The protection of flora and fauna is currently an important and relevant issue. The problem arises in connection with human economic activity: deforestation, seafood production, bird hunting, and animals.
Such actions negatively affect the state of natural biocenoses, and biological resources are depleted. Protecting the flora and fauna is a serious task that humanity must solve today.
Important information
According to the UN Forest Department, at present, the total forest area is about 40 million km². A decrease in their number occurred by about 35% over the period of the existence of human civilization.
Most of the forests have been destroyed over the past 150 years. Statistics show that every year on our planet is burned by fires, about 114 thousand km² of rainforests are cut down.
Due to the systematic deforestation in different regions of the globe, the following changes occur:
- reduced biomass and production potential of the biosphere;
- the scale of photosynthesis is reduced;
- the gas function of the biosphere is weakened, its ability to accumulate solar energy (the quantitative composition of the atmosphere is being transformed);
- the water cycle is disturbed (the precipitation regime changes, as a result of which the desertification of the earth is going on).
What is important to know
Scientists were able to establish that the gas cleaning potential of green spaces depends on their type and age. For example, in the framework of the calculations, it was possible to establish that the absorption of carbon dioxide by lindens and pines is in the range of 5-16 tons per hectare per year, and the evolution of oxygen occurs in the range of 3-11.5 t / ha per year.
The State Inspectorate for the Protection of Plant and Animal World of the Republic of Belarus pays special attention to the protection of forest plantations. This authorized state body reports directly to the president of the country, monitors the use of plant and animal resources.
About 0.7 tons per 1 ha of carbon dioxide is absorbed in forests and undergrowths, as well as in the grass layer, and is released (in the light) due to photosynthesis of about 0.5 t / ha per year. Dustiness of green areas leads to a significant reduction of this indicator by 40-50%.
The protection of flora and fauna involves the planting of shrubs and trees in transport zones in order to reduce the negative impact on the biosphere due to emissions from transport.
Negative consequences
Forest is the source and biological reservoir of many biocenoses that occur on our planet.
Biodiversity is not just a condition for the existence of the Earth’s atmosphere, but also an important resource of the technosphere. Degradation of the environment, destruction of biocenoses, pollution - all this leads to the annual disappearance of about 10-15 thousand biological species, in particular lower forms.
Key events
The Interdistrict Inspectorate for the Protection of Animal and Plant World implements the following measures aimed at restoring balance in wildlife:
- protection of forest land from fires;
- fieldbreeding;
- protection against plant diseases and pests;
- the search for effective methods of cultivation and use of forest resources;
- protection of rare animals and plants;
- monitoring of species biodiversity;
- determination of the boundaries of specially protected territories without conducting economic activity on them.
This is not a complete list of those activities that allow you to save life on our planet.
Protection of fauna and flora
Plant and animal life are protected within the framework of the state system of protected areas.
Specially protected natural areas include land or water, completely or partially withdrawn from economic use. In such areas, a special regime for the protection of flora and fauna has been established. Protected areas include the following areas:
- natural state reserves (national, natural, biosphere parks);
- nature reserves;
- botanical gardens;
- dendrological parks.
The State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora is carried out on the basis of the legislation of the country “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”.
For example, in the Republic of Belarus, a network of protected areas has been developed and is successfully functioning to preserve biological diversity, which is of international importance. Among them, eight Ramsar territories (reserves of republican significance) can be noted:
- "Olmanskie swamps";
- "Zvanets";
- "Middle Pripyat";
- Osveisky;
- "Sporovsky";
- "Yelnya";
- Kotra
- "The bastard."
In these territories, the study and conservation of wetlands, the analysis of flora and fauna are carried out. The register of protected areas is maintained in many countries, including the Russian Federation. Today, due to the negative anthropogenic impact, including poaching, the issue of protection and protection of birds and animals that live in agricultural and forest lands is especially acute.
Due to the intensification of agricultural production in the fields, a large number of mechanisms and machines began to be used, which caused the destruction of some wild animals and birds.
They die not only under the working elements of tractors and combines, but also become prey for predators, having lost their shelter. The main factors in reducing the number of many types of hunting animals, scientists consider the use of agricultural machines. Cultivation, harrowing, haying, harvesting grain in the fields causes a living disturbance factor in living creatures, leading to death, destruction of holes, nests. Most of the birds and animals die at night, when due to the light of car headlights they are forced to hide in the furrows, as well as during the process of haying (in particular, quail, corncrake, partridges with eggs).
It is important to correctly carry out work on cleaning crops and haying. As part of security measures, it is necessary to abandon mowing herbs “to the pen”, to carry them out only in “dispersal” (from the center to the corners of the territory).
To summarize
As part of the research, it was found that the most effective way to protect birds and animals is an integrated approach. In particular, in agriculture, control over the use of chemicals is necessary. With their uncontrolled use, in addition to the destruction of pests, the negative effect is the hunting fauna.
There are problems that are associated with the social, economic, environmental nature. Monitoring indicates that over the past decade, due to human economic activity, the number of species in the flora and fauna that were not originally characteristic of a particular territory has grown significantly.
Among the methods that are considered effective for protecting the animal and plant world, it can be noted:
- compliance with the rules for collecting plants, mushrooms, berries, hunting rules, fishing;
- tolerant attitude towards animals;
- the use of scientific standards for the removal of birds and animals, which helps to increase the "productivity" of populations;
- accounting for land capacity, permissible production, limiting factors;
- quotas and licensing of seizure, use of objects of fauna and flora;
- the use of modern biotechnology to normalize the life of game animals.
Only with effective and comprehensive measures is it possible to preserve and restore shelters, habitats for birds and animals, as well as the re-establishment of lost species. It is necessary to be careful with the use of chemicals in the conduct of business by a person, and use the principle of an “expanding” circular spiral (from the center) when harvesting crops.
The task of the state is to create protected natural areas. Protected natural areas of various types (parks, reserves, arboretums, water protection zones) contribute to the restoration of the species population of birds and animals. Particular attention is paid to improving the ecological culture of schoolchildren, organizing electives for them, in which the children learn a tolerant attitude towards the living world.