The main types of depilation: photos and recommendations

In modern society, excessive vegetation on the body of a lady is not taken for granted. Therefore, women spend hours in the struggle for delicate and smooth skin. You can get rid of excess vegetation in various ways, both at home and in medical centers. There are even procedures that can permanently remove hair. Classic shaving is now confidently replacing new types of depilation and hair removal, which will be discussed in this review.

Epilation, depilation: the same thing?

These are related words that mean hair removal. Their main difference is the different principles of exposure to the hairline. During depilation, only its upper layer is eliminated, and hair removal can affect the root of the problem - the follicle. These two methods determine the time interval for the appearance of new hair. In other words, depilation, depending on the type of procedure, makes the skin smooth for a short period of time - from 2 to 14 days, and epilation removes hair permanently.

types of depilation

Types of depilation: shaving, the use of special creams, waxing, shugaring, depilatory. You can often find the terms “waxing” or in home appliance stores the price tag with the words “electric hair removal”. This is a misuse of the meaning of two words. Many people believe that hair removal is a procedure in which hair with a root is removed, that is, with the help of sugar paste, tweezers, wax, but this is not so. During hair removal, the source of hair growth is destroyed, which does not happen during the same shugaring, waxing. Laser hair removal is so far the only procedure that eliminates this problem forever, and then there are cases of the resumption of growth, but more on that later.


Until recently, the types of depilation of bikini, axillary zone and legs converged in one procedure - shaving. Over time, it became clear that this is a simple method, but not at all safe. Everyone knows that a razor is a cutting object, and so, when it is applied to the skin, cutting off the hair, damage to the upper layer of the epidermis is possible. As a result, there is a chance of infection, and this is the reason for the development of inflammatory processes and the formation of purulent pimples.

what type of depilation

It is especially not recommended to use a similar method on the armpits. Since the skin is soft there and it is very easy to damage it, especially because of poor ventilation there is a high risk of developing infections. The advantage of shaving is the simplicity and speed of the method, but also the hair reappears.

The use of creams

This procedure is recommended by doctors to get rid of hair in the armpits, on the face and hands. To do this, depilatory cream is applied to the skin, the types of which are presented for hair of different hardness, and after a certain period of time is removed along with undesirable vegetation. Choosing the right tool is possible by trial and error. That is, before applying a new cream, it is necessary to check it on a small area of ​​the skin for irritability.

The composition of such creams includes substances that destructively affect keratin - the structural element of the hair. As a result, the hair falls off. Before surgery, this type of depilation is often used by doctors, which helps to avoid skin damage that may occur during shaving.

depilation cream, types

You can not use this procedure on damaged areas of the skin and on the mucous membranes, so the use of such creams for deep depilation of a bikini is not allowed. The advantage of the method is a longer preservation of skin smoothness than after shaving.


It is possible to forget about unwanted hair for at least 10 days. And wax will help. This is not a completely painless procedure, but very tolerant and effective. For its implementation, these types of wax are used for depilation: cold, warm and hot. The first two remedies can be used at home, a hot product removes hair in beauty salons, since there is a possibility of burns when applied independently.

types of wax for depilation

The procedure requires a preparatory stage and care after it. The hair length before the procedure should be at least 4 mm. At home for waxing, do not neglect medical gloves and skin treatment with disinfectant solutions. A hair growth agent is applied, and removed against, on the contrary, a shugaring procedure occurs.

Sugar paste

The first to learn how to remove hair with sugar paste were Egyptians. Then this unsweetened sensation procedure gained popularity among all Eastern women. By the way, shugaring has a second name - “Persian depilation”. The correct pronunciation of the procedure with emphasis on the first syllable. Shugaring leads the list of procedures “Types of bikini zone depilation” and is generally a universal method, since it is suitable for any part of the female body in the fight against unwanted vegetation. Men resort to sugar depilation in the ears, nose, neck, you can not only use it to remove hair from the beard.

types of bikini depilation

The procedure consists in applying the finished sugar paste to the skin against hair growth, followed by removal of the product in the direction of hair growth. It is important to be able to properly stretch sugar strips, because they always strive to roll into a bowl. With inept use of a viscous mixture, hematomas can remain in the depilation sites. The hair length at the time of depilation should be at least 2 mm, that is, depending on the metabolism, this is the 4th - 7th day after shaving.

