Methodological association - what is it ... Definition, form of organization and education system

A methodological association is a group of teachers who, through joint efforts, try to solve educational and developmental problems. It includes subject teachers of humanitarian, mathematical, natural, and artistic disciplines. Separately, in each school, there is a methodological association of primary school teachers.

teacher associations


Depending on the specifics of the educational institution (the number of teachers) in each group there can be 4-7 teachers of one direction of activity. As part of small rural schools, a cluster educational-methodical association is being formed. Colleagues from several schools work in full-time or distance learning.

thinking process

Activity Content

The work of the methodological association of teachers is quite multifaceted and diverse. Teachers analyze issues related to improving the level of educational and upbringing work, the quality of skills and knowledge of schoolchildren, and the implementation of innovative pedagogical methods. During the meetings, teachers discuss textbooks and educational sets (textbooks, workbooks), get acquainted with the results of testing innovations.

The work of the methodological association is associated with the compilation of a variety of verification tests and tests for students, as well as a detailed study of the results of their implementation.

meeting of colleagues

Nature of activity

Methodological association is a group of creative and bright colleagues. Their work is carried out according to a clear plan. It formulates the features of the pedagogical work of teachers of this profile, sets goals and objectives for the new academic year, identifies the main pedagogical and organizational measures:

  • examination of materials;
  • cabinet design;
  • identification of topics for self-education;
  • creating a schedule for open classes and extracurricular activities;
  • identification of topics for meetings.
frames decide everything

MO leadership

Who leads the methodological association? Primary classes are mainly supervised by the Deputy Director for OIA, and the head of the group is appointed by one of the teachers, who enjoys well-deserved respect and trust from his colleagues. At the end of each half-year, a report is prepared on the work of the Ministry of Defense, in which the areas of activity and the results are noted.

For example, a methodological association of educators is created on the basis of a preschool institution. It includes creative and vibrant people who are looking for optimal educational techniques when working with the younger generation.

Methodological association is a set of like-minded people interested in improving their own intellectual and professional level.

transfer of experience

MO work plan

We offer the option of planning the methodological work of the teachers of the EEC for six months.

  1. Work on methodological topics.
  2. Generalization of work experience: publications, speeches, master classes.
  3. Enhancing students' motivation for ESC subjects by involving them in extracurricular design and research activities. Work with gifted and talented children.
  4. Further education: continuing education courses, certification.
  5. Increasing attention to specialized training: elective and elective courses.

Questions addressed in the 1st quarter:

  1. Planning activities for the decade of ecology.
  2. Preparation for the school tour of the All-Russian Olympiad in mathematics, economics, physics, computer science, chemistry, biology, ecology of geography.
  3. Planning the participation of teachers of the Moscow Region in the All-Russian contest of methodological developments.
  4. Miscellaneous (questions about nominating candidates for awarding departmental awards, analysis of problems).
  5. Reports on self-education topics on schedule.

MO meetings in 2 quarters:

  1. Planning decades of mathematics, computer science.
  2. Reports on self-education topics on schedule.
  3. Miscellaneous.
like-minded team


Since the methodological association is a group that is created by order of the director of the educational organization, its leader draws up a report on the work in the form chosen in the school (kindergarten). What should be included in reporting? First of all, own education is noted. Methodological associations - a form of work that allows you to increase the professionalism of a modern teacher. We offer a variant of the report on the work of the SEC MO for the six months.

R&D: “A system-activity approach in the formation and development of schoolchildren in the implementation of educational standards of a new generation.”

Objectives of the activity:

  • the formation of basic competencies among students by involving them in practical activities;
  • identification of optimal teaching methods and educational programs in technical and natural sciences;
  • systematization of the best experience of subject teachers;
  • creating a comfortable climate in the teaching staff

Tasks of the creative group of teachers of the ESC

The work of teachers is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • the formation of a positive situation, increasing the motivation of students to motivate them to acquire new skills;
  • modernization of the methodology for conducting various monitoring aimed at identifying problems;
  • selection of ways to resolve conflict situations;
  • the development of gifted children through the inclusion in the professional activity of modern pedagogical methods of education and training;
  • improving work with gifted students;
  • increasing the importance of extracurricular activities;
  • work on the synthesis and exchange of experience between teachers

The work of the Ministry of Defense is carried out in three directions:

  • teaching subjects in accordance with modern requirements for the lesson;
  • implementation of innovative programs and technologies to improve the quality of teaching mathematics, physics, computer science, chemistry;
  • extracurricular activities aimed at developing students' creative abilities and increasing interest in the study of subjects.

Self-study topics

To improve their professional level, each teacher works on a specific problem. Topics for self-education:

  • system-activity approach in teaching mathematics in the framework of the GEF;
  • methods of forming mathematical knowledge among students;
  • the development of UDD in mathematics;
  • innovative approaches to teaching chemistry

Teachers took part in the following seminars and professional competitions:

  • Conference "ICT Solutions in Education";
  • seminar "Organization of project work";
  • Olympiad "Projects and research in modern national education";
  • All-Russian competition for teachers "The best methodological development"

For the analyzed period, teachers-subjects of the Ministry of Defense conducted master classes and issued publications:

  • in the federal project "Stars of the New Century";
  • on the site "Infourok";
  • in the district methodological collection

To increase the level of teaching, teachers systematically undergo coursework. During the period under review, ESC teachers mastered the following courses:

  • "The solution of the tasks of the exam and the exam: mathematics", 48 hours;
  • "Computer science and programming in grades 8-11", 72 hours;
  • "The solution of the tasks of the exam and the exam: mathematics", 24 hours;
  • "Chemistry. Advanced and olympiad training of students ”, 72 hours;
  • "Physics. Advanced and olympiad training of students ”, 72 hours

In the framework of the meetings of the MOE teachers of the ESC, colleagues shared their experience on the topic of self-education, analyzed their opening lessons and extracurricular activities.

advanced pedagogical technologies

Work with talented children

Special attention in any methodological association is paid to the organization of work with gifted and talented children. In the framework of the meetings, teachers pronounce methods for the early detection of talented children, which positively affects the formation of cognitive interest among students in the subjects taught. The result of this work is the presence of a winner and winners of the district, regional stages of the All-Russian Subject Olympiad.

As part of the implementation of educational standards of the new generation, a mandatory element is the involvement of students in design and research activities. At meetings of the methodological association, teachers of the ESC share their experience in design and research work with their students. During the analyzed period, the guys became winners and prize-winners of prestigious conferences and creative competitions at various levels:

  • international competition "Safe World" from the project "Horizon";
  • international quest for entrepreneurship;
  • international contest "Myriad of discoveries";
  • All-Russian contest "Energy and the environment";
  • competition of creative projects of schoolchildren from the company "Siemens";
  • scientific-practical conference "Step into the Future"


In any educational organization, systematic and systematic work is carried out aimed at promoting innovative pedagogical experience, discussing controversial issues related to the upbringing and education of the younger generation.

The work plan drawn up in each subject association is a clear structure that allows evaluating the effectiveness of self-education of teachers and educators, and preventing “professional burnout” of employees. With the right approach, MO teachers is an incentive for the development of subject teachers.

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