How to quickly do homework with a junior high school student

How to do the lessons quickly and on time? Often, the process of completing homework becomes a real test, both for parents and for young schoolchildren.

how to do homework quickly

There are two attitudes of parental behavior. The first is to help the child in everything and always, to be close to and from, and the second option is to require independent homework. In the first case, the child has high hopes for the adult and loses independence, and in the second case, he feels abandoned and offended, which also negatively affects the quality of the lessons learned. Therefore, it is very important that parents do not let their child’s studies drift, but do not stand over their souls. Psychologists recommend giving the child independence, but at the same time be somewhere nearby, so that there is an opportunity to prompt or explain obscure points in time. This is especially important for elementary school.

How to quickly do homework. Expert Advice

The task of adults is to teach a child

to do homework
plan their actions, draw up a certain algorithm by which he will carry out homework. After all, the child still does not know how to plan, he simply does not know where to start. Do not be lazy, take a pen, a sheet of paper and write down each action together by points. This is a fairly simple, but very effective way of educating self-organization in a small schoolchild.

When making a plan, you should take into account the opinion of experts on how to quickly do your homework, while at the same time quality and without spending a lot of effort. First, the child should not sit down for lessons immediately after arrival

for elementary school
from school, he needs an hour and a half to relax, and only then, having necessarily dined, can he begin classes. It would be nice to start the implementation of lessons with your favorite subjects and only then move on to difficult ones, since a long solution to a difficult task can discourage you from continuing classes. Little children get tired quickly, all parents know this, after 20-30 minutes of hard work, they begin to spin, be distracted, and then you need to take a break. 10 minutes will be enough, at this time you can walk around, drink water or eat an apple. Many parents use an alarm clock or an hourglass, so as not to go beyond the established limit both during the performance of tasks and during rest.

how to do homework quickly
School workplace

When answering the question of how to quickly do homework with a junior high school student, one more important thing should be noted: the child should have his own room, his own corner, his own table. Only in this way can he calmly carry out the task, and sitting with lessons in the kitchen, he will be constantly distracted. Before sitting down for lessons, parents should remind the kid that they need to remove from the table all the items that are not needed in the learning process, turn off the Internet, TV, radio - nothing should be distracting.

You should not waste precious time so as not to sit at home until night. The optimal time for homework is the period until 21.00. Parents should teach their child not to postpone lessons on the last day, and to do the next week no later than Friday night. It is necessary to explain to the baby that it is always more pleasant to relax with a light heart and lessons learned. And further. When caring about how to quickly do your homework, do not forget to check whether the child has learned the material well, because the “gaps” in education tend to grow like a snowball.

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