The basic theories of the origin of the state, from antiquity to the present day

Theories of the state are hypotheses that explain the causes and circumstances of the emergence of the state, its meaning and nature of change. People have long thought about what this phenomenon is, why such a complex form of organization of society is necessary.

The reasons for the origin of the state are called the most diverse, from fantastic to reducing everything to the simplest mental reactions. This difference in judgments is most likely due to subjective assessments of the authors.
In modern science, there are the following basic theories of origin

basic theories of state origin

1. Divine (theological) theory. Power is given to the ruler by higher powers and is not subject to doubt. God created people and created a form of power over them, so no matter how tyrannical it may be, subjects have no right to oppose it. The earliest of theories arose on the basis of mythological and religious beliefs.

2. Patriarchal theory. Developed by the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle. She says that society is one big family where the ruler (father) takes care of his subjects (children) or punishes them for disobedience.

3. Contractual theory. It arose in the 4th century. BC e. in ancient Greece, the founders are schools of sophists and epicureans. This theory refutes the divine principle in the structure of the state and explains everything with “adaptation mechanisms”: in exchange for satisfying their first needs for protection, food and good sleep, people gave up their freedom

state theory
into the power of rulers.

4. Organic theory. Compares the structure of the state with the structure of a living organism, where citizens are cells, and it depends on them how the whole function
system. The most prominent representative of this trend - G. Spencer - believed that modern states are a product of natural selection, which turned out to be more viable than its predecessors.

5. Theory of violence. States arise as a result of wars and conquests, where a defeated nation becomes a slave class, and a victorious nation dominates. The basic theories of the origin of the state by force were developed by E. Dühring, L. Gumplovsky, K. Kautsky.

6. Psychological theory. He claims that the political system and law arose due to the characteristics of the human psyche, its need for submission. The founder - Z. Freud - explained this need symbolically: once at the dawn of humanity, the sons killed their cruel forefather, who suppressed their sexual desires. Driven by guilt, they created God and rulers for themselves, and the order of the primitive horde was restored again. By the way, other basic theories of the state’s origin do not at all deny the psychological component, but do not attach so much importance to it.

reasons for the origin of the state

7. Theory of racial inequality. Explains the emergence of public order in that all races were initially divided into slaves and slaveholders. The fascists used this theory to justify the mass extermination of "second-rate" peoples.

8. Marxist theory. He explains the emergence of the state for economic reasons: the division of labor led to the emergence of classes and private property, and, as a result, the need arose to protect the accumulated material values.

So, having examined the basic theories of the state’s origin, it can be argued that each of them has the right to life, since it has significant grounds and historical facts.

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