The reproductive system in girls starts from the lower part of the pubis and is divided into two specific folds of the skin, which are the external labia. They protect the internal zones of the genital organs. There can be a certain distance between the labia, often they do not touch at all. However, during puberty in girls, the labia significantly thicken and begin
adjoin each other tightly. In childhood, part of the labia (lower) to the touch is smooth. However, during a certain puberty period, you may notice small, but rather convex tubercles on the skin. These are the
sebaceous glands that secrete a small amount of fat in order to regularly maintain the necessary moisture in these areas. It protects the skin and mucous membranes of the labia from irritation. In both girls and all adult women, hair does not grow on the labia minora. Over the years, they become only more humid, since there is a mass of sebaceous glands on them, which begin to produce more and more secretions during puberty.
The female genital organ plays an important role in the functionality of the reproductive system, which also consists of mammary glands, endocrine glands, and certain parts of the brain that regulate the functioning of female organs.
Internal organs include the vagina, fallopian tubes (they are also called oviducts in medicine), the uterus and ovaries. Each internal genital organ is the most important component of the
reproductive system of every woman: it is fully and entirely intended for conception and further bearing of the child. That is why it is so important to observe the
rules of hygiene and prevent diseases βin a feminine wayβ.
Each genital organ of a woman performs a specific function in her body. Let's look at each of them. The ovary provides germinative function, i.e. ovogenesis and ovulation, as well as endocrine function, which implies the synthesis and secretion of progesterone and estrogens.
The ovaries are the genitals of girls, which are located in the abdominal cavity (lower part) and are held by ligaments in it. In shape, they resemble a kind of almond seed. In length, they reach up to three centimeters. During ovulation, a mature egg moves directly into the abdominal cavity, passes through the oviduct.
The fallopian tube is the genital organ that carries out the transport function, that is, the advancement of the egg directly into the uterine cavity and fertilization. The function of the uterus is to bear the fetus. It is a muscular organ and resembles the shape of a pear. Its location is the middle of the
abdominal cavity behind the bladder. The uterine cavity is connected to the vaginal canal. It passes through a muscular thick ring (cervix). The vagina and canal of the cervix form a birth canal in a woman.
The fallopian tubes are characterized by a funnel-shaped extension at the end. Through this genital organ, a matured female egg enters the tube. In the fallopian tube, as a rule, the process of fertilization of the egg takes place. Then the fertilized eggs move into the uterus. There, a long development of the fetus proceeds until the birth.