Critical state of human health

A critical condition of a person is determined by a combination of symptoms that are determined by a separate area of ​​medicine. The risk group often includes patients with chronic diseases. Less common are patients after emergencies. Systematization of diseases leading to dangerous outcomes helps to reduce the number of severe cases.

Directions of rehabilitation medicine

The aim of the study of patients is:

  • improving the quality of life of terminal patients;
  • help to prolong life;
  • the exclusion of such neglected cases in healthy people.

critical situation

Timely rehabilitation of patients in extremely serious conditions helps to fully study the problem of incurable diseases. Each new successful experiment suggests that such incidents can be completely prevented. But at the moment, classical approaches are not able to save people from a dying diagnosis.

Moving in the direction of emergency care for patients, it is possible to achieve significant improvements in the condition of the patient’s body. From the above it follows: medicine that excludes a critical condition gives people with severe forms of illness a chance to return to normal life in the future. Science is constantly moving forward, and perhaps there will be a solution to problems that are not yet accessible to doctors.

The problem of patient rescue

The basics of resuscitation of each patient should be known to all doctors of any field. The direction of a return to human life lies on the shoulders of even an ordinary therapist in order to recognize critical conditions of the body in time. However, the most experienced specialists in this field are:

  • ambulance workers;
  • resuscitators;
  • anesthetists
  • Intensiveists.

critical state of substance

Resuscitation is aimed at the area in which pathological changes have occurred in humans. Proven techniques can bring patients back to life even at home, on their own. The replenishment of the experience describing a critical condition is conducted daily. Each positive outcome is studied in detail, new methods are introduced that exclude fatal outcomes.

Resuscitation Classification

The critical state of health differs in the type of chronic diseases:

  • Central nervous system - polio, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
  • Internal organs: liver - cirrhosis, hepatitis, cancer foci; kidneys - subacute glomerulonephritis, renal failure, amyloidosis.
  • Circulatory system - leukemia, coronary heart disease, hypertension, thrombosis.
  • Respiratory system - cancer, obstructive disease, emphysema.
  • Cortex - cerebrovascular disease, tumor, vascular sclerosis.

Each region is distinguished by the specifics of the rehabilitation approach and has its own characteristics of the recovery period. Also, mixed types of diseases are taken into account.

critical condition therapy

The statistics include infections:

  • Parasitic - ornithosis, toxoplasmosis, heartworms are dangerous only in advanced stages with abundant population.
  • Viral - Ebola, dengue, lupus erythematosus, AIDS.
  • Bacterial - plague, cholera.

Mixed types pose the greatest danger to humans. They can provoke severe conditions and clinical forms of inflammation. Critical conditions in children are associated with mix infections, especially in newborns.

What have you achieved in the field of resuscitation?

Therapy of critical conditions has already helped reduce the number of patients:

  • The first benefit of rehabilitation measures is saving the lives of patients on the brink.
  • Reduced disability.
  • Incurable diseases can be operated on.
  • The treatment period is significantly reduced.
  • Relapse of chronic inflammation is excluded.

Restoring the body of incurable patients is the main task of the field of medicine. There are practical examples of helping people who have previously been diagnosed with a near-death condition. The essential value of the resuscitation approach is the economic return on such investments.

critical state of development

In the future, not only the current chronic diseases of the patient should be evaluated, but also the possible critical condition. Substances for resuscitation are selected in advance in order to use them immediately at the time of deterioration of health.

What are the prospects for the development of resuscitation?

The main directions of the movement of medicine in the study of conditions bordering on death are the search for fundamentally new approaches to resuscitation of the patient. Classical methods of therapy no longer meet modern requirements.

In clinical death, cardiac massage and exposure to the chest can be replaced by sophisticated methods of pumping blood and supplying oxygen to a suddenly dead person. To perform this function, computer intelligence can be used. Such devices are already successfully used in isolated cases.

When a critical condition of a patient requires the use of emergency care, the tasks of resuscitation medicine include returning a person to a normal state. Classical methods only delay the hour of death. There is a constant search for ways that seem absurd and incredible at first glance.

