital. Bauman. Here the baroque complex is also installed in the maternity ward. Under the supervision of doctors, pregnant women with diabetes, gastrointestinal tract diseases and the cardiovascular system are treated here. In addition, oxygenation sessions are prescribed during the reproduction of the child, to stimulate the organs of the reproductive system and prepare them for childbirth. Particular attention is paid to identifying any birth anomalies, as well as hypoxia in a child. Before using the pressure chamber, patients must undergo an examination and pass all the tests to confirm and clarify the problems to be solved.

Cabinet chamber at the State Clinical Hospital named after Bauman works daily from 8.30 to 15.30 at the address: Hospital Square, building 2. The cost of the procedure is about 1200 rubles.

pressure chamber in the maternity ward

Medical Center "Leda"

If you are looking for the addresses of the pressure chamber in Moscow where they will provide quality services, pay attention to the Leda medical center, which is located in the heart of the capital, at 2 Yamskaya Street, 9. Barotherapy in this institution is one of the priority areas, so the center’s specialists are very responsible suitable for patients who need oxygenation. Reviews about this institution are positive. The pressure chamber cabinet is open on weekdays from 9.00 to 19.00, on Saturdays from 10.00 to 14.00, the cost of one session is about 1,500 rubles. The center is equipped with modern medical and diagnostic equipment. Experts recommend a course of barotherapy with increased mental and physical stress, with sleep disorders and other types of diseases. Barotherapy sessions in conjunction with drug treatment can achieve excellent results in a short time.

Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 1

child oxygenation

In this medical facility, there are two single pressure chambers in operation. If you brought an infant to the session, the parent is placed in the pressure chamber with him. Before the appointment of the procedure, the doctor of the department analyzes the general condition of the patient and identifies existing problems. If there are no contraindications, the nurses issue a set of special underwear and put you in a pressure chamber. The duration of one session is an hour, the cost is about three thousand rubles. Address: Volokolamsk highway, 63.

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