Almost from the cradle it is necessary to accustom not only girls but also boys to regular care of intimate organs. Daily hygiene should be the norm for every man throughout his life. And with age, in addition to hygiene, it is mandatory to visit a urologist several times a year to exclude penile diseases and cancer.
In this article, we will consider the main diseases, as well as their symptoms - if you find similar symptoms, you should consult a doctor. According to doctors, the most common diseases in men are diseases of the penis (urethritis, STDs), then the testicles, appendages and prostate gland.
Penis disease
Inflammatory - balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin and glans ). The patient has redness, enlargement and swelling of the foreskin and penis, often this is accompanied by pain, pain during urination. Sometimes discharge and unbearable itching are noted. There is a disease due to lack of hygiene.
Phimosis is a pathological narrowing of the external opening of the foreskin, when the head does not open completely , and therefore the care of the genitals is complicated. Phimosis is acquired and congenital. In the first case, it occurs due to infectious diseases. It is treated only by the surgical method - circumcision of part of the foreskin.
Penile skin diseases : leukoplakia . White spots appear on the penis, they can be flat and slightly raised at the edges, resembling a βhornβ. The patient often does not experience any discomfort or inconvenience.
During the diagnosis, a piece of tissue is necessarily taken for biopsy, then it is sent for histology to identify atypical cells. To prevent the transition of leukoplakia to oncology, all affected areas of the skin are excised using an electrocoagulator.
Genital warts - a benign tumor. Such formations cause papillomavirus. These warts can appear in any mucous membrane of the genitals. Basically, the virus is transmitted through sexual contact, oral sex. In histological laboratories, condylomas are constantly examined for abnormal cells.
On the penis, they can be found on the inside of the foreskin and near the head. Warts can be either multiple or single pink growths protruding on the base. Their diameter varies from a millimeter to several centimeters. As a rule, small warts are treated with antiviral drugs. If condylomas of gigantic sizes are removed with a laser or other method.
Malignant diseases of the penis
Invasive penis cancer. This disease rarely affects men who, in childhood, underwent circular excision (circumcision) of the foreskin. It is believed that this prevents permanent accumulation of smegma flesh under the inner edge. Cancer affects middle-aged and older men, from 40 to 70 years.
Cancer affects the foreskin and head of the penis. In these places you can find cracks, a grayish veil on the foreskin and the head of the penis. In the future, a raised ulcer appears, which can bleed and hurt. In neglected form, it is likely that the part of the head and body of the penis will be destroyed.
If you have identified similar symptoms, be sure to go to the urologist. It is better to prevent possible diseases of the penis at an early stage than to be treated for a long time. After all, every man wants to remain full and healthy for as long as possible, so take care of yourself and avoid casual contacts. Remember, most infections are transmitted through sexual contact.