The treatment of hypertension is very important today, since the problem of high blood pressure for many people is in the first place. This fact should be taken very seriously. If this disease has affected you, then in addition to medical advice, you should also turn to traditional medicine, especially at the initial stage. With regard to cranberries, a successful combination is obtained - it is not only a treat, but also an excellent medicine.
Cranberries are an evergreen plant whose beneficial properties have long been unraveled by scientists. Due to its properties, it is able to withstand not only many infectious diseases. Question: Cranberries increase or decrease pressure, have long been concerned about hypertensive patients and phytotherapists.
In case of problems with the cardiovascular system, regular use of cranberry juice helps to expand the blood vessels of the heart, improves the strength of the walls of blood capillaries and increases their elasticity, which leads to pressure stabilization. Cranberries are also effective against pressure due to their biochemical composition, which includes trace elements such as iron, manganese, iodine and copper. Cranberries are especially good at lowering blood pressure if they are previously passed through a meat grinder and mixed thoroughly with an equal amount of May honey. The resulting mixture should be used several times a day for one tbsp. spoon for a long time.
It is also worth noting that cranberries from pressure help not only through the use of berries. Its leaves also have medicinal properties. If you use such a decoction every morning, then you can forget about the problem of hypertension until the end of the working day. In addition to the fact that drinks from these delicious berries are an excellent tonic, it is also an excellent sugar substitute, which, together with other substances, can also replenish the bodyβs energy reserves well. That is why it is strongly recommended to use cranberry juice instead of tea with sugar, which will give strength and lead to stabilization of blood pressure and expansion of the heart vessels.
Cranberries from pressure are also effective in children's practice. In addition to the fact that it increases the physical and mental abilities of the child, its regular use helps prevent the occurrence of hypertension in children and the onset of diabetes, which is important in our time. It is worth noting that all of the above properties will be valid only when using cranberries in its natural form. These berries do not tolerate boiling. At high temperatures, they lose all their healing properties.
Excellent cranberries lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This happens due to its diuretic action, and also due to the fact that it can replace table salt, reducing its need (when it is consumed, there is no need for an additional amount of table salt).
For older people, the use of berries as a tincture is also an effective way, and it is they who are most often concerned about the question: does cranberry increase or decrease pressure? You can prepare such a tincture at home. To do this, crushed berries should be mixed with sugar to taste and add vodka (in the ratio of 1 glass of raw materials to 500 ml of vodka). A week after the mixture is in a dark place, squeeze it through cheesecloth. Cranberries from pressure is an effective way to use the gifts of nature in the fight against the treatment of severe and chronic diseases. Natural remedies are not only safe, but also pleasant. They allow, if not completely abandoning traditional medicines, then at least reduce their dose! Be healthy!