The main reasons that the skin on the fingers is peeling are considered to be fungal diseases, a lack of vitamins A and E, an allergic reaction, including certain medications, and stressful situations. In many cases, this condition occurs due to the use of certain hygiene products or household chemicals. At the same time, not only the skin on the fingers is irritated, but also on the palms.
The lack of vitamins can be made up by including products containing them in the diet. So, apricots, carrots, parsley, pumpkin, tomatoes, green peas are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin E is found in corn, boiled eggs, potatoes, cheese, carrots. Their use in food helps to prevent vitamin deficiency and, if the skin on the fingers peels off, helps to get rid of an unpleasant symptom.
However, in many cases, a lack of vitamins is a very serious problem and is not eliminated when vitamin-containing products are included in the diet. In this case, experts say that the body is not able to absorb them. Thus, if the skin on the fingers flakes with vitamins A and E rich, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
It should be noted that the use of various moisturizing or nourishing creams, baths or masks does not always give a one hundred percent effect, especially with the unexplained reason for the appearance of such a condition. These funds are advisable to use for dry skin. But not always peeling caused by this. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a dermatologist.
The outer skin layer tends to renew every twenty eight days. So, instead of dead cells, new ones are formed.
If the skin on the fingers peels off , it can be caused by mechanical friction, too dry air or direct sunlight.
This phenomenon also occurs with the development of viral infections or allergies. In many cases, peeling becomes so strong that wounds and bleeding cracks form. An infection can enter them, so it is very important not to start the process.
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help prevent the condition. This will keep the skin hydrated.
In addition, it is recommended to regularly clean off the layer of dead cells. This will significantly improve the appearance of the skin and reduce the likelihood of developing peeling. Oatmeal has good cleansing properties. It is recommended to be added to hand baths daily.
After washing, hands should be thoroughly wiped, as the remaining water evaporates and causes peeling.
In case of skin damage, it is recommended to apply grated cucumber to the skin. It will significantly reduce itching, peeling and dryness.
The regular use of procedures, as practice shows, contributes to the onset of relief. The skin on the hands becomes soft, attractive.
If the child has skin on the fingers, then, like in adults, this can be caused by many reasons. It should be noted that there is no universal recipe for this condition, since each case has its own characteristics. So, peeling can be caused by a fungal disease. In this case, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. Self-medication with the development of fungal pathologies is highly not recommended.
In addition, the skin of a child can be clouded due to disruption of the endocrine glands and digestive organs. Hypovitaminosis may also be the cause. In this case, it is advisable to give the baby multivitamin complexes. You can apply the cream "Aekol" or "Radevit." In many cases, parents use the contents of Aevit. The oil included in it is rubbed into the fingers of a child.