To look great, you must follow five rules.

Every woman can look great regardless of age. This does not mean that she should make a lot of efforts for this and visit beauty salons, massage rooms, fitness clubs from morning till night, have a personal stylist, makeup artist, etc. It is not at all necessary in order to look great to spend the frantic money of a millionaire husband. The most ordinary girl and woman with the most modest incomes can look great if she follows simple rules, but every day.


The first rule is skin care. It requires daily cleansing, hydration and nutrition. Not only the skin of the face, but also the whole body needs care! Literally after puberty, a girl should begin to care for her skin. She is an indicator of women's health. Therefore, we must remember that cosmetics for skin care, on which women have so many hopes, only support it.

skin care cosmetics
Good makeup helps to hide or slightly correct flaws: blue circles, bags under the eyes, wrinkles, age spots, blackheads. But if a woman does not monitor her health, nutrition, does not drink enough water, then no makeup will help her. And vice versa, if a woman does not have bad habits, eats a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, gets enough sleep, regularly performs hygienic procedures, does not forget to put a mask on her face once a week (can be prepared at home), moisturizes and nourishes the skin daily, then she will look great! It will be useful to choose high-quality decorative cosmetics to emphasize beautiful facial features and, if necessary, make it visually younger.

Hair and nails

The second rule is hair and nail care. Beautiful hair and nails also depend on nutrition. But it happens that they are initially thin, brittle and dull. In any case, do not despair. Try to choose a suitable hairstyle that will add volume to your hair and emphasize your beautiful facial features: eyes, nose or chin. Nails can be extended. It is also useful to add foods rich in calcium and iodine to the diet - over time, the nail plates will get stronger. The main thing is to keep them clean, just like your hair. If you dye your hair, you should not allow the roots to grow back more than 2 cm, otherwise the dark roots will give you a sloppy look. With light roots, it’s a disaster - the head seems bald. For healthy hair, stylists recommend that you do not radically change colors, only 1-2 tones. Then you can not be painted so often, because a smooth transition from the roots to dyed hair is almost invisible. Be sure to learn how to style your hair and choose good cosmetics if they look too fluffy.

look beautiful


Rule three - movement and support of the figure. Believe me, thin top models are not the ultimate dream of our men. Therefore, it is not necessary to torture yourself with 10-kilometer runs every morning and sit out for hours in gyms. You just need to try to do exercises and walk for at least 40 minutes a day. Do not overeat at night and eat up for children, as well as bite stress cakes - and the figure will look great! After all, the most important thing is to feel good and have energy for the family and your beloved business, and diets and prohibitions contribute little to this.


Often young young women, having barely graduated from school, just think about how to look fashionable. For some reason, they believe that their young people are following new trends and prefer girls dressed in the latest fashion. In fact, the guys are only trying to show that they understand something in this (with rare exceptions). They just watch how beautiful the dress sits on you, how it reveals the merits of your figure. Therefore, when choosing clothes, you first need to understand what image you get in each particular outfit.

how to look fashionable


Finally, the most important rule is a good mood. For a woman to look beautiful at any age, it is enough to glow from the inside. A pleasant, kind, gentle, sincere smile does wonders and opens any doors. And such a smile only happens to a kind, generous, interesting and open person to the world. So they are drawn to him, like to the sun.

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