How to write an essay on the topic of "Justice"?

An essay on the topic of “Justice” is a highly moral work, and it is not only aimed at assessing the student’s literacy level. One of the main tasks of such an essay is to find out how the student thinks in this direction. Because which students mostly write an essay on the topic of “Justice”? Grade 9, 8th, 7th - in general, those in whom the worldview has been formed, but not strengthened. In general, the function of this work is more psychological.

essay on justice


Many have a logical question - how best to start. Pupils are divided into two categories. Those who find it difficult to start an essay and those who find it difficult to finish. In principle, the introduction of such work as an essay on the topic of “Justice” is not difficult to write. It is enough to start with a definition. For example, as follows: “What is justice? We hear this word regularly, almost every day. However, as is characteristic of us, we rarely reflect on the true meaning of a given term. In fact, it is synonymous with the word “justice”. And it determines moral justice. Ethics, natural rights, honesty, righteousness, rationality, mercy, law - all this takes place in this concept. ” This kind of introduction immediately sets the person in the right way, instantly identifying the topic and making it clear that in the process of familiarizing yourself with the text you will have to not only delve into its contents, but also reflect on it.

essay on justice 9th grade

Main issues

An essay on the theme of “Justice”, like any other work, should make a person rethink something. Of course, school essays are not all published in newspapers in a row, but we must remember that it is on this that the student trains his skills beautifully, readily, and is interesting to share his own thoughts. So good publicists are born.

So, in the essay it is important to pose a question. Exciting, because the topic is moral and ethical. It may be simple, but the student’s reasoning should show that it’s actually more serious. “How much justice is there in our world?” Is she at all? ” - here is a striking example. A detailed answer follows the question: “Today we live in the material world. In which, such concepts as order, law, ethics, love and respect, care, unfortunately, the least. Almost everything can be obtained for money. People forgot about justice and equality. Everything is now measured on a scale of presentability and wealth. ”

Reasoning must necessarily be supported by facts or evidence. This will not only allow a logical conclusion, but also demonstrate the personal position of the author in relation to this topic.

essay reasoning on what is justice


Composition-reasoning on the topic “What is justice?” consists of three parts. From the introduction, content and conclusion. What can you write in the last part? A conclusion that would draw a line to everything that was said above. This may be a suitable quote on the topic, or maybe the author’s personal opinion. A good conclusion will be a phrase written approximately as follows: “Each of us should become more loyal, merciful, kind and rational. Indeed, as Stendhal said, the world will become more just if people become more chaste. ”

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