Esmarch's mug: photo, description. How to use Esmarch's mug?

Many modern medical devices that seem so commonplace today were truly revolutionary at the time. A striking example of this is Esmarch's circle. What it is?

The main enema tool

Esmarch's mug (photo below) is a medical device for conducting such a famous procedure as an enema.

Esmarch's brainchild

As a rule, this tool is used when large volumes of liquid (1-2 l) are to be injected into the intestine. In other cases, rubber pears of various sizes are used.

What does it consist of

For more than a century of its existence, this tool has not changed much. In addition to the materials from which it is made. Today it is rubber, plastic and silicone.

Esmarch's traditional mug consists of the following components.

  1. Reservoir for fluid. By capacity, it is one-, two- or three-liter. In fact, he is this very "circle". Initially made of metal and ceramics and resembled a bowl. With the development of the chemical industry, it began to be made of rubber. This helped to redesign this part. Now the mug takes up less space and resembles an oval-deflated rubber ball. At the top is a hole for pouring fluid and a device that allows you to hang the tool.
    what consists of
  2. The tank narrows down and passes into a narrow hose about 1.5 m long. It is through it that the liquid is supplied.
  3. The end cap is attached to the end of the hose. This removable part of Esmarch's mug can be of different lengths and thicknesses, as well as shapes. There are children's and adult nozzles. Most often they are plastic. However, there are made of rubber or silicone. Ideally, each family member using such an instrument should have its own tip or it must be sterilized.
  4. Depending on the model, a clip or faucet is located at the end of the hose in front of the tip. It allows you to pause the procedure if necessary.

Combined heating pad

Often, the role of Esmarch’s mug can be played by another medical device - a rubber heating pad, which will more correctly be called combined. It differs from the usual bundle. In addition to herself and the cork, the kit includes a hose with a faucet and a tip.

an enema with an Esmarch mug at home

Thus, in ordinary cases, a heating pad can and should be used as intended (to warm or cool). And in urgent need, it perfectly replaces Esmarch’s mug.

One time

The types of this tool described above are intended for repeated use. However, there are also Esmarch disposable mugs on sale.

Esmarch's disposable mugs

Unlike ordinary ones, they are sterile and are used in special cases. There are varieties with a ready-made drug inside.

The story of the appearance of Esmarch's mug

Such a medical procedure as an enema was invented by the ancient Egyptians and was actively practiced by other peoples. Initially, her goal was to fight constipation and cleanse the intestines. However, pretty soon it was discovered that its walls are capable of absorbing various substances introduced rectally. This discovery made it possible to use the anus no longer for its intended purpose. Medical and even nutritious enemas were practiced, and in addition, alcoholic and opium.

But while some were experimenting in search of new pleasures and rejuvenation, others continued to work for the benefit of mankind. Among such scientists was the German surgeon F.A. Esmarch. During his long life, he participated in the role of a physician in many wars. He made many important discoveries, without which modern medicine would not have appeared. He was one of the pioneers of aseptic and antiseptic, improved methods of bleeding blood vessels and actually became the founder of future nursing facilities.

It was this outstanding person who came up with the idea of ​​using a suspended vessel for washing the intestines . His innovation was a real breakthrough. The point is that before Esmarch the enema was done using a piston mechanism resembling a large metal syringe. It was not only extremely inconvenient, but also inconsistent. So the procedure had to be done several times.

The innovation quite soon migrated from field medicine to conventional medicine. Doctors highly appreciated the convenience of the new device, and it soon replaced its piston predecessor and has not lost ground to this day.

How to make an enema with an Esmarch mug at home

The device of the device under consideration, as well as the procedure carried out with the help of it, are so simple that they can be carried out with equal ease in medical institutions and at home. The algorithm is pretty simple.

  1. Preparation of all tools. To make an enema with Esmarch’s mug, in addition to the latter, you will need: petroleum jelly, disposable gloves, oilcloth and a basin. You will also have to figure out how to hang the bowl to a height of about 1.5 m. Usually hangers are used for this.
    how to do it right
  2. Preparation of fluid for an enema. Its temperature is no less important than the composition. The colder it is, the less absorbed by the intestinal walls. It should be noted that while passing through the hose, the fluid cools by 0.5 ° C. The ideal temperature is 36-37 ° C. However, in this case, substances from feces in the intestine will dissolve a little and be absorbed by its walls. So, if the goal of an enema is to remove harmful toxins from the feces, the water should be at room temperature. By the way, in addition to H 2 O, infusions of medicinal plants and very light solutions (1%) of salt, soda, vinegar, glycerin, soap, hydrogen peroxide, etc. can also be injected into the body rectally. Some even use urine. The choice of the type of fluid for the enema and its temperature should be agreed with the doctor.
  3. Patient preparation If you have to deal with a bed patient, you should prepare the vessel in advance. In other cases, it is worth making sure that the procedure is carried out not far from the toilet. It is best for the patient to lie on his left side, with a little bulging buttocks. An oilcloth should be laid under it, the edge of which falls into a basin at the foot of the bed. Thus, if water spills during the process, it will drain into the tank.
  4. How does setting up an enema directly with an Esmarch mug go at home? Before starting, you should wear disposable gloves, and lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly. Then carefully push the patient's buttocks and insert the tip of the instrument with light screwing movements until it rests against the wall of the intestine or feces. You can then remove the clamp or open the faucet on the hose and allow the fluid to fill the intestines. It is important to monitor its quantity. As soon as it is over, immediately shut off the hose so as not to let air in. Since the mug has fulfilled its role, its tip must be carefully removed and the tool sent for cleaning.
    Esmarch's mug photo
  5. The final stage of the procedure is the bowel cleansing itself. After the liquid has been poured into it, you need to lie down calmly. As soon as an unbearable desire to go to the toilet appears, then it's time.
    application procedure

How to care for a tool

The article above describes how to use Esmarch’s mug. But how to care for her? A number of simple rules need to be followed.

  1. After each use, all parts of the instrument should be washed with soap. Even if just an enema was used, water.
  2. The tip should also be sterilized. However, this procedure is best done immediately before use.
  3. After cleaning, all parts of the tool must be allowed to dry and only then put them in a bag or box.
  4. Like any rubber products, Esmarch’s mug is best not to be stored in places that are too warm or cold, as this can lead to premature wear.


When can not I use this appliance?

  1. An allergy to the material from which it is made, or the components of an enema fluid.
  2. Children under 13 years old are not allowed to use the Esmarch mug. Only rubber pears are acceptable for them.
  3. Kidney disease.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

In addition to the above, the attending physician may find other reasons. In any case, even if you yourself are doing an excellent job with Esmarch’s mug, and there are never any problems or contraindications, you should periodically check with your doctor. The fact is that regularly setting yourself enemas is harmful. Because of this, the intestinal microflora is destroyed, and he himself begins to "be lazy."

It is known that the great lover of such purification, the Marquise of Pompadour, at the end of her life brought her body to the point that she herself could no longer go big. So if you still practice the so-called "enemas for beauty", then do them at least not more than 1 time per week.

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