How and when do I need to change my passport?

From time to time, you need to change your passport. Further we will consider how and when to do it.

change passport

You need to change your passport in the following cases: if it expires, if it contains marks that are not provided for by Russian law, when you change your name (usually when you are married), when you change your gender, if for some reason your passport has been damaged, and also if it runs out of blank pages. It is also necessary to obtain a new passport in case of loss of the old.

What needs to be done in order to change a passport? The procedures for replacing a passport are completely identical to the procedures for obtaining it. Thus, when replacing it is necessary to collect and submit to the appropriate authorities the same package of documents.

change Russian passport

You will need the following documents:

  • copy of the passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • a copy of the work book that is certified at your last place of work;
  • four photographs of a standard size 3.5 by 4.5 cm, printed on matte paper and enclosed in an oval, or, upon receipt of a new passport, two of the same photographs;
  • men who have not reached the age of 27, it is also necessary to provide a certificate in form 32, which is taken at the military enlistment office;
  • a copy of only the first page of the passport that you plan to exchange;
  • a cover letter printed on the letterhead of the organization;
  • a completed passport application form certified by your employer.

For the time it takes to change your passport, your passport remains with you, and if it is valid for enough time, you can freely cross the state border and visit foreign countries. The passport is canceled at the time you receive a new one. If there is a need for which you want to keep your old passport (for example, it still has valid visas), then you need to write an additional statement containing a request to leave you an old document. In this case, the old passport will be canceled in any case, but will remain with you, and the visas available in it will be valid and you can use them.

change passport

It is necessary to change the Russian passport if you are 20 or 45 years old, in case of damage or loss of your passport, as well as in the event of a change in the personal data of a citizen.

You can change your passport at the place of your registration, place of residence on a permanent basis, or at the place of stay. Documents for this procedure can be submitted both through a single portal providing state and municipal services, and through employees of multifunctional centers for the provision of such services. There you can also find the list of documents necessary for your case.

Replacement of internal passports of the Russian Federation is carried out by the territorial offices of the Federal Migration Service and their structural divisions. You can find the address of your territorial office on the official website of the organization.

The application form for replacing a passport is a single one (form N 1P), it can be found both on the FMS website and in the reference sections of such legal systems as “Guarantor”, “Consultant Plus”, etc. It can also be filled out on the Single Portal, providing state and municipal services.

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