Luke Evans: filmography, biography, personal life

Spectators who like science fiction stories can pay attention to the filmography of Luke Evans. An actor from the UK often starred in films belonging to the fantasy genre. “The Hobbit”, “Dracula”, “War of the Gods: Immortals”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Clash of the Titans” - films with his participation are distinguished by their beauty and spectacle. What can you tell about the life of this person, his best roles?


The filmography of Luke Evans currently contains about 30 films and series. How did this person come to the idea of ​​an acting career? Luke was born in the UK in the family of a builder and cleaning lady, it happened in April 1979. The boy’s parents were members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization and tried to attach their son to their faith. Religious education received in the family had the opposite effect. At the age of 16, Luke declared himself an atheist and left his father's house. At this point, he was already determined to become an actor.

luke evans filmography

The guy took lessons in dramatic art and vocals, earned a living as a seller. In 2000, he graduated from Cross Road London Central Studio and began searching for roles. Luke's cinematic career began in 2009, after he was spotted by scouts from a British film studio.

Personal life

The personal life of Luke Evans is the lively interest of his fans. At the beginning of the path to fame, the actor announced his unconventional sexual orientation. For several years he met with the Spanish model John Cortajarena, broke up with him in 2015.

luke evans personal life

From time to time, Luke is credited with novels with women, for example, with his PR manager Charlotte Church, childhood friend Holly Goodchild, but the actor refutes such rumors. He is currently officially free.

The first roles of Luc Evans

Many actors have been forced to achieve fame for years, but the hero of the article is not one of them. The very first roles of Luke Evans gave him fame. The filmography of the young man began with the biographical drama "Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll", which was released in 2009. In this picture, which tells about the life and work of the founder of the British punk movement, he embodied the image of Clive Richards.

luke evans roles

In 2010, the actor brilliantly played the handsome god Apollo in the fantastic action movie “Clash of the Titans”. He then appeared in the adventure movie Robin Hood, sharing the set with Russell Crowe. Critics praised his play in the comedy Irresistible Tamara, the crime thriller No Compromise.

Films with his participation

In 2011, the filmography of Luke Evans was replenished with a fantastic film "War of the Gods: Immortals." The actor again got the role of a celestial, this time he embodied the image of the leader of the Olympians Zeus. Soon after, he reincarnated as the graceful Aramis in the next adaptation of Dumas' Three Musketeers.

Each new role increased the number of fans of Evans. He starred in the films "Fast and the Furious 6" and "Raven", played in the drama series "The Great Train Robbery." The actor received maximum attention when it became known about his participation in the films of the Hobbit series.

In 2014, the filmography of Luke Evans was replenished with a mystical film "Dracula", in which he embodied the image of a key character. The actor played Count Vlad - a talented ruler, a brave warrior and a passionate lover. Initially, the creators of the picture planned to entrust this role to the star of "Avatar" Sam Worthington, but at the last moment they chose Evans, which they did not have to regret.

What else to see

Relatively recently, an actor from the UK starred in the sci-fi film "High-Rise", embodied the image of Scott in the thriller "Girl on the Train." Then, the film “Beauty and the Beast” was presented to the audience, in which Luke played Gaston in love. Also in 2017, the picture "Fast and the Furious 8" was released with his participation.

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