Yew berry and other ornamental plants

Yew (Taxus) is an evergreen dioecious plant that can reach heights of up to 20 meters. This coniferous tree grows very slowly, sometimes surviving up to 3,000 years. It can grow not only in the form of a tree, but as a sprawling bush.

Its habitat passes through Europe, East Asia and North America. This plant can be found in the mountains, and on the plains, and in forests, not only coniferous, but also deciduous, as well as in gardens and parks. Yew is able to form a large number of shoots, as well as shoots on stumps. This feature is of great practical importance for the expansion of plantings.

The root system of the plant is well developed and quite flexible, so that the yew is able to quickly and well adapt to the changing conditions of existence. Rocky soils, fresh or loose - yew can grow everywhere.

The tree is very interesting for creating figured compositions, group and single plantings, green building and hedges.

For the purpose of a point landing in large parks, the wing-shaped yew is more suitable. Wide-spread, it grows up to 2 meters high and 5 meters wide. His needles are dark green in color.

Yew berry (non-purulent-tree) is a fairly common species, shade-tolerant dioecious mahogany, reaching a height of 22 meters.

It is a long-lived, but very slow growing. The largest plantation of this plant is located in the east of Georgia and has an area of ​​700 hectares.

Yew berry can grow not only as a tree, but also as a bush. The trunk of this plant is covered with a reddish-brown or reddish-brown bark, smooth in young specimens, which is covered with small cracks with age and exfoliates longitudinally.

Yew berry has a dense crown with dark green needles, pyramidal or ovoid. The seeds of this plant are similar to berries, due to the presence of a bright red fleshy roof, which is why its name is associated.

Yew berry is very demanding on air and soil humidity. The β€œeternal" wood of this plant is very durable and valuable. In addition, it is considered a powerful bactericidal agent, since it can eliminate all pathogenic microorganisms.

From this type of yew, very beautiful borders and decorative paths can be planted along the borders of terraces and lawns. Another beautiful ornamental plant, often used to decorate parks and gardens, is the western thuja.

Care, its reproduction are quite labor-intensive processes. Thuja can be propagated both by seeds and vegetatively. The seedling grows from 3 to 5 years.

Seeds can only be sown freshly harvested, preliminarily conduct natural stratification, leaving them in the snow in the fall. In the spring they are sown in ridges, to a depth of no more than half a centimeter, and sprinkled with sawdust from conifers on top.

The emerged shoots protect from the sun with the help of shields, the soil is maintained in a moist and loose state. They feed it with an aqueous solution of slurry in a ratio of 1:20. Often this plant is propagated by lignified cuttings (shoots aged 2 to 3 years, from a quarter meter to 40 centimeters long) and semi-lignified (shoots of the current year, cut in June, from 10 to 20 centimeters long). They must be carefully torn from the tree so that there is a heel on the base (a small piece of old wood). In this case, the cuttings are much faster and better rooted. Then they are treated with a solution of the preparation "Heteroauxin" and planted in a greenhouse, deepening the stalk by 1.5-2.5 centimeters. The soil mixture is prepared from turf land, peat and river sand with a ratio of 1: 1: 1, and then it is disinfected with potassium permanganate. The air in the greenhouse should be humid, but the substrate cannot be humidified, so watering is done by spraying. After rooting, the cuttings need to be ventilated and hardened.

In November, you need to insulate them with leaves, spruce branches or sawdust, and when the air temperature drops below 5 degrees below zero, cover with plastic wrap.

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