How to play bowling? Bowling technique. Bowling Rules

Sports games are a great way to have a great time, especially if you can simultaneously sit at a table and chat with friends. Often you want to not only enjoy the process, but also win. From this publication you will learn how to play bowling, its technique and other features.

A brief history and description of the game

how to play bowling

The considered type of leisure began to look modern in the late 19th century. Previously, it used 9 pins, then another one was added. At the end of the 30s of the 20th century, the pinsetter was invented in the USA - a device for automatically setting the pins and returning the ball. In the 70s, the scoring system was automated.

Bowling is popular among men and women of different ages and professions. The goal of the game is to bring down the maximum number of pins with balls. There are different types of bowling: from 5 and 10 goals. They differ not only in the number of pins, but also in the number of throws in one frame. The most common is the second option. The ball must be guided along a special platform, without going beyond its boundaries (otherwise no target will be hit).

Security measures

Regardless of the level of the player (beginner or amateur), you should start with a warm-up. Muscles should be warmed up and ready for the upcoming loads. If this is not done, there is a risk of injury. In addition, the following bowling rules should be observed:

  1. Since the player is constantly on the move, he should have comfortable non-slip and non-scratching shoes (issued in bowling clubs).
  2. If the muscles of the arms are poorly developed, do not take a ball too heavy, otherwise the back will hurt. People who want to understand how to play bowling correctly ignore this point, and the next morning they wake up in a painful state.
  3. It is forbidden to cross the foul line, otherwise the result does not count. The thing is that before the start of the game, the surface beyond the established border is covered with a special substance. If you cross the line, the sole will touch it and become slippery. Serious injury could result.

How to play bowling: the rules

bowling rules

One game consists of ten frames, in each of which players have the opportunity to make two throws. If all pins are knocked down on one try, this is called strike (X), if on two, sper (I). When distant angles remain after the impact, the combination is called split (S). If after two throws it was not possible to knock down all the pins, the frame is called open.

When a gamer manages to strike, the amount of points from the next two hits doubles. If you get a spar, then only the result from one next throw increases. In other cases, points are awarded according to the number of pins knocked down. It happens that a player knocks all pins two times in a row on the first try. This combination is called a double and he gets 20 points. Since the final number of points depends not only on the current, but also on the next approach, the tenth frame receives a special status. If in it a player knocks a strike from one throw, he makes two more. When you manage to make spar - one throw.

Selecting and holding a ball

bowling rules and technique of the game

Those wishing to get an answer to the question of how to play bowling correctly should be able to choose the right ball. On each of them there are numbers indicating the weight in pounds (1 unit is 0.45 kilograms). Ideally, the mass of the product should be 1/10 of the weight of the player. For children, balls with the number 6-7 are intended. Women and girls - numbers 8-9, and men from 10 to 16. The weight of the ball should be average for the player: not too light or heavy.

In principle, the more the ball weighs, the easier it is to control it, so professionals prefer them. To unprepared people who dream of understanding how to play bowling correctly, such an experiment will cost a dislocation, sprain or rupture of ligaments. The next day, your back may get sick, especially after drinking alcohol, which does not allow you to feel muscle overload.

Standard balls have three holes (grooves) designed for thumb, middle and ring fingers. The big one sinks completely, and the rest only up to the second phalanx. The index finger and little finger are freely located on the surface, and the palm slightly touches it. The most important thing is the convenience of a person to hold an object.

Bowling Technique

bowling technique

Knowing the rules is not enough to score a lot of points and win the game. Bowling techniques must be followed. This whole fascinating process does not endure fuss, so before the first throw after choosing a ball you should thoroughly feel its weight and inertia. To get into a larger number of goals, the product is released in the fourth step, at each of which a small backswing is done. On the latter, deflect the ball forward and make a throw. It is important to aim as accurately as possible.

If you want to understand how to play bowling correctly, you need to know the trajectory of the ball: with a width of 1.6 m, the length of the track is 18 meters. Skittles stand in the form of a triangle. A strike is considered professional when a strike occurs.

How to determine the result of the game?

The calculation of points is a troublesome process, so it is entrusted to automated systems. The results are displayed on a separate monitor after each hit on the target. The task of the players is to learn how to make the correct throw and shoot all the pins, observing the rules of bowling. The player with the most points wins.

In one frame, you can score 30 points in case you should three strikes in a row. Participants with high scores (from 200 points) have a fairly high level of skill. A game with 300 points (12 strikes in a row) is called “Perfect Game”, which means “Perfect Game”.

How to win a bowling alley?

how to win bowling

Many people come to the center just to relax, and glasses are not very important for them. Those wishing to win the game can give some recommendations. Beginners should remember that they play for fun and should not chase the results of professionals who spend half a day on bowling. The rules and technique of the game must be followed, otherwise points are lost. No need to rush anywhere. For starters, it’s better to use lightweight balls.

In order to get a strike, you need to aim not at the nearest single point, but located between two or more other targets. This secret creates a domino effect, thanks to which the chances of achieving a strike increase. The most important criterion for success is regular training. The more often a person visits a bowling center, the higher his results.

The benefits of bowling

how to play bowling rules

The considered kind of leisure takes place in active movement. At this time, the body experiences a surge of energy, which improves blood circulation. The bowling technique forces you to do a lot of bends and turns during the game, the muscles are constantly activated and this together helps to lose weight!

Working with a ball trains hands, improves flexibility of ligaments and joints. Bowling is useful for psychological health, unloading the body and strengthening relationships in the team. It gives mood and is a great way to relieve tension and stress, which means to prolong life.

Now you know all the basic things about bowling: the rules and techniques of the game, the calculation of results, the benefits. Become a professional or an amateur - everyone decides for himself. It is important to remember safety measures, but the main thing is to spend time as well as possible.

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