How to draw up an Internet source in the list of references - features and requirements

In just a few decades, the Internet has become for millions the main source of information. And not only for housewives who are looking for recipes for new muffins on its expanses, but also for those who write scientific papers. And if so, in the references to any course, diploma or dissertation, you need to specify links to the used Internet sources. Let's find out how to do it right, according to the requirements of GOST.

What are online sources?

From the name of this term, it is not difficult to guess its meaning. This is the name of a web resource that contains information used to write scientific work.

list of internet sources

Simply put, this is a website or page on the Internet dedicated to a topic of interest.

Electronic resources

Internet sources are sometimes correlated with electronic.

how to draw up internet sources

However, these terms are not always the same. The latter concept is more extensive and means all kinds of digital sources. And there are two of them:

  • local;
  • remote.

In the first case, we are talking about CDs or DVDs with data. Internet sources refer to remote electronic resources, being only their type. Therefore, to completely correlate both terms is not always appropriate. And although the design algorithm for Internet sources and data from disks is similar, it has some differences. It is important to pay attention to them so as not to make mistakes.

What GOST defines design rules?

When compiling any list of references, you need to follow the basic rules. Thanks to this, everyone will be able to understand what kind of book, magazine, article or web resource were used, and find them. This standardization allows the globalization of the scientific process. Its purpose is to make the list of Internet sources (or any other) compiled for a course student of any university understandable to professors anywhere in the world.

list of internet sources by guest

To achieve this goal, in each country certain state standards are introduced.

In the Russian Federation, the registration of all types of electronic resources is controlled by GOST 7.82 - 2001. In addition to the Russian Federation, it was recognized by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

In what order are the web resources listed in the bibliography?

Before considering how to record Internet sources according to GOST, you should find out some details about their location in the general list of references. Most often, it does not consist of one, but many types of sources, each of which has its own GOST. Moreover, all such standards require a certain uniform procedure for their placement. He is next.

  • The laws. They are arranged in the order of their importance. From international to local.
  • Books.
  • Articles from newspapers, magazines, almanacs and other periodicals.
  • Local electronic resources.
  • Sources of information taken from the Internet.

Thus, in the list of references, Internet sources are listed last. This does not detract from their importance. The meaning of such requirements is ease of perception. Being the most accessible, they are deliberately placed at the end, so that the authenticator of the content of the scientific work initially turns to more inaccessible components. For starting with Internet sources, he may not have enough time and energy to look for books and magazines in the library. Especially if they are not yet digitized.

design of internet sources

The above arrangement of resources also applies to lists consisting entirely of remote electronic sources. They are arranged in the same order: laws, online books, articles. Please note: when dealing with sites of periodicals where their paper counterparts are duplicated, they should always be indicated last. Even if a part of the book or an excerpt from any regulatory act was posted there.

How can I make links to web resources for a list of references?

It is worth remembering that when pointing to data from the Internet, you can’t just give the site address (as sometimes resources using data from other sites do it). This is a blunder.

If we compare it with a record of book sources, this is equivalent to simply writing the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, while it consists of thirty volumes, each of which has hundreds of articles on different topics.

Even if for some reason all the data for scientific work was taken from one site (for example, from Wikipedia, the most beloved by everyone and the same amount of abuse), there should be a list of links to specific articles taken from this resource.

The main types of links

All links to Internet sources can be divided into categories, depending on what type of resource they point to.

  • Site.
  • Webpage.
  • Online book.
  • A periodical published on the Internet.

Despite all this diversity, in the list of references they are made out according to one principle.

Design algorithm

In fact, the principle of recording the source of information taken from the Internet is similar to the design of a regular link in the list of references. Guided by the same order, the data is located here:

  • about the author;
  • about the name of the site, article, etc .;
  • publication (if any, unlike printed matter, on the Internet, this information may not be fully accessible or even hidden), allowing you to find the source.

According to GOST for electronic resources, all the points mentioned above should be drawn up in this way.

  • Author. First, his surname is indicated, then the initials without decoding: K. Myshkevich. Please note that this should be the creator of the article or online book, and not the entire site. Although there are times when it is one and the same person. For example, like Alex Exler for his copyright resource.
  • As in the case of books, their creator may be not one person, but a group of persons. Despite this, at the beginning only one of them is indicated. The one who is recorded first, even if the author’s location is not alphabetical.
  • There is another situation where the author is not indicated, then in the first place is the title. Regardless of the presence / absence of information about the creator, it is drawn up according to a single standard. It can consist of several words or a couple of sentences. They should point to a specific passage, and not the entire site.
  • After the title in square brackets necessarily written [Electronic resource], instead of the usual [Tex]. This helps to indicate the type of document. After it is placed a slash sign (/).
  • Statement of responsibility. This is again the data on the authors, editors, compilers. They begin to write with the initials: M.K. Klavin. If there are more than five creators, only the first three are indicated, then "et al." For example: M. L. Rosen, M. N. Khrustaleva, P. S. Bochkina, etc. If the author is not indicated, but there is data on the place of compilation, they should be written down. For example: NUINU (Universal Scientific Institute for Extraordinary Services).
  • In cases where you have to deal with an excerpt from an online book or magazine (as well as with links to paper sources), you need to write down where it was taken from. In other words, provide information about the main document. To do this, a double slash (//) is put in front of its name. For example: // Obvious and incredible.
  • The place and date of publication, in the case of web resources, is not always possible to establish. And if for books they look like “Kitezhgrad, 2018”, for an Internet source it will be just the number of the year and the magazine (if this is a periodical). When these data are not known - their admission is allowed.
  • System requirements to facilitate page viewing. Depending on its typology may vary. For example, if the site is paid, or certain information is available only for registered users (as is the case with Facebook).
  • Email address It is needed so that you can go to the site where the information for scientific work is taken from. In front of this data is written "Access Mode" and put a colon sign (:). It can be replaced with the abbreviation URL. However, the first option is preferable. The following is the address of the site copied from the Internet. Moreover, the link should lead precisely to that page (book, article) where the information used is located.
  • Date of the application. Theoretically, this parameter is optional and can be omitted. That's just the site from where the data was taken, may cease to exist or change. Therefore, by adding information about the appeal date to the link to the Internet source (in numbers: day. Month. Year and "g."), You can at least insure yourself against accusations of using false information with a non-existent resource.

As an example, we can provide a link to an article on the rules for designing various sources in the list of references posted on the same site:

Shamshurina Yu. S. Design of the list of references according to GOST: rules, examples [Electronic resource]. Access mode: (Date of access: 11/23/2018)

Practical examples

Having considered in theory how to draw up Internet sources, let's move on to practice.

Below is a short list that lists web resources with data on GOSTs. Please note that they are official documents - which means that they are always the first among others.

internet sources

The second example (see below) shows a record of three varieties of Internet sources.

  • Just a shared resource.
  • A separate article from the forum.
  • The digitized version of a regular book posted on the Internet.
    Internet sources in the list of references

Design Language

This question is quite important due to the fact that many sites have menus in several languages.

Remember: when compiling a list of Internet sources according to GOST, their headers, as well as the names of the authors, should be written in the form as they were read. That is, if you used the English version - then in English, if the Japanese - then in Japanese, etc.

What is doi and what does the containing link to an internet source look like?

In conclusion, it is worth considering such a thing as a digital identifier of an object. He is a doi (Digital Object Identifier). It is an analogue of the “access mode” and is assigned to all electronic publications. Unlike a network address (capable of changing), it is stable. Therefore, it is more often used in international practice.

design of internet sources

Doi looks that way. When specified, access mode data is not required.

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