How to enter a new owner in the TCP: registration procedure, filling rules and necessary documents

Today we will try to figure out how to enter a new owner in the TCP. Is there any need to do this? And if so, where to turn for help? The answers to all these questions should be known to every potential owner of the vehicle. Otherwise, he will have certain problems with the traffic police and the traffic police. With the right approach to the implementation of the task no real trouble for a person will arise. The main thing is to act according to the instructions below. They fully disclose all the features of making adjustments to the technical passport of the machine.

Change of ownership

Description of the document

How to enter a new owner in the TCP? Is there any need to do this?

PTS - vehicle technical passport. This paper records information about the car and the owners of the car. Documentation is used for:

  • registration of compulsory motor liability insurance;
  • making transactions with relevant property;
  • registration of a vehicle.

If the passport contains old information, you will have to make adjustments as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will not work to prove the ownership of the vehicle, as well as to carry out the previously listed operations.

Data entry period

If the owner is entered in the PTS of a new car, we can say that the vehicle is registered with the traffic police. But as a rule, citizens have to independently contact the registration authorities to make adjustments to the paper being studied.

Application for registration of a car in the traffic police

How quickly, when changing ownership, does a person need to specify a new car owner? For this operation, without any consequences, 10 days are allocated from the moment a transaction is concluded. During this time, the buyer of the vehicle has the right to drive his new car without registration, license plates and TCP.

If the specified time has passed, you will first have to register the car. Only after this, the owner can easily get behind the wheel of his movable property.

Where to go for the service

How to enter a new owner in the TCP? To cope with this kind of task, a citizen will need to re-register the car. During this operation, changes will be made to the documentation for the car. Especially when it comes to buying a used vehicle. Where to enter in the TCP the new owner of the car?

Machine registration services are provided by the following authorities:

  • MREO;
  • MFC;
  • Services like My Documents
  • Traffic police;
  • STSI.

It is recommended to seek help at the place of registration of the owner. Then the procedure will be much faster.

Obtaining TCP at the MFC

Can I act on the Internet? Yes. The applicant will have to use a service called "Government Services". But this is not the most popular scenario. Although we will also talk about him.

To whom to submit a request

Who should enter the new owner in the TCP? The State Auto Inspectorate or multifunctional centers are engaged in this matter. And who should re-register the car?

Usually the new owner of the vehicle is involved in this business. If you wish, you can act through a representative, but then you will have to face more paperwork.

Third parties and former owners of cars can not make adjustments to the technical passports of cars. This is a normal occurrence. If desired, the previous owner of the vehicle can remove the sold property from the register, but no more.

Step-by-step instruction

How to enter a new owner in the TCP? To begin, consider the process of re-registering a car by contacting the registration authorities in person. This is the most common scenario.

Obtaining Title through State Services

Step-by-step procedure can be imagined as follows:

  1. Collect a specific package of documents for the implementation of the task. We will familiarize with possible papers later.
  2. Fill out the application for registration of the vehicle in the established form.
  3. Apply to the selected registration authority.
  4. Pay for the service. It is recommended to pay the state fee to the state treasury before submitting the application of the established form.
  5. Wait for the documents to be ready and get them on hand. In some cases, a technical inspection of the vehicle is performed before this.

It is done. As practice shows, no real difficulties with the implementation of ideas come to life. Unless at the stage of preparing documents. After all, paper may vary depending on the situation.

List of certificates for receiving the service

Who enters the new owner in the TCP? The answer to this kind of question will no longer make you think long. Now it's time to study the features of the process.

As we have already said, a citizen will need certain documentation to change the data in the technical passport of the machine. Namely:

  • identification;
  • title papers on a car;
  • application for registration of the vehicle;
  • technical passport of the machine;
  • certificate of registration of the car (if available);
  • certificates indicating the state duty paid.

In some cases, to adjust the TCP may come in handy:

  • marriage certificates;
  • certificates of divorce;
  • statements on the change of last name, first name, patronymic, residence permit.

If the car was purchased “on hand” or on credit, in addition to the listed documentation, apply:

  • purchase agreement;
  • repayment schedule for a mortgage (if a loan was issued);
  • receipts about the seller receiving money;
  • copies of the passport of the previous owner of the car.

Perhaps this is all. The listed papers should be applied only in originals. Otherwise, the registration authorities may refuse the service being studied.

Where they write information about the owner in the TCP

Important: for actions by proxy, you need to contact a notary. There, the owner draws up a trust paper in the name of the representative. It is attached to the application in the established form, submitted to the traffic police.

Adjustment Cost

How to enter a new owner in the TCP? We have already said that the operation under study is associated with re-registration of the vehicle. The service is not free. Every modern car owner will have to pay for it.

How much exactly? State duty reaches a maximum of 2,850 rubles. Of them:

  • 500 rubles - certificate of registration of transport;
  • 350 rubles - entering information about the new owner of the car in the technical passport;
  • 2,000 rubles - issuing state numbers on a vehicle.

If you carry out the procedure via the Internet, a citizen can get a 30% discount on duties. A similar bonus is guaranteed to all owners registering a vehicle before January 1, 2019.

If there is no place in the TCP

Sometimes it happens that the place in the technical passport of the machine ends. What to do under such circumstances?

You will need to draw up a new TCP. Usually this procedure is carried out together with the registration of transport. Only the cost of the service will be increased in total.

At the moment, a new TCP is issued for 500 rubles. So, you have to pay about 3,000 rubles for registering the car in total. Fortunately, this scenario is extremely rare.

Instructions for "Government services"

We found out where to enter the new owner in the TCP. To do this, the document has a "Special Marks" field.

How to fill in TCP

And how to apply for corrections through the State Services? Guidance on the implementation of ideas will take the following form:

  1. Open Here you have to register and confirm your identity.
  2. Log in to the service.
  3. Open the service catalog and find there the section "STSI" or "Vehicle Registration".
  4. Click on the line "Register Vehicle".
  5. Click on a specific service. For example, "Change ownership information."
  6. Fill out the electronic application form.
  7. Choose the date and place of receipt of documentation for the car. This option does not work in all regions of the Russian Federation.
  8. Pay the state fee in established amounts. This option will appear in the "Personal Account" on the portal after considering the application.
  9. To appear at the registration authority at the appointed time with papers prepared in advance.

It is done. Typically, vehicle registration is carried out in a few hours. Less often you have to wait a couple of days.

Now it’s clear how to enter a new owner in the TCP. This is not such a difficult task.

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