Ways of transportation of the victim: description, rules and recommendations

Among the key tasks of first aid, it is important to ensure prompt and proper ways to transport the victim to the hospital. It should be understood that an incorrectly performed movement can cause a deterioration in the physical condition of the injured, adversely affect the functioning of the cardiac system and cause pain shock.

Professional assistance in distress

What are the ways to transport the victim? The most correct is the so-called long-term method, when specialists of the emergency medical team are engaged in transportation.

ways to transport the victim

It is the professionals who are able to competently ensure safety and maximum convenience during transportation to the injured person after providing him with emergency care at the scene. To do this, special ambulances are equipped with easily extendable stretchers, which provide the injured person with maximum peace in the process of moving.

Stretchers are installed on the injured side (in case of damage to the spine - in a convenient place). 2-3 people kneel near the healthy side of the body, gently bring their hands under the injured and simultaneously lift it. Immediately, a free man pushes a stretcher under the injured person, onto which the rest of the rescuers carefully lay him.

what are the ways to transport the victim

Porters (3-4 people) should move slowly, be sure not to keep up, trying to avoid uneven surfaces. When climbing upwards, the steps of the injured must be carried forward with the head, during the descent - forward with the feet, while the stretcher should always be strictly in a horizontal position.

If there is no time to wait for help

Sometimes there are situations when the transportation of a person who has been injured has to be placed on his shoulders by people who have witnessed a critical situation or found themselves at a dangerous moment nearby. Transportation of an injured person is carried out on their own with:

  • no likelihood of an ambulance arriving quickly;
  • the existence of a threat to life at the place of injury (for example, a railroad track, a smoky or burning building, the threat of collapse).

In this case, it is necessary to apply such methods of transporting the victim as emergency and short-term.

transportation of affected species and methods

Emergency is applied in the presence of a direct threat to life, takes 5-30 seconds in time. Any suitable means of transporting the victim is used to remove from the risk zone. In the process of carrying (transporting), there is a high probability of careless damage to human health, but in the struggle for his life we ​​have to neglect the rules of transportation.

Self help

Short-term movement is carried out by nearby people at a short distance to the nearest safe place (within a radius of 50-300 meters), where necessary assistance will be provided. The victim should be transferred as carefully as possible, trying to protect from pain.

Since in the conditions of modern life non-specialists most often use the short-term method, one should know several important rules for its implementation. Preparing to transport a person in need of help, it is necessary to first assess the nature and nature of the injuries received, especially if it concerns the neck and spine. You also need to examine the head, chest, abdomen, pelvic region, limbs, which in case of damage when carrying must be supported. Make sure that the person is conscious; if unconscious, check breathing and pulse.

What are the ways of transporting the injured person with injuries of various nature? A victim with serious injuries must be moved without changing the body posture. If the cervical spine is affected, you need to fix the head and cervical zone.

Transportation of victims: types and methods

In relatively dangerous cases, in order to prevent asphyxiation (due to tongue dropping) and the vomit getting into the respiratory organs, the victim is transferred with his head turned to the side.

main methods of transporting victims

Moving in the "on the side" position is performed when:

  • vomiting
  • burns;
  • unconsciousness;
  • non-penetrating wounds of the back of the body (thighs, buttocks, back).

In the sitting position, the patient should be transported with:

  • injuries of the chest region, cervical zone;
  • fractures of the limbs.

The supine position with slightly raised legs with:

  • damage to the abdominal region;
  • significant loss of blood;
  • internal bleeding.

Moving “lying on your back” with legs slightly apart and popliteal roller, assuming:

  • damage to the spine, spinal cord;
  • fracture of the pelvic bones.

Using various methods of transporting the victim, it is important to monitor the patient's condition. In case of deterioration of well-being, you should stop and start measures to save the person. Resuscitation should be carried out until respiratory activity is restored or medical specialists arrive.

Use everything at hand

In the absence of special stretchers, the latter can be constructed from improvised means (boards, poles, blankets, bags, coats). The main thing is that the vehicle is durable and can withstand the heaviness of the human body. With the rigidity of a homemade stretcher, any soft material (clothing, hay) should be placed under the patient. As a stretcher webbing, you can use 2-3 belts, a thick rope, rags of tarpaulin, towels, sheets.

main methods of transporting victims

Sometimes first aid is provided when there is no available means or time for their manufacture. In this case, the injured is carried on hands. The main methods of transporting victims with one person:

  • on the back (if the victim is able to hold);
  • on the arms or on the shoulder (if the person is very weak or is in an unconscious state).

Two rescuers can carry the injured in the "lock" from the connected 3 or 4 hands, provided that the latter is conscious and can independently hold.

transporting the victim in various ways
Transportation of the victim in various ways, carried out by one or two people, is carried out over short distances and requires the use of great physical strength.

How to use a stretcher strap

Moving the victim is greatly facilitated with a stretcher strap - a thick canvas belt with a metal buckle for fastening both ends. To facilitate the transfer of the stretcher, the loop should be twisted from the strap with the figure eight, fitting it to the growth of the carrier. The loop, the length of which should correspond to the width of the arms spread out in width, is pounced on the shoulders so that its cross is located on the back. In the loops hanging on the sides, which should be at the level of the hands, the handles of the stretcher are threaded. This method of carrying the victim greatly facilitates the load on the hands.

It is important that during the transportation process the rescuer spared the psyche of the injured person with his behavior, conversations, actions and strengthened his confidence in the favorable outcome of the event.

What are the ways to transport the victim on the water?

Accidents on the water can be triggered by various circumstances: inability to swim, swimming while intoxicated, violation of the rules of conduct on water, fear, fear and so on. A person in panic and fear is unable to assess the situation soberly: makes senseless chaotic movements, quickly weakens and loses strength.

What are the ways to transport the victim on the water? To save a drowning person, a number of the following actions must be taken:

  • get as close to it by land as possible;
  • remove outer clothing and shoes, to prevent the accumulation of water, turn out pockets;
  • jump into the water and swim to the drowning man;
  • when diving a drowning man under water, dive and try to see or feel it;
  • flip over to the back.

ways to transport the victim on the water

In the process of salvation, it should be understood that a drowning person carries a danger to his rescuer, as he frantically clings to everything that can be reached. Therefore, it is important for the rescuer to get rid of the sinking captures as quickly as possible, while trying to act calmly and calmly.

Ways of transportation of the victim on water:

  • grab his head behind the chin with both hands (you can only row with your legs);
  • stick your left hand under the left hand of the sinking, while trying to grab the wrist of the other hand (you can row with only one arm and leg);
  • grab by the hair, hold the head of the drowning man over the water, placing it on his forearm (row with one hand and legs).

Save the drowning man

After delivery of the sinking to the shore (the methods of transporting the victim on water are listed above), he should be given emergency help:

  • Help get rid of water trapped in the internal organs. To do this, you need to stand on one knee, place the person on it with his stomach down, open his mouth. Press hands on the back in the stomach, thus freeing the body from water.
  • Make artificial respiration. Undress the drowning person, turn it on its back, place its head on a raised platform or knees. Pinch the victim’s nose, draw air into his lungs and exhale in his mouth: in 4 seconds, approximately 1 expiratory action.

what are the ways to transport the victim on the water

  • Perform an indirect heart massage (if necessary). Place palms one on one, place on the chest of the drowned man. In between exhalations, 4 presses are rhythmically performed. The pressure on the chest should be strong enough to displace the sternum down approximately 5 cm.

It is most convenient to bring the victim to life together: one person is engaged in massage, and the second is doing artificial respiration.

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