Where and how to get a divorce certificate? State duty for divorce

Family relationships are often accompanied by the issuance of a variety of certificates - on marriage, on the birth of children, on adoption. All this plays a huge role in human life. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to think about how to get a divorce certificate. What kind of paper is this? When and where is it issued? What does it contain? The answers to these questions need to be addressed to everyone, because no one is safe from the termination of official relations.

How to get a divorce certificate

Short description

How to get a divorce certificate? First of all, a citizen needs to understand what he will deal with. Under what circumstances is the appropriate paper issued? And what is she like?

A divorce certificate is a state-issued certificate indicating the termination of previously registered relations with the registry office. Such documentation is issued to the former spouses - each with a separate copy. For this, the couple must officially divorce.

Similar documentation is used to confirm the divorce. For example, if a divorced person wants to enter into official relations again. In addition, a state-issued certificate may come in handy if former spouses meet in court.

About the content

How to get a divorce certificate? There are not many options for the development of events. However, knowing about them is extremely important. Only at first you will have to figure out what constitutes a state marriage dissolution document.

In this paper you can see the following data:

  • Name of husband and wife;
  • surname that is assigned to the citizen after the termination of the relationship;
  • date of divorce;
  • place of divorce;
  • grounds for termination of a previously registered relationship;
  • number and series of the document.

There are no more third-party information in the paper and cannot be. It is not provided by the current legislation of the country. A marriage certificate is an official state document. And therefore, the corresponding paper does not have any other form.

Divorce Decision

Grounds for termination of relationship

Obtaining a divorce certificate in Russia can be carried out only if there are good reasons for this. Just like that, paper is not issued.

Typically, a document of a standard form is executed after the dissolution of marriage in an official manner - through a registry office or court. Family relationships can also end if the spouse goes missing, is declared dead, or actually dies.

Accordingly, as long as citizens do not have officially terminated relations, a hand certificate will not be issued. First you have to get a divorce.

Registration of a divorce in the registry office

Where can I get a divorce certificate? The answer depends on the personal preferences of the person. Only at first it will be necessary to formalize the termination of the marriage.

Let's start with the simplest solution - contact the registry office. This situation is possible if the couple does not have minor children. Ideally, the registry office is bred by mutual agreement. Unilaterally terminate the relationship if:

  • there is a notarial consent of the spouse;
  • husband or wife has been imprisoned for more than 3 years;
  • one of the spouses was recognized dead or missing;
  • husband / wife is dead.

You can contact either the registry office at the registration of applicants, or where the relationship was registered initially. One month after submitting the application in the prescribed form, the citizen will be issued a document. Only he will have to pay at the time of filing a request for a divorce.

Appeal to the court for divorce

Registration in court

Where can I get a divorce certificate? The answer is definitely extremely problematic. As already mentioned, it all depends on the personal preferences of the person.

The second way to terminate officially registered relations is to go to court. In the absence of conflict, you can go to the justice of the peace, otherwise - to the district.

It is proposed to act as follows:

  1. Write a lawsuit about a divorce, while preparing a specific package of certificates. It will directly depend on the life situation.
  2. Submit a statement of claim of the established form to the authorized body.
  3. Participate in the hearing, resolving conflicts.
  4. Get on hand documents with a decision to terminate the marriage.
  5. Contact the registry office to issue a certificate of the established form. To do this, you just need to contact the authorized body with an application for the issuance of the relevant statement.

It doesn't sound too hard, but in practice, divorce is a lot of trouble. We will not focus on the divorce proceedings. Instead, we focus on the direct issuance of a certificate on the termination of the marriage.

Where to get a divorce

Place of issue

Where can I get a divorce certificate? To answer this question is problematic. This is due to the fact that coping with the task is offered through various services.

At the moment, the issuance of certificates of marriage or the termination of the marriage is carried out:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • Single Window Services
  • service "state services";
  • registry office.

In this case, it is necessary to contact the services at the place of registration of the applicant. In the case of the registry office, as already mentioned, it is allowed to submit a request for an established sample at the place of painting of the couple in the past.

Through the registry office - instructions for obtaining an extract

A divorce certificate at the registry office can be issued without any difficulty. The main thing is to know how to behave in a particular case.

Filing for divorce in the Russian Federation

To get a state-issued certificate indicating the termination of official marriage, you need:

  1. Prepare a specific package of statements provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to achieve the desired goal. We will familiarize ourselves with its components later.
  2. Write an application for a divorce certificate. If the couple terminates the relationship, provided there are no children and mutual consent, a request for divorce must be submitted.
  3. Make a state duty for the operation. It can be different. The amount of payment varies depending on the specific situation.
  4. Submit a standard application to the authorized bodies.
  5. To receive a certificate of termination of the marriage union in advance of the agreed time.

Everything seems to be simple. And there is. We found out how to get a divorce certificate through the registry office. The main problem is often the completion of the divorce process as a whole.

Important: this way you can request a document through the MFC, the “one-stop shop” service or a private intermediary company.

Through "State Services"

But this is only one of several scenarios. In Russia, it is permitted to obtain a certificate of divorce through the State Services. To do this, you will have to have a registered and activated profile on ESIA. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the desired result.

Appeal to the MFC for a divorce certificate

In general, it is proposed to act to implement the task:

  1. Open State Services and log in to your account.
  2. In the catalog of available electronic options, select the “Registration of divorce” section.
  3. Fill out the application electronically. Part of the data in it will be copied from the "My Account".
  4. Choose your intended place and date of divorce.
  5. Confirm the process of applying to authorized bodies.
  6. Pay the state fee for upcoming service.
  7. Come to the registry office and pick up a state-issued certificate in a predetermined time frame. This can be done only after the user is sent an invitation to the authorized body.

Despite the simplicity of using the Gosuslugi portal, this technique is not in special demand. The thing is that the certificate of divorce in the described case is made only as a result of a divorce in the registry office. And this, as we have already found out, is probably far from always.

Service cost

How much is a divorce certificate? As already mentioned, you will have to pay in different ways. The answer directly depends on the specific life situation. Or rather, on how spouses get divorced.

Obtaining a marriage certificate through a registry office by mutual agreement at the moment will cost 650 rubles. Payment is charged immediately to both spouses. Two certificates of the established form cost so much at once.

State duty for divorce may be charged in other sizes. For example, citizens pay 350 rubles for a certificate of the established form. This option takes place when the termination of relations is unilateral. For example, through the court.

Accordingly, the state duty for divorce in the amount of 350 rubles will be paid by each spouse. Only under such circumstances will a person be given a certificate of the termination of the family.

What a divorce certificate looks like

Service speed

How to get a divorce certificate? The answer to such a question will no longer cause any difficulties. And how quickly is the certificate of the established form issued?

Usually, when applying to the registry office, citizens have to wait one month. This is the simplest scenario. He is the fastest.

If the spouses are bred in court, then the divorce proceedings will take at least 3 months, and the direct issuance of the statement of the established form - several days.

Issuing a divorce certificate is not so difficult. The main thing to remember is that only a person should personally pick up the document that is due to him. The certificates on the termination of the marriage relationship are not given to third parties.

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