What are standards? What do they matter? What are developed and created for? What is their purpose? We will talk about all this in the framework of this article.
general information
First, let's give a designation to a word like standard. This is a sample or norm, which is considered as a reference or template, the model of which is used as the basis for comparison with other objects or properties. But this is not the only meaning of the word. So they can call a specific regulatory document, which defines the basic set of norms, requirements and rules. Moreover, it is understood that they can be used repeatedly.
As an example, we can consider quality standards. So, they are developed by the authorized body, which determines the general principles, characteristics and features of the use of rules that relate to a certain type of activity or its result. In addition, it is worth mentioning about the gold standard. This is a special monetary system in which this precious metal acts as the main equivalent and unit of account. The gold exchange standard is something similar. This is the name of the state of affairs in which the country's currency can be freely converted into this precious metal.
How is the formation?
So, we already know what standards are. This allows us to ask how they are formed. They are based on the generalized results of scientific data, the study of practical experience, and the perfection of technology. The main goal they pursue is to achieve the greatest benefit for the whole society.
Let's look at the process of their formation in the framework of the Russian Federation. The subject under study will be federal standards. It is possible that this information will come in handy sometime. So, a preliminary standard is initially created. It is a document that has been adopted by the relevant authority for a specific time. For further development, it is brought to the attention of users in order to gain application experience. After that, a draft standard is created. These are developments that are presented for discussion of all parties that he will touch upon, with the subsequent approval of a suitable option.
What types exist?
There are a great many different standards. They differ in what is for them the subject of influence. There are such standards:
- International
- Regional
- National
- State.
- Industry.
- Standards of organizations, industry consortia, engineering communities, and science and technology enterprises.
Another approach
The previous classification is aimed at certain characteristics or processes. Depending on this, the following standards are distinguished:
- Qualities.
- Educational.
- Social.
- Terminological.
- Technical
- Labor safety.
- Documentation
- Ecological.
- Breeds of animals.
What is the state of affairs in the Russian Federation?
In the Russian Federation there are numerous state standards, as well as a large number of norms within certain enterprises or organizations. Some of them are mandatory for everyone who acts in a certain area. Others are developed by separate entities and are intended for internal use only. As an example of those that apply to the whole country, we can cite educational standards. They apply to all people who receive knowledge according to pre-prepared programs and under the auspices of the state. After graduation, they will be able to receive an official document about this as
confirmation of compliance with standards. And this, in turn, gives certain advantages in terms of employment. Of course, if a person is engaged in self-education for himself or for the purpose of opening his own business, then educational standards for him are not a matter of primary necessity. Then the most significant are the real knowledge that can be applied in practice and as a basis for creative activity.
Division of objects of standardization
Let's look at the situation in the Russian Federation in a little more detail. So, they can be as follows:
- Fundamental.
- On production products.
- On the work processes.
- On test methods (analysis, measurement, control).
What are the fundamental standards? They are created in order to provide understanding and interconnections in science, production and technology. An example is international environmental safety standards. Or use USB connectors. A large number of general standards are combined into one complex. This is done for the convenience of handling information. Product standards impose certain requirements on manufactured goods and services. They affect general specifications and requirements. As a rule, interest is provided by the main parameters, classification, quality requirements of the final product, types of labeling, safety and environmental requirements, storage methods, transportation conditions. In addition, operation, maintenance and disposal features may be specified. All of these sections are optional and are entered only if necessary.
Standards for work processes define requirements for specific tasks that are implemented at various stages of creating a product or providing a service. Most often they are developed directly by enterprises, at which they are subsequently applied. Standards for control methods report what needs to be used and how, in order to get the most accurate assessment of meeting the requirements.
Categories of standards in the Russian Federation
Depending on the focus, the tasks performed and the scale, standards are grouped differently. These may be such varieties:
- State.
- Industry.
- Enterprises.
- Public associations.
State standards are aimed at services and products in which a significant number of people feel the need. The State Standard of Russia is engaged in their approval. A single exception: if they relate to architecture, building materials and construction, then Gosstroy deals with them. If they are additionally recognized also in other countries (after certain negotiations and other points), then these are already international standards. In such cases, they can be adopted by the government of another state or supported by separate treaties.
Industry standards regulate what and how is produced within the framework of one direction of development of the national economy. They must comply with labor protection requirements and industrial safety rules. They are approved by sectoral government bodies. Standards of enterprises are developed directly on them. The objects in this case are usually various issues of production management and organizational aspects. Although they can regulate the quality / creation of products. Standards of public associations are created for modern testing methods, the latest products, innovative technologies, processes for managing various organizational structures.
So we figured out what constitute standards. This is a rather interesting topic, and if you understand it well, you can confidently protect your rights to quality products and goods.