Leukocytes in the blood are elevated after childbirth: rules for blood sampling, decoding of tests, reasons for the increase, possible diseases and doctor's advice

The process of pregnancy and childbirth is quite complicated. In this period of time, a woman is subjected to stress and a number of changes, both physiologically and psychologically. Particular attention should be paid to your health, to monitor the performance of all tests in a given period. If the white blood cells are elevated in the blood after childbirth, this is a sign of a violation and indicates the need for immediate intervention.

The purpose of the white blood cells

These blood cells perform a protective function of the body and are responsible for the immune system. If their level in the body exceeds normal indicators, this indicates the onset of the disease. A protective reaction is triggered, in connection with which the body begins to produce new white blood cells in order to overcome the disease.

Therefore, leukocytosis is a fairly common phenomenon in a woman who has given birth.

Five types of cells are the main component of the leukocyte group:

  • lymphocytes;
  • monocytes;
  • neutrophils;
  • basophils;
  • eosinophils.
under the microscope

Lymphocytes and monocytes are agranulocytes, which means that they do not have granules of cytoplasm. And the rest are called granulocytes, since they are granular.

Certain functions are performed by each type:

  1. Neutrophils are the largest group. Segmented (mature forms) - the main of neutrophils that circulate in the blood of a sick person. But stab (young) in the blood quite a bit. Fighting harmful bacteria is their main purpose.
  2. Basophils are one of the largest granulocytes. They are involved in the formation of inflammation and an immediate allergic reaction (such as, for example, anaphylactic shock). Their granules contain many bioactive chemicals, the so-called mediators of allergies and inflammation. These include: prostaglandin, heparin, histamine, serotonin and many others.
  3. Eosinophils carry out phagocytosis, penetrating beyond the walls of blood vessels. Their main property is cytotoxicity. They fight infections caused by parasites, and are involved in the formation of antiparasitic immunity. And they suppress allergic reactions.
  4. Lymphocytes are the main immune cells in the body. Humoral and cellular immunity - their area of โ€‹โ€‹influence. They fight cancer cells and infections caused by all kinds of viruses.
  5. Monocytes perform phagocytic protection against microbes and are the largest white cells.
    white blood cells

The cause of elevated white blood cells after childbirth

It is necessary to understand what caused the violation and is there a way to rectify the situation. An experienced doctor must immediately understand and understand what he is dealing with: pathological or false leukocytosis after childbirth.

The main factors that affect the pathological condition include:

  • the presence of cardiovascular disease;
  • amniotic fluid inflammation;
  • disturbed work of internal organs;
  • abscess;
  • the presence of infections that were introduced through various types of mechanical damage to the skin;
  • sepsis;
  • residues of the placenta were revealed in the uterine cavity.
    pregnant woman

A false diagnosis can be detected due to the following factors:

  • on the eve of the inspection, a hot bath or shower was taken; there was a visit to the bath;
  • lactation;
  • physical exercise;
  • high protein content in food.

To the generally accepted reasons and additional factors why the white blood cells in the blood are increased after childbirth, you can add the following:

  • the presence of a chronic disease;
  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • surgical operations;
  • decreased immunity;
  • large blood loss;
  • poor blood coagulability;
  • cracks in the nipples.

Test results

According to the analysis, it is possible to identify compliance or inconsistency with the generally accepted norm of white blood cells after childbirth.

In order to conduct a detailed examination, the doctor may prescribe a urine and blood test, as well as take a swab from the vagina. It is not necessary to say that there are any violations if the leukocytes in the urine do not exceed 0.3 grams, the blood count is not higher than 9 x 10 9 per liter, and the level in the smear is not more than 0.14.

blood analysis

Smear analysis

It should be understood that leukocytes are elevated in blood after childbirth in a smear may be due to the fact that a woman has undergone great physical exertion or there is a lot of protein in her diet (it is found in chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products). In this situation, the permissible excess is 20 units. And this is not a reason for panic.

If any questions arise, the doctor may prescribe additional tests, conduct a further diagnosis or pay attention to other symptoms.

Often these symptoms include:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • burning and discomfort in the genitals, irritation:
  • frequent use of the toilet, accompanied by pain and discomfort;
  • copious discharge.

Common causes of the disease can also include:

  • all kinds of infections;
  • the presence of E. coli;
  • bacteria
  • cancer or precancerous condition of the reproductive organs;
  • dysbiosis.

Blood analysis

During pregnancy, an elevated white blood cell count is a normal occurrence, especially if it is the second or third trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that white cells accumulate in large numbers near the reproductive organs, and the likelihood that white blood cells in the blood will be increased after childbirth is associated with the difficult process of tissue repair. Gradually, all indicators will return to normal.

Analysis of urine

Disorders in the urine can be observed due to the fact that there is a dysfunction of the kidneys. If, according to the results of the analyzes, the level of leukocytes is from 30 to 50 units, this is evidence that an additional examination of the kidneys is necessary.

Analysis of urine

It should also be understood that an increase in the level of leukocytes in the urine may be due to improper collection of the analysis, insufficient fluid intake, or because the patient adhered to a protein diet. However, at this stage, the presence of kidney disease should not be ruled out.


In this case, it is necessary to contact the medical institution in a timely manner and not to panic. You can start treatment after examination and making the correct diagnosis.

The following treatments may be suggested by specialists:

  • taking drugs that prevent tissue destruction;
  • to prevent the occurrence of sepsis, treatment of a bacterial infection is necessary;
  • taking antibiotics - to reduce and relieve inflammation;
  • steroid drugs.


When the patient ignores problems or is prescribed ineffective therapy, this can lead to the following complications:

  • in the absence of development, white bodies can turn into cancer cells, leukemia will occur;
  • blood coagulation is broken;
  • immunodeficiency state or frequent hemorrhages.

The terrible consequences can be avoided. To do this, the girl will often need to take tests, constantly visit a doctor and keep her state of health under control. It is necessary to seek medical help at the slightest ailment. Self-medication is prohibited, and drug treatment should not be postponed.

microscopic white blood cells


Prevention should not be forgotten either. It is necessary to have enough rest and sleep, lead a healthy and active lifestyle, eat right during pregnancy - this is the most important thing. Also, you do not need to train intensively and sit on a rigid diet (especially if it is protein or low-carb) while waiting for the baby.

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