How to inject growth hormone: instructions, dosage and rules for use

To help beginner bodybuilders use special means of growth hormone. They are required for a slim, sculpted figure. But not everyone knows how to inject growth hormone. The nuances of its application are described in the article.

Hormone action

Growth hormone is a substance of artificial origin. After taking this drug, an effect on the endocrine glands occurs. This provides a linear growth of bones, increases the amount of muscle mass, accelerates the breakdown of fats. Somatotropin provides the destruction of collagen in the tissues, does not allow the production of enzymes that destroy amino acids.

how to inject growth hormone

The presence of a sufficient amount of this hormone increases the number and size of cells of the adrenal glands, sex glands, liver, and thyroid gland. With the help of growth hormone, the breakdown of fats in the body is stimulated and accelerated. This increases the concentration of fatty acids, which inhibits the insulin effect on glucose transport.

Physiological properties

To achieve a positive effect, you need to know how to inject growth hormone. With the help of this drug:

  • body restoration processes are activated;
  • the effect of rejuvenation is provided;
  • bone tissue is strengthened;
  • the thickness of the fat layer decreases;
  • muscle mass increases;
  • the body's defenses are enhanced;
  • brain activity is stimulated;
  • increased intellectual abilities;
  • cholesterol decreases;
  • stimulated sexual activity.

Can I inject growth hormone? You need to consult with a specialist. He will also tell you how to inject growth hormone.


growth hormone and insulin

When is it better to inject growth hormone? Injections are suitable for men and women from 20 years. It is undesirable to use this tool before, as there is a risk of asymmetric bone development and other negative consequences. Artificial growth hormone is used to increase muscle relief due to a decrease in the thickness of the fat layer.

Among doctors, there is an opinion that growth hormone should not be used for diabetes due to an increase in blood sugar. But this opinion is erroneous, which is confirmed by recent medical studies. With the use of growth hormone for diabetes, it is necessary to carefully monitor the level of sugar in the blood. The drug is an insulin antagonist. With its use, uncharacteristic dissonance appears due to the lack of the right amount of hormones that the body secrete.

For this reason, when using growth hormone, it is necessary to adjust the amount of insulin administration. The first 2 weeks when using this tool it is necessary to monitor the level of glucose in the blood every day. Usually, it becomes necessary to increase the dose of insulin (usually by 1-3 units).

Also, it is necessary to carefully administer somatotropin injections to people with hypertension, because they increase blood pressure. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of sodium chloride (sodium chloride) consumed. In any situation, you need to consult a doctor to exclude negative effects.

What is needed?

How to inject growth hormone? To do this, prepare an insulin injection syringe per 100 units. Dilute the drug with bactericidal or sterile water sold in any pharmacy. Some growth hormone manufacturers provide complete injection liquid. For injection, cotton pads with alcohol are used to treat the skin and ampoules of the product.

where to inject growth hormone

Growth hormone can even be a simple person who does not have a medical education. This will require:

  1. If the diluted product is stored for more than a day, then the use of an additional component, bactericidal water, is required.
  2. Do not pour liquid into powder. The injection syringe must be kept so that water flows down the walls of the vial.
  3. Do not shake the vial before use for high-quality mixing of liquid and dry components. This markedly reduces efficiency.
  4. To connect the main components of the injection, it is advisable to gently rotate the vial around the axis.
  5. To get 1 dose of the drug, you should dilute the ampoule with growth hormone in 1-2 ml of water.

Instruction manual

How to inject growth hormone? Manufacturers of funds of this type are advised to follow the instructions:

  1. Need to find the injection site. Where to inject growth hormone? Manufacturers believe that the best area for injection is the abdomen (8 cm from the navel). The needle must get into the area that is located between the skin and muscles. It’s best to look for a zone that is less painful.
  2. According to the manufacturers, each new injection is carried out on a different area of ​​the skin. Components with local use lead to lipodystrophy. This manifests itself in the form of destruction of the fat layer in the site of the introduction of growth hormone.
  3. The syringe should be left at an angle of 45 degrees to the skin, and then the drug is slowly injected into the tissues. To protect against fluid leakage, it is advisable to keep the needle in this position for another 5-10 seconds.
  4. Injections should be performed only with clean hands.
  5. Before use, the neck of the ampoule must be wiped with alcohol. The same actions are performed on the skin at the injection site.
  6. When typing the drug into the syringe, you should carefully monitor so that air bubbles do not penetrate there.
a growth hormone


When using drugs that include growth hormone, it must be borne in mind that there will be no instant action. Fat decreases, the relief increases gradually. The duration of the course at which the hormone must be taken is 7 months. The best efficiency is ensured when the product is used with minimal dosages, and gradually they increase. At the end of the course, it is desirable to reduce the amount of drug used.

How much prick growth hormone? In stage 1, a suitable dose is 4 units. After a month, the amount of the hormone increases to 4.5 units, and after a week - up to 5 units. (2 injections of 2.5 units.). If there are side defects (joint pain, bloating), the dose should be slightly reduced. Do not skip taking the drug.

Growth hormone after penetration into the body acts after 3 hours. In a person under 45 years of age, this substance is produced during sleep. Therefore, in this case, it is advisable to perform the injection early in the morning. This will extend the process started by the body at night. When the dose of growth hormone is 5 units, a person performs 2 injections, which should be done at noon (the interval between injections is at least 4-5 hours). During this period, the concentration of cortisol in the blood reaches a maximum.

Action enhancement

To obtain overactive muscle tissue growth, using only growth hormone is not enough. In this situation, it is better to combine it with insulin. This hormone is additionally introduced into the blood if the doses of growth hormone are large. The substance noticeably alleviates the load on the pancreas.

how much prick growth hormone

It is advisable to use 6-8 units of insulin. The dose is administered before meals. In this case, it will turn out to increase muscle mass and accelerate the metabolism in the body. The specific dosage of insulin and growth hormone is selected only by a doctor.


Somatotropin is used based on the following recommendations:

  1. The resulting solution for injection is allowed to be stored only in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 to +8 degrees.
  2. Do not allow exposure to the ampoule of sunlight, as well as heating and freezing.
  3. Dry powder is stored for no more than 2 years.
  4. Injections are preferably performed on an empty stomach. After the procedure, you can not eat 40 minutes.
  5. The interval between injections should be 4 hours.
when to inject hormone

To increase the effectiveness of using this tool, you need to carefully consider your personal diet. Every day you need to eat 2-3 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. It is necessary to exclude products containing digestible carbohydrates.

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