What is the composition of a word? Examples of word composition: "repetition", "help", "snowdrop"

The composition of the word is especially often asked to make out high school students. Indeed, thanks to such activities, the guys are much better at learning the material of word formation and spelling of various expressions. But, despite the ease of this task, students do not always perform it correctly. What is the reason for this? We will talk about this later.

word composition

General information about the analysis of the word composition

In philological science, parsing words by composition is called "morphemic analysis." It is believed that this is the most difficult analytical work that should be carried out with the lexical units of our mother tongue. But if you stick to a certain algorithm, this procedure can be carried out very easily, quickly and correctly.

Word composition

As you know, all words in the Russian language consist of an ending and a stem. The last part includes: suffix, root and prefix. They are usually called morphemes.

What is a morpheme?

"Morpheme" from Greek is translated as "form". That is, this is a significant and minimal part of the word, which cannot be divided into smaller units.

Morpheme has a grammatical meaning and a grammatical form. It is capable of transmitting completely different types of values, namely:

  • Lexical. Its carrier is the root morpheme.
  • Grammatical. His carrier are official morphemes.
  • Word-building. This value is introduced by affixes.
    snowdrop word composition

Zero Morphemes

It should also be noted that in addition to materially expressed, in the Russian language there are zero morphemes, which also have a grammatical meaning. Let us give an example: in the word “house” there is no material ending, but in the word “carried” - the suffix and the end of the past tense.

What parts does the word consist of?

As mentioned above, the composition of the word includes: prefix, root, base, suffix and ending. To understand how to correctly find these parts, you should define each of them:

  • The ending is called the variable part of the word. As a rule, it forms forms, and also serves as a link in various phrases and sentences. However, it should be noted that the ending may be zero.
  • The basis is a part of one or another word without ending.
  • The root is the main and most significant part of the word. Usually it reflects the general lexical meaning of all existing root words.
  • The prefix is ​​also a significant part of the word. As a rule, she faces the root. The prefix is ​​necessary for the formation of new words.
  • The suffix is ​​the significant part of the word. Usually it stands after the root. The suffix serves to form new words.
    word compositions answers

The main stages of parsing words by composition

The composition of the word is analyzed according to a specific algorithm. In this case, it is necessary to use special graphic symbols. Consider the main stages of this analysis in more detail:

  1. Experts note that in the Russian language there are completely different ways of parsing a word by composition. However, they all agree on one thing: first you need to find and highlight the ending. In order to do this, the parsed word must be changed by case, gender, numbers or persons. Thus, single-root forms can quite easily help you determine the ending.
  2. After determining the end by circling it in a rectangular or square frame, you need to select the basis. As a rule, it is emphasized by a straight line, and small sticks are placed on the sides, as if "closing" a segment.
  3. After the base, you need to find the root. In order to determine it, it is necessary to select several cognate words. This process is not time-consuming, especially if the form is familiar and not very long. However, in some cases, students still have difficulties at this stage. Typically, this happens when the parsed word is little known or too long. In such situations, experts suggest first selecting suffixes and prefixes, and only at the very end indicate the root. By the way, this morpheme is distinguished using an arc, which is placed on top.
    morphemes prefix suffix ending
  4. After the root, you must select the prefix. Finding her is pretty simple. The prefix is ​​indicated by a straight line (above), drawing down a small line that separates it from the root.
  5. At the last stage of parsing a word, suffixes should be defined. They are indicated by a corner. In most cases, it is with this part of the word that problems arise. There are a lot of suffixes. Moreover, they are diverse in meaning. The best option is to memorize the main suffixes for each part of the speech.

Word composition: parsing examples

Now you know the order of parsing the word in composition. Let's try to apply the presented algorithm in practice. To do this, we use three different words: "snowdrop", "repetition" and "help."

  1. Let us analyze the composition of the word "snowdrop":
  • Determine the ending. To do this, you need to change the word by cases and numbers: "snowdrop", "snowdrop", "snowdrops" and soil. As you can see, this word has a zero ending.
  • The foundation is the whole word.
  • Determine the root. For this, it is necessary to choose the same root words: “snow” (“g” and “g” - alternating consonants), “snowy” and so on. Thus, the root is the next part - “snow”.
  • We determine the prefix. The word "snowdrop" is a noun that literally means "under the snow." That is, the prefix will be “under”.
  • Define the suffix. This is the hardest part. To do this, we need to select several cognate words that will help us understand how it was formed: “snow”, “snowdrop”, “snowdrop”, “snowdrop”. This example shows that this word has two suffixes “n” and “ik”.
    word composition repetition

2. We analyze the composition of the word "repetition":

  • Determine the ending. To do this, you need to change the word by cases: "repetition", "repetition", "repetition". As you can see, this word has the ending “e”.
  • The basis is the next part of the word - "repetition".
  • Determine the root. For this, it is necessary to select the same root words: “repeat,“ repeat ”, etc. Thus, the next part“ second ”acts as the root.
  • We determine the prefix. The word "repetition" is a noun. His prefix will be "by."
  • Define the suffix. To do this, you need to pick up several root words: “repeat”, “repeat”, “repeat”, “repeat”. This example shows that this word has one suffix “eni”.
    word composition examples

3. We analyze the composition of the word "help":

  • Determine the ending. To do this, you need to change the word, but "help" is the initial form of the verb. Some textbooks claim that it has a zero ending, although most teachers recommend that the next part be “framed”.
  • The basis is the whole word or "help."
  • Determine the root. To do this, it is necessary to select the same root words: “helped,” helped, “helped,” “can” (“g” and “w” - alternating consonants) and so on. Thus, the root is the following part - “could”.
  • We determine the prefix. The word "repetition" is an indefinite verb. His prefix will be "by."
  • Define the suffix. In the initial form of the verb, the suffix is ​​usually the vowel before “t”. In this case, it is the letter “a”.
    word composition help

To summarize

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in independently determining the composition of the word. Answers to questions that may arise during this analysis can be easily found by contacting the school textbook or your teacher.

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