Rheumatoid factor: normal in women, deviations

Rheumatoid factor is a group of autoimmune antibodies, newly formed and synthesized proteins of immunoglobulin, which attack their own body, perceived by them, in turn, as foreign bodies. In other words, a rheumatoid factor is a protein that is modified by infections, bacteria or viruses. Positive rheumatoid factor (norm) in women over 18 years old is from 0 to 14 units / ml. Normal rates for teenage girls are slightly lower than in adult women: from 0 to 12 units / ml.

rheumatoid factor norm in women

The formation of the rheumatoid factor occurs as a result of beta-hemolytic streptococcus entering the bloodstream of a person, and usually its presence indicates that the body tolerates an autoimmune or inflammatory disease. But not every patient has an increased content of rheumatoid factor, only a fifth of those infected with beta-hemolytic streptococcus have its increased content.

Norm and excess

If a person is healthy, then the rheumatoid factor (the norm in women) is 10 units / ml. This indicator is included in the normal amplitude from 0 to 14 units / ml. But even if the value of the rheumatic factor is increased, this does not guarantee the mandatory presence of the disease. Such a situation is only the basis for a more detailed examination: ultrasound, radiography, tests for the presence of C-reactive protein in the blood.

rheumatoid factor norm in women treatment

As well as the absence of a rheumatic factor, its detection does not necessarily indicate the presence of an autoimmune disease, it may indicate viral ailments, cancer of the body, cancer, and even the presence of immunoglobulins in the body of a woman who has recently given birth. In all these cases, the rheumatoid factor (the norm in women) is negative. Analysis will indicate this, but this situation does not always mean that the body is healthy.

Causes of increased rheumatic factor

There are many different theories and assumptions, for what reason in the blood there is an increase in rheumatoid factor. One of them is the assumption of the genetic nature of the disease, when the rheumatoid factor (the norm in women is from 0 to 14 units / ml) is inherited and manifests itself when various infections and viruses are exposed to the body.

the rheumatoid factor is normal in women

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Sjogren's Disease

The most common phenomenon is when only with a course of prolonged systemic therapy can the rheumatoid factor be stabilized. The norm in women (treatment can help in this) will surely be restored to indicators from 0 to 14 units / ml. Whatever diagnosis is made: rheumatoid arthritis or Sjogren's syndrome - from properly conducted medical measures, the rheumatoid factor will return to normal.

Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren's syndrome are characteristic of the elderly. In the first case, the patient is observed inflammation of the joints, dry mucous membranes and skin, in the second - dysfunction of the endocrine glands. Rheumatoid arthritis is also characterized by the appearance of nodular neoplasms and impaired motor activity of the joints.

Rheumatoid factor analysis

On the eve of the analysis for the presence of a rheumatoid factor, the patient is obliged to carry out a set of preparatory measures: at least 24 hours not to smoke, not to engage in physical labor, not to drink alcohol and fatty foods. And for eight to twelve hours do not take any food other than clean still food.

rheumatoid factor norm in women

Assignment of the analysis for rheumatic factor usually occurs if a woman who has recently given birth to a child for a long time complains of a sore throat. In such a case, venous blood is taken from her, the analysis of which determines the indicators of the rheumatoid factor in the body. Moreover, if the value is from 25 to 50 IU / ml, then it is considered slightly increased, if 50-100 IU / ml is stably increased, and more than 100 IU / ml is strongly increased. Three or more additional tests are usually performed to confirm the diagnosis, which should confirm or refute the result of the blood test. Only in this case can rheumatoid arthritis or Sjogren's syndrome be diagnosed. It should be remembered that the treatment of these diseases is the work of a graduate. Self-medication or following the advice of illiterate people in this case will be detrimental to the health of the patient.

Decrease in a rheumatic factor

If the survey showed that the rheumatoid factor (the norm for women in MED / ml is from 0 to 14) is increased, steps should be taken not to reduce the rheumatic factor, but to eliminate the causes of its increase. That is, it is not a symptom that needs to be treated, but the disease that caused it. Typically, the patient undergoes treatment with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs or steroid hormones.

Rheumatoid factor norm in women in honey ml

Treatment should last until the rheumatoid factor reaches normal. During therapy, the patient must also follow certain rules: do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, do not supercool, protect yourself from contact with sick people, get rid of physical activity for a while, eat healthy food and use multivitamin complexes. These precautions will help strengthen and improve the body.

From symptomatology to disease

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis usually appear long before the rheumatoid factor rises (about 6 to 8 weeks earlier), so the analysis performed at the initial stage of the disease may not show an increased value.

Low rheumatic factors are characteristic of diseases such as infectious mononucleosis, acute inflammatory processes, and the consequences of multiple blood transfusions in a woman who has undergone numerous births.

An increased rheumatic factor is also observed in cases of systemic lupus erythematosus, nodular periarthritis, dermatomyositis, liver cirrhosis, scleroderma, hepatitis and (in 60% of cases) with bacterial endocarditis occurring in subacute form.

Rheumatic factor in patients with rheumatism

It is noteworthy that most of the people suffering from rheumatism have a normal rheumatoid factor. An increased value of the indicator is most often observed with repeated diseases. It can also be increased in healthy people, which will indicate that a person is at risk. There are cases when an increased rheumatic factor was detected several years before the development of the disease.


In order to prevent an increase in the rheumatoid factor, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, minimize salt intake, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. It is very important in order to avoid an increase in the ravmatoid factor, to timely treat diseases, if any, and, if possible, to prevent their transition to the chronic stage. Regular hypothermia and infectious diseases can also lead to an increase in the rheumatoid factor, so they are recommended to be avoided.

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