How to cause sneezing in an adult: causes, effective methods and means

Sneezing is inherent in human nature, while it refers to unconditioned reflexes. Thus, the human body cleans itself. There are many reasons for the occurrence of such a process, but the goal will be common - to get rid of something that poses a danger to the body. Sometimes people need to know how to cause sneezing in an adult. This is what we will talk about in our article.

The mechanism and causes

Through the nasopharynx we inhale a lot of small particles, bacteria, viruses and dust, so our body seeks to push these invisible elements out. If we consider in more detail the mechanism of sneezing, then it consists of the following steps:

  1. Tickling in nose.
  2. Strong breath.
  3. Setting the articulation apparatus: raising the palate, isolating the nasopharynx, as well as the oral cavity with the back of the tongue, closing the eyes
  4. Contraction of the muscles that are involved in the process: abdomen, larynx, diaphragm and intercostal. All this will create additional pressure.
  5. Strong vigorous exhalation.
how can you cause sneezing in an adult

The air stream that erupts from the mouth and nose is carried at a distance of about 3 m, and its speed is more than 150 km / h. That is why, from the point of view of hygiene and culture, a person should cover his nose and mouth with his palm or handkerchief while sneezing. But how to cause an adult to sneeze?


Various mechanical factors can provoke sneezing. They affect the mucosa. When answering the question of how to cause sneezing in an adult, it should be noted that this can be done with the help of bright light, touching the surface of the nose, as well as stressful situations. In the latter case, vascular changes will be observed that provoke a runny nose, because the nose is very sensitive to emotional metamorphoses. The most common causes of sneezing are:

  1. Cold.
  2. Viral infections.
  3. Allergy.
  4. Hypothermia of the body.
  5. Sharp fluctuations in air temperature.
  6. Dry air.
  7. Hormonal disbalance.

Quite often, in addition to sneezing, other symptoms also appear with a cold: a runny nose, sore throat, and body temperature.

than cause sneezing in an adult with sinusitis

In the case of hormonal changes during pregnancy or menstruation, sneezing will be normal, which occurs due to the restructuring of the hormonal background. This will not indicate the presence of any colds.

If you react sharply to pet hair, dust, or such attacks occurred at the peak of flowering plants, then there is a possibility that the body's reaction to external allergens was provoked.

To your health!

Chinese experts say that with the help of sneezing, the virus and cold are expelled from the body. Washing the nasal cavity and sneezing also improve well-being, preventing the development of the disease. If you come to the clinic and ask the doctor about how to get rid of sneezing and a runny nose, then most likely he will prescribe medications that reduce such manifestations, but do not allow bacteria to go outside.

Modern experts are convinced that sneezing is good for the body. But if this condition is intrusive, worries a person daily, then this indicates that the body is experiencing some kind of problem: the effects of allergies, the development of the disease, uncomfortable air temperature in the room.

girl sneezes

How to cause sneezing in an adult?

There are many different folk methods with which you can provoke a runny nose and sneezing. If it is not particularly difficult to cause this symptom among adults, then some difficulties arise with children. The fact is, if you do not know how to cause sneezing in an adult, then for these purposes you can use pepper, tobacco, which for children will be very dangerous. Not all people know how to make themselves sneeze. However, it is quite simple. It is necessary to irritate the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. But how exactly does an adult sneeze? How to irritate the mucous membrane?


Speaking about how to cause sneezing with sinusitis in an adult and a child, we note that for these purposes, you can use a simple physiological solution, which is used for instillation into the nose. Quite often, parents have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane with this method, alleviating the condition of the baby. If you want to provoke prolonged sneezing, as well as deeply clear the nasal passages, you will have to repeatedly instill yourself or your childโ€™s nose with physiological or saline solution.

frequent sneezing


So, we have examined the main causes of sneezing in adults. In most cases, this is the effect of an external allergen or the development of a catarrhal disease. But how to make yourself sneeze to clear your nose? Many use mechanical impact for these purposes. To do this, tickle the nose by inserting a cotton swab or feather inside. This method is not so effective as instillation with saline, since not all patients have mucous membranes that are equally sensitive to such an effect. But if you still decided to provoke sneezing with this particular method, you need to pay attention to the fact that only thin irritants should be used so as not to damage the nasopharynx.

