Healthy shiny hair at all times was considered the most worthy decoration of the girl. But what if, by nature, they are rather weak, grow poorly, split and break? Natural hair cosmetics will come to the rescue.
You can buy one of industrial production, or you can use the means at hand and cook at home, which will also help save money.
Surely many have heard of a cinnamon mask to accelerate growth. Does cinnamon really stimulate growth? What type of mask is suitable for hair? Is she safe? There are a lot of questions to which detailed answers should be found.
So, first, the recipe for how to make a hair mask with cinnamon. It will require cinnamon powder, olive oil (can be replaced with linseed, wheat germ and any base oil in general , even vegetable), hot water, sugar. All these components are used in equal amounts (2 tablespoons each). To them to interfere 1 yolk.
It is very important before applying the mask to the roots to thoroughly lubricate the hair along the entire length with oil, especially the tips! This is done so as not to burn the hair. The forehead, neck and ears can also be oiled. In the event of a mask, it can be quickly erased. Otherwise, a slight burn is possible. After completing the application, you need to wrap the head with polyethylene and a towel or scarf. Leave for at least 15 minutes, but still it is better to withstand 1 hour.
The scalp will be plucked, but if tolerated, it is better not to run off the mask, but wait the necessary time. The heating effect āawakensā the hair follicles, thereby accelerating hair growth. Tested on yourself! The effect is noticeable after the first application. Cinnamon is used for hair no more than 1 time per week (for dry and even less so - 1 time in 10-14 days). In addition, owners of oily hair will surely like the effect of reducing greasiness of the scalp. At the first application, a sufficiently large amount of hair may fall out. Do not be afraid of this, because only the sick and the weakened fall out. They would have fallen out within a week. But in their place healthy ones immediately begin to grow.
What other uses can cinnamon for hair use?
Brightening curls with the help of this wonderful spice is very popular among fans of natural cosmetics. With regular use of this method, even 2 tones of light can be achieved. To prepare the mask, you need 4 tablespoons of cinnamon powder, about 100 grams of liquid honey (candied can be melted in a water bath) and 2 tablespoons of a regular
hair balm or store mask. All components are mixed and applied evenly to wet hair in length. Then you need to put on a shower cap and wrap it well with a towel. After 4 hours, the mask should be washed off with water, it may be necessary to use shampoo for very thick hair. Dry and enjoy the result. An additional bonus from such lightening will be the amazing aroma that cinnamon leaves. For hair dyed with chemical dyes, such a mask, alas, will not work.