The mystery and meaning of the all-seeing eye tattoo

One of the most mystical symbols is the image of the "all-seeing eye", which is applied in the form of a tattoo on the body. The roots of this sign originate from ancient times, when it was customary to apply such a pattern on the neck, back, shoulders and head. At that time, the meaning of the all-seeing eye tattoo was to protect against attack by enemies or wild animals. According to legend, the image had its own special purpose and scared off attacking opponents.

The all-seeing eye tattoo of some peoples at different times

In paganism, a tattoo in the form of a "third eye" was a mandatory attribute among shamans. She was the spiritualization of intuition and the ability to look into other people's souls or see other worlds. However, the meaning of the tattoo "all-seeing eye" was seen not only in a positive way, but also implied a connection with the dark forces.

The image of the โ€œthird eyeโ€ enclosed in a triangle was a symbol of the omnipresence of God. If the left eye was depicted on the tattoo, this was the personification of the past and night, and the right symbolized the look into the future, represented the sun and day.

To put the image of the "all-seeing eye" in ancient Egypt was also considered fashionable. There, the tattoo symbolized the eye of the Egyptian sun god Ra. The Egyptian meaning of the "all-seeing eye" is a symbol of protection, goodness, warmth and light.

Egyptian style "all-seeing eye"

Ordinary tattoo or mysterious symbol of Freemasonry.

Today, this sign has gained its popularity thanks to the Masonic lodge, which chose it as its distinctive image. It looks like an eye in a triangle from which rays emanate. The image of the "radiant delta" is the main Masonic symbol, where the eye represents the Great Architect of the Universe, and the trinity is indicated by a triangle.

However, this is not the Holy Trinity of the Christian religion. According to Masonic numerology, the number 3 denotes the number of the spirit that dominates the mind and senses. An eye means wisdom, but often it is replaced by G, the slope of which in the figure changes depending on the degree of initiation of the student. It often happens that instead of the eye inside the triangle, the masons depict a circle.

Masonic symbol "all-seeing eye"

"Third Eye" in women and men

Before you opt for the "all-seeing ocean", it is worthwhile to understand that a tattoo carries a real energy force. The meaning of the tattoo "all-seeing eye" in men is not common for everyone, although it is especially popular with the stronger sex. Its meaning can be interpreted depending on the appearance of the image and the nature of the owner.

The image in the form of the โ€œeye of Raโ€ embodies wisdom, strength and power. It is applied as a guard against adversity. For the owner, the all-seeing eye tattoo has a special meaning - a symbol of the source of vitality. It is not suitable for everyone, its owner must be the owner of powerful internal energy. In this case, the tattoo will greatly enhance his personal qualities.

Throughout its existence, this sign has gathered the wisdom and power of previous generations, which makes it a very mysterious and, at the same time, a powerful talisman. The all-seeing eye tattoo must be respected, otherwise it could harm the wearer.

All-Seeing Eye Tattoo on the back

If the eye is located inside the triangle, then it implies foresight, a path to enlightenment, alertness and intellectual development. For spiritual people, additionally symbolizes clairvoyance.

Although such a tattoo is more suitable for men, however, it can often be seen among female representatives. Women also opt for this image. For women, the meaning of the symbol "all-seeing eye" has its own interpretation. It lies in the personification of beauty, femininity and self-sufficiency.

The image looks great on the back or shoulder, but in a reduced volume is suitable for application to any part of the body. And an experienced master is able to convey in such a tattoo the whole palette of feelings and emotions. She can express sadness, happiness, and despair.

Animal Eye Tattoo

A tattoo in the form of an "all-seeing eye" of a particular representative of the animal world carries a different meaning.

The eye of an owl expresses strength of mind, wisdom, craving for knowledge, life experience and intellect. The eye of the wolf symbolizes fearlessness, courage, endurance, strength, dignity and devotion. It can serve as a talisman for confident and strong people. A tattoo more suitable for proud and powerful people is the eye of a tiger. She personifies ambitiousness, superiority over others and ambition.

Image of an "all-seeing eye" with an owl

Often the all-seeing eye tattoo looks like cat's eyes, which means independence, agility, resourcefulness and speed. A person who has such characteristics and wants to develop them will undoubtedly choose this tattoo.

The image of the "all-seeing eye" contains many secrets and mysteries, however, like a tattoo, it came to the modern world from the Greek people. There, it meant Apollo and the eyes of Jupiter or the god of the Sun. It can be noted that for most peoples, the meaning of the all-seeing eye tattoo is expressed as the eye of God, observing from the outside world.

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