The work “What is talent?”, Like any other work on the Russian language and literature, has its own form. This can be a narrative, description, reasoning, or something in between (as they are called - a mixed form). In order for the essay to turn out to be “beautiful,” you must also choose a specific syllable and style. In general, have to work. However, not everything is as complicated as it may seem.
The main idea is a guideline for the whole essay
In order to the essay “What is talent?” writing was easier, first of all you need to determine the main idea for yourself. Since the topic is very creative and even individual, the student will have to think about what to write about. Each student has his own understanding of such a word as “talent”. And in this, by the way, lies another feature of this work. It is aimed not only at the development of written and spoken language, but also at the student’s reflection and reasoning. When working on such an essay, it turns out a lot to understand - about art and its types, about the specifics of this activity, about sciences and much more. Such work broadens the mind, because talent is a concept that concerns not only art, choreography or music.
The essay “What is talent?” Should most likely be done as reasoning. This is the most appropriate presentation for this topic. And all because initially in the title of the topic is a question. And he is addressed to the student. His main task is to answer this question. A detailed answer involves in this case a statement, and then a detailed analysis of it. What does it look like? Actually very simple. Suppose a student states the following: “Talent is a person’s predisposition to any field of activity. One is destined to be architects, the other to lawyers, the third to publicists. ” This phrase should be justified. How everything will be designed depends on the student. In this case, you need to express your opinion and try to convince the reader that it is correct. As a matter of fact, this is the whole task of journalism. And an essay, that is, an essay, is a journalistic genre.
“What is talent?” - an essay that, like all other essays, has its own structure. And in order for the essay to be correctly composed, it must be taken into account. This is a prerequisite. The first obligatory part of any composition is an introduction. The second is the main one, i.e. content. And the third, of course, is the conclusion. As you can see, the structure is as simple as possible, so it’s easy to follow. Everyone has written an essay at least once in their life, so that an essay on the topic “Talent” will not cause problems. The main thing is to observe a logical sequence, and also remember that it is necessary to solve the problem. From here, strictly speaking, the three-part structure went. In the introduction, the student briefly identifies a topic, problem or question, in the middle part - reveals it, makes statements, substantiates them, proves. And in conclusion - summarizes all of the above, making a logical conclusion.
Conclusion: how to arrange?
For many students, the most difficult part is precisely the conclusion. Not everyone knows how to best summarize and what is generally necessary to write in it. It would seem that everything is extremely clear! But a conclusion is needed. The most popular way to finish your essay is ... quote. A well-known saying that fits the topic. In this case, complete the essay "What is Talent?" can be as follows: “Each person definitely has his own spark. Gift, talent. Large, or not very, but it is available. The most important thing is to reveal it, to prove yourself, to show that only you can. After all, as Socrates said, everyone has a sun. All you need to do is let it shine. ”