Abdominal Trainers and Best Exercise: Roman Chair

Sometimes a person engaged in fitness is looking for a device in the gym, which allows doing the best exercise for the abdominal muscles. The Roman chair is one of the few simulators with which you can perform a full-fledged lesson, which includes working out the press from different angles. However, the number of exercises available on it has several options. Consider the most productive of them.

exercise roman chair

The most popular movement available to most visitors to the gym using the Roman Chair exercise machine is the twisting exercise. In order to correctly perform it, you must first take up the starting position: the legs should be fixed on special rollers, the lumbar region should remain pressed until its completion, the body should fit snugly against the working surface of the bench.

The degree of development of the abdominal muscles will depend on the height of the knee joints relative to the pelvis. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to this parameter of the “Roman chair” power device in advance. The simulator, adjusted in accordance with the level of physical training of the student, copes with the task. During the exercise, “twisting”, it is necessary to press the palms to the occipital region, thereby supporting the head, but not pressing on it, and trying to curtail the body to the maximum possible value due to contraction of the abdominal muscles. Next, you also need to slowly return to the starting position and do the specified number of repetitions.

roman chair exercise

The main advantage of the above movement is that it is equally useful for both beginners and experienced athletes. The latter can also use additional weights in the form of a dumbbell or disc from a bar pressed against the back of the head.

On this simulator, you can perform not only dynamic, as in the above case, but also a static exercise. The Roman chair in this version of the press training serves as a kind of device for fastening the legs. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. The main difference is not twisting, but lifting the hull. Particular care must be taken for those who have any abnormalities in the lumbar lordosis, since most of the load is directed at him.

roman chair simulator

For the same reason, you can not perform it jerky. Also on this simulator, you can perform a static-dynamic exercise. The Roman chair in this version of the study of the press serves more as a support for the shoulder area of ​​the back and a fixture for the hands. The basis of the movement is lifting the legs from a lying position with a gradual transition to the separation of the pelvic region from the surface and becoming on the shoulder blades. In this case, the main role of the regulator of balance is played by hands. Naturally, this is a very difficult exercise. For this purpose, Roman chair can be used only by a very experienced athlete with well developed muscles not only in the abdominal region, but also in the entire torso, and especially the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Thus, using the above simulator, you can work out the press in three different modes - from the simplest twisting to the difficult lifting of the body.

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