Shugaring vs Waxing

Types of depilation: sugar and wax - are often a popular topic for discussion and choosing the best method. What is the advantage of each of the species?

  1. Means. Wax at home can not be prepared, it can only be purchased. Sugar paste has an advantage in this regard, it can be cooked at home, although not the first time, and the ingredients for cooking are simple and affordable. These are sugar, water and lemon juice.
  2. Procedure . In terms of speed, wax takes the first place, because less manipulation is performed when it is applied. Shugaring requires special skills and “arm positioning,” as professionals say, which is why sugar paste depilation technology takes longer.
  3. Result . While working with sugar paste, hair growth is removed, which prevents breakage and then ingrowth, so shugaring is preferable to waxing in this regard.

Mechanical hair removal

The list of “Basic types of depilation” is completed by special electric machines that work by plucking hair. They are used for home hair removal procedures. The device is carried out several times along the hair area until smooth skin without vegetation is obtained.

Among the advantages of this method can be identified: the availability and preservation of the result for 10-14 days. But the disadvantages of this procedure are much greater, namely: the duration of the session, soreness, skin irritation the first two days and ingrown hair.

types of depilation at home

Despite On the shortcomings of mechanical hair removal, depilators are in the home arsenal of many women. The soreness of the procedure decreases every time, because the hair becomes weak, non-stiff, and with proper care, namely scrubbing, the problem of ingrown hair is eliminated.

Laser device

The types of depilation considered above bring a temporary result, that is, after a certain period their repetition is required. However, there is an irreversible hair removal procedure - laser hair removal. It is carried out by medical workers using special equipment.

The hair shaft contains melanin, which absorbs laser beams, as a result of which the follicle heats up, becomes damaged and after a few days is completely destroyed. As a result, the hair from it does not regenerate. Gray and fair hair are not amenable to laser hair removal.

types of hair removal and depilation

The procedure begins with the shaving of the upper layer of the hair so that the laser energy can affect the deep pigment. After which the device is sent to the alleged place of depilation for several seconds, at which point it gives an impulse that destroys the hair follicle.

It is important to know that even after laser hair removal, when it would seem that the hair no longer appears, there are cases of the resumption of their growth. The reason for this is the hormonal background. For example, after pregnancy or a painful hormonal imbalance in a woman who has undergone laser hair removal, hair can begin to grow.

What type of depilation to choose?

Unambiguously answer this question, they say, fair-skinned ladies sugaring, and for dark-skinned women - laser hair removal is impossible. To begin with, it is necessary to divide the considered species at the place of their conduct. So, the types of depilation at home: chemical creams, shaving, mechanical removal with an electric appliance, cold / warm wax. Salon procedures: shugaring, hot wax, laser hair removal.

It is worthwhile to understand that in the salon the hair removal procedure will cost more than at home, however, the result is saved for a longer time. And with laser hair removal or photoepilation, the effect of smooth skin remains forever, with the exception of some cases.

types of depilation of the bikini zone

For depilation of any part of the body and with sensitive skin, it is recommended to look at shugaring. The laser procedure is not cheap and requires more than one session, so it is more advisable to spend money on it to remove hair above the upper lip and in the armpits.

At home, it is better to choose warm wax for the bikini line, cream for the axillary zone, but the legs can also be treated with a depilator.


The types of hair removal and depilation described in this review cannot be used for certain diseases. If before the salon procedure the doctor will surely consult the patient about the prohibitions on one or another method of hair removal, then at home you should know these contraindications.

  • When using wax: papillomas, rosacea, poor blood coagulation, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, moles, herpes, skin lesions.
  • With chemical exposure to creams: individual intolerance to components, the presence of cuts, abrasions and wounds.
  • Mechanical removal: thrombophlebitis, high sensitivity of the skin, inflammatory and purulent processes and skin lesions.

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