causes of sneezing in adults


We continue to consider how to provoke sneezing in an adult or child. Kalanchoe plant is very effective in combating this problem. The fact is that the juice of this indoor culture favorably affects the nasal mucosa, relieving inflammation and restoring it. For many years, Kalanchoe in medicine was used precisely as a plant that provoked sneezing. That is why many families grow it at home. However, you need to know how to provoke sneezing with Kalanchoe in children. In pure form, juice is instilled only by adults. For children, this ingredient must be diluted in equal proportions with plain water. The solution is instilled into the nose until you begin to sneeze. If necessary, the procedure is repeated until the nose is completely clean.

Using the juice of the plant Kalanchoe is the safest and most effective way that provokes sneezing in a natural way. In addition, this product has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, killing pathogenic bacteria and inhibiting the growth of microbes in the nasopharynx. Thanks to this, you not only clean the nasal cavity, but also provide a preventive effect.

Pepper or tobacco

The cause of frequent sneezing in adults may be the effect of some strongly smelling ingredient. For example, these are tobacco or pepper. You can clean your nose if you inhale the aroma of black pepper.

Another very effective method is tobacco, or rather, its smell. When an adult sneezes, after inhaling snuff, the nasal passages are cleaned. Please note that these methods can not be strictly used for children, as they are quite dangerous for the delicate mucous membrane.

Sparkling water

In some cases, sparkling water is used to provoke sneezing. To do this, you need to inhale the gases with your nose, bringing a glass of soda close to your face. You can also take a couple of sips, during which you need to breathe through your nose.

Lay your head back

If you feel you want to sneeze, you can tilt your head back, thus speeding up the process of sneezing. Sometimes such a simple movement quickly stimulates a sneeze. But if this method did not work, then try to breathe slowly, holding your head in the same position. A constant flow of oxygen through the nostrils provokes sneezing, especially if the head is tilted back.

Purr a tune

The main goal of this method is to achieve vibration in the nasal cavity, thus provoking sneezing. Try to purr your favorite tune, but with your mouth shut. During this exercise, different areas of the nasal cavity should be connected. If this trick did not work, then the lips should be folded together and exhaled through them air. First, he must exhale slowly so that his lips seem to vibrate. After that, the exhalation is accelerated, as a result of which you will want to sneeze.

Move your nose

Put your fingers on the bridge of the nose, rub it a little, or move it in different directions. During this action, you will begin to feel tickling, which will provoke a sneeze. Try also moving your nose using only the facial muscles for these purposes.

Bright light

Few people know, but almost a third of the entire population has a light sneezing reflex, which is transmitted genetically. If you belong to this group of people, then in bright light you will begin to sneeze right away. To detect this, turn off the light. After waiting a few minutes until your eyes get used to the darkness, open them, look at the light source, turn it on.

You can sharply squint while walking along the street on a sunny, clear day. Cover your eyes with your hand. Wait a few minutes, then remove your hand, while suddenly open your eyes.

The reason for this reflex is the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for sneezing. This nerve is located near the optic. In some, the stimulation of this optic nerve is given to the trigeminal, which provokes sneezing.

When you experiment, you should never look directly at the sun, otherwise you will damage your eyesight.

Breathe in the cold air

Another very effective method to help provoke sneezing is to inhale cold air. To do this, you need to try to surprise your own nose with this technique. For example, if you are standing in a warm room and it is too cold outside, then look out the window sharply, inhale the deeply cold air.

breathe in the cold air

If itโ€™s not very cold outside, then you can look into the freezer of the refrigerator. You can still take a warm shower, then sharply inhale the cool air, sticking your head out of the hot shower.


sneezes on the elbow

Now you know how to provoke sneezing quickly. However, always carry a napkin or handkerchief with you so that bacteria do not spread around the room. After a sneeze, you must also wash your hands. And if you donโ€™t have a handkerchief or napkin, then you need to sneeze into the sleeve or elbow bend. This way you also prevent the spread of germs.

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