Countries with which China borders - what are these states?

China .... Such a great state with an incredible history, centuries-old culture, unusual infrastructure, climate does not cease to win the hearts of a man who once stepped on his land. It occupies one of the three leading places as a heavily populated country and gives way only to Canada and Russia. This majestic state dominates the production and export of quality cars, but this is not all that China is superior to other countries, since there is no country that can surpass its world leadership in manufacturing industrial products or in the number of gold and foreign exchange reserves.

countries bordered by china

As in any state, in China there is a state authority (All-China National Assembly), which began its reign in 1949 (the People's Republic of China was proclaimed ).

The geography of this country captivates with its diversity: the rocky highest mountains that rushed into the sky at 2000 m above sea level (we are talking about Tibet), many rivers connecting China into a single water system and overlooking the Pacific, Indian and Arctic oceans.

Since the territory of the state is quite large, the climate is very diverse and most depends on which countries China borders on and which climate zones it covers. The temperature regime can vary sharply from 28 ° C to 30 ° C heat, from dry weather to constant heavy rains.

Which countries does China border?

The countries with which China borders have a great influence on the formation of its economy, traditions, and religious trends.

This state is located in East Asia. Russia borders China from the east, from the west - Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, from the north - Mongolia, from the south-west - India, Nepal, and from the south - Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos.


So, Russia, like this state, is a multi-populated country with an incredible infrastructure. Its predecessor was the USSR, which in many respects influenced the further development of the country's politics and economy. Russia is a federal republic. The territorial location of the country covers the European and Asian parts of the world. The population is multinational.

Countries bordering China, such as Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, have a large Russian-speaking population.

Russia borders on China

Most of the territory of Kyrgyzstan is located in the mountains, which makes the country especially attractive for tourists. Engaged in the country mainly in agriculture. Recently, there has been an outflow of population to other states due to increased unemployment.

Afghanistan and Tajikistan

Afghanistan is the poorest country in the world. At the same time, the state occupies a very favorable territory for foreign economic activity. Like other countries with which China borders, Afghanistan is located on a mountainous territory.

Tajikistan is the only state that uses the Persian language in everyday life. More than 90% of the territory is occupied by mountains. Deposits of silver, gold, and precious stones are being developed here, which, of course, makes Tajikistan a significant state.

Mongolia has no access to the oceans, but at the same time the country has a functioning navy. The population of the state is less religious than the inhabitants of any other country with which China borders. Most of the population are ethnic Mongols. The country has an established sales market for goods that it produces, which makes Mongolia more stable in terms of economic development.

India is the most interesting country for tourists and visitors thanks to traditions that have remained unchanged after centuries. The country has two languages ​​- English and Hindi. A large number of rivers flow through the territory, which causes difficulties for the population in the form of constant floods. The state is located much more advantageous than the countries with which China borders, as it occupies a zoogeographic zone, where the largest number of animals of various species are found.

Some states that are nearby

Nepal has a caste socio-political system that divides citizens into people with low social status and high. Residents are engaged in agriculture, while in the world ranking the country is considered poor.

countries bordering China

Over the years, Vietnam is increasingly threatened by flooding due to global warming. The territory is rich in natural resources (coal, manganese), there are deposits of gas and oil. In recent years, foreign economic relations have been established with other countries, and foreign investment has been received.

Myanmar and Laos

Myanmar is also rich in natural resources. On its territory, oil, gold, copper, coal is mined. The country is considered the second in the production and export of narcotic drugs.

Unlike other states, Laos is located in a forested area, mountains are less common. The country is mainly engaged in the export of coffee and timber.


So, above we examined which countries China borders with, and we can conclude that historically each has contributed a bit to the development of this magnificent state.

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