What can be the complications after dying periods?

If the patient was able to be taken out of such a phase as a critical state of health, the human body is still under the threat of repeated attacks. In order to prevent the development of complications, it will be necessary to carry out long-term rehabilitation treatment.

critical condition of the patient

When a person is in a critical state, psychological shifts occur in his mind. In the period of post - traumatic syndrome , deviations are observed:

  • the patient discovers that he cannot, as before, lead a full life;
  • difficulties arise when doing mental work (mathematical calculations, the ability to draw logical conclusions);
  • partial memory loss occurs;
  • the patient notices that he is not able to make responsible decisions.

Post-traumatic syndrome is accompanied by a decrease in the number of brain cells, which is reflected in all areas of life. Recent studies have shown: a patient who has survived the line between life and death, needs not only to return to its former physical condition, but also to carry out treatment in the direction of returning the psychological component.

Body restoration technique

New methods allow patients to recover completely, subject to the following rules for caring for a sick person:

  • the patient needs to avoid nervous situations, even the slightest worries for any reason;
  • comply with sleep conditions, silence, lack of light is recommended here;
  • the patient needs constant support from loved ones;
  • the emotional state of the patient is affected by the noise of the working devices and the loud conversation of the clinic staff;
  • it is necessary to reduce the supply of drugs after visible improvements in the patient's condition;
  • to return physical abilities, constant exercises are carried out with the patient.

critical conditions of the body

To fully cure a person, a long period of treatment with several specialists from different fields of medicine will be required. Attempts with the help of relatives or to return to the social world independently may not succeed. An integrated approach and systematic completion of tasks will help reduce the duration of therapy.

Distinctive features of resuscitation

There is a significant difference between the treatment of an ordinary patient and a patient experiencing a critical condition:

  • The treatment method of a classical specialist is aimed at maintaining the viability of the patient's body. He needs periods of examination of human health to make corrective corrections to therapy. In conditions of resuscitation, there is absolutely no time for such actions.
  • The first step in a critical situation is efforts to restore the patient's vitality, and only then conduct the necessary clarifications about the state of health. An ordinary doctor has a different approach: first you need to establish the cause of the ailment, then act according to the requirements for the treatment of a particular disease.
  • A classical doctor follows the path of analysis of the diagnosis. In resuscitation, there is an approach for identifying noticeable syndromes.
  • Lack of time affects the choice of a drug that eliminates a critical condition. Sometimes doctors can confuse substances due to the lack of a patient’s medical history, but if a person still survives, this is due to the efforts of the body. An ordinary specialist has a chance to study the full picture of what is happening.

How is the plight of patients determined?

To prevent death, doctors rely on major syndromes that indicate critical conditions. These prerequisites may be:

  • loss of breath
  • periodic cardiac arrest ;
  • the tongue sinks in, a person suffocates due to spasms of the larynx;
  • complete immobilization of the patient, loss of conscious state;
  • bleeding, dehydration;
  • a change in the shape of the limbs, head, body due to internal hemorrhage;
  • symptom analysis for stroke, heart attack, the condition of the pupils, palpitations, respiratory rate is evaluated.

critical condition of a person

Which patient is at risk?

For the analysis of pre-resuscitation events the concept of “critical state of development” is used. It is based on the collection of the following patient information that affects the development of syndromes:

  • congenital predisposition of the body;
  • chronic diseases;
  • pain and deviations in the work of organs;
  • collection of general analyzes or necessary radiological images;
  • assessment of injuries due to mechanical damage to the body.

What are the typical complications requiring resuscitation?

Among the huge list of critical conditions, let us single out a few:

  • Shock conditions: infectious, toxic, hemorrhagic, anaphylactic.
  • Embolism: arteries of the kidneys, pulmonary, vascular.
  • Peritonitis: general, local. The peritoneal region is affected.
  • Sepsis: latent in nature and with manifestations of acute symptoms.

All of these conditions have their own syndromes, according to which resuscitators are guided for emergency care. Restorative treatment and the choice of drugs depend on the type of development of the critical condition.

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