Warts on the fingers

Warts are a viral disease of the skin. The appearance of a wart causes infection with the papillovirus. Warts on the fingers are located in the surface layer of the skin, do not be afraid that the wart will grow to the bone, and begin to develop there. It is believed that the wart begins to develop, with weakened immunity, constant contact with water.

Warts have a rounded protruding rough surface and look very unaesthetic. The most unpleasant in the appearance of the wart is that they begin to multiply, increasing the area of ​​infection. In addition, the virus can be introduced to other areas of the skin and begin life there. Warts begin to appear on the body. Therefore, as soon as warts appear on the fingers, try to get rid of them. The faster the wart is removed, the smaller the area of ​​infection will be, and the likelihood of its occurrence in other parts of the body. In addition, getting rid of the small one is much easier than getting overgrown. Therefore, do not delay the removal, but refer to traditional methods or traditional medicine. Visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

How to remove a wart on a finger using folk methods

  • Celandine juice.

Buy tincture of celandine in a pharmacy or tear off a leaf of celandine and apply the plant's juice to the wart. Try to do this carefully so as not to touch healthy skin. Smear a day several times when there is time. In a week or two, she herself will disappear.

  • Fig juice.

This advice is only good in the warm season. It is necessary to smear the wart with milky juice, from the unripe fig berries. The action is similar to celandine, but here it is possible that the wart will bulge out of the skin, as if a worm was coming out. Especially if she is not very old. This usually happens on the fourth or fifth day. Then just grab it with tweezers and pull it out like hair. True, a little painful.

  • Dandelion Juice.

It has the same effect as in the treatment of celandine. It is necessary to lubricate the wart with the milky juice of the plant.

  • Garlic juice.

Every day, several times a day, lubricate the wart with a cut clove of garlic and it gradually begins to decrease and dry out until it completely disappears.

Warts on the fingers can be removed in the cosmetologist’s office.

  • Laser coagulation.

This is perhaps the youngest method and the most painless. Caution, layer by layer, cut off the body of the wart. The operation is performed with local anesthesia. After removal, a fossa remains in the skin, but it evens out over time, so that there will be no trace.

  • Surgery.

This method of removing warts on the fingers is practiced only in very advanced cases, when the wart has grown and occupies a vast area. An infected area of ​​the skin is cut out with a scalpel, and then stitches are applied. It is recommended that the removed large wart be sent to the laboratory to investigate the causes of the pathology.

  • Cryodestruction.

The method of freezing with liquid nitrogen. The doctor touches the wart with a special cryo-applicator and freezes, acting on it for 15 to 20 seconds. The wart thickens and turns white. An hour and a half later, a small bubble forms. It dries in about three to five days and falls off. After that, a delicate pink speck remains, which smoothes over time.

  • Electrocoagulation

The wart is cut off by acting on it with a high-frequency current; first, anesthesia is done at the site of the operation. After the manipulation, a crust remains, which disappears quite soon.

How to remove warts? Which method to apply is up to you. But the main advice: do not delay the time to remove the wart, but try to get rid of it faster. Your hands should be beautiful so that people do not have a fear of shaking them.

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