What is distillate?

The first mention of the distillation process can be attributed to the 1st millennium BC. Aristotle is one of the first scientists to fully describe this technology. Later, various alchemists from around the world were involved in this process. You can find references to the distillation of alcohol in many nationalities that use raw materials from grapes, sugarcane, apple juice, plums and much more. Egyptian alchemists made a significant contribution to the development of distillation. They were of the opinion that, due to distillation, “soul” can be distinguished from wine, and in Russian terminology “spiritus” was simplified to the word “alcohol”. Below we will talk about this phenomenon and find out what it is - distillates.

distillates are

What is distillation?

In Latin, this means "dripping." This technology is nothing more than the distillation of a liquid, as a result of which it evaporates, turning into steam during cooling after contact with air. Distillation is divided into 2 types:

  1. With condensation of steam into a liquid.
  2. With condensation of vapor in the solid phase.

Thus, distillates are the resulting liquid or solid (otherwise referred to as the residue) obtained as a result of condensate. In addition, distillation is divided into simple and fractional. In the first option, this is continuous removal and evaporation of the liquid, and the second method involves distillation at different temperatures, and each outlet goes to a separate flask.

To carry out this process, the basic elements are necessary:

  • heated closed container (cube, container);
  • droplet eliminator (pipe to eliminate the entrainment of spray);
  • cooled condenser (refrigerator);
  • a condenser in the form of a heat exchanger (pipe in pipe);
  • steam line (or coil) connecting both elements;
  • receiving capacity.

condensate distillate

What is distillation used for?

This is necessary when there is a need to separate the liquid into several fractions or to separate it from impurities. This applies to essential oils, water, hydrolytes, flower water, alcohol and the oil industry. It is important to remember that safety precautions are the key to distillation.

Ordinary drinking water is subjected to this technology for its purification. At the exit, we get clean water without various impurities. Salts, metals, microorganisms, sand, etc. are deposited in a cube heated with a liquid. And the distillate condensate is spared from these additives.

But the most popular reason for distillation is alcohol distillation. As a result, an alcohol product is obtained. It turns out that such alcohol-containing drinks are distillates.

Technology Stages

In simple terms, in order to obtain the final alcohol-containing product, it is necessary to carry out the technology in 3 stages of liquid evaporation.

middle distillate

In a tightly closed (sealed) container, a mash (alcohol-based base) is placed, which, when heated, begins to condense when passing through the coil. The first (or “head”) evaporation fraction is the lightest and contains methyl alcohol. It is impossible to inhale and drink it, since they receive severe intoxication from it, from which they become blind and die.

The second fraction (or as it is also called the "middle distillate") is ethyl alcohol, and it is precisely this that is the purpose of alcohol distillation. In the end, ordinary water drips from the coil, almost devoid of alcohol, but it contains heavy metals (butanol and isopropanol), which are also poisonous, but not like methanol - they carry a heavy hangover. This fraction is called the "tail". The process is stopped when the distillate ceases to burn.

It turns out that the "golden mean" of alcohol - distillate is the goal of obtaining an elite alcoholic drink. For example, cognac, Armagnac, Calvados, Scotch and Irish whiskey, Spanish and Portuguese brandy, Mexican tequila and many others are made using this traditional technology of alcohol distillation.

The distillate is not just a purified liquid from impurities, it is the preservation of taste. Distillation feature is that it is impossible to completely get rid of impurities due to the volatility of the components. But precisely because of this quality, alcoholic beverages retain their unique aromatic taste. For example, if a 100-year-old Scotch whiskey is subjected to rectification (a more accurate separation of fractions, a purer alcohol), then there will be no difference in taste from vodka.

alcohol distillate

Gas Condensate Distillate (DHA)

This is a transparent liquid, which is formed as a result of distillation of natural gases and does not dissolve in water. They include gasoline, kerosene fractions without resinous substances. In other words, it is a refined product. It is used as diesel fuel or solvent in the paint industry.

gas condensate distillate

These distillates are separated into light, medium and heavy DHA. The most popular of them is used in the oil industry as additives in the production of gasoline, fuel, it is lightweight DHA.

The middle distillate is similar in composition to winter grades of diesel fuel. Heavy - these are residual distillation fractions and are used in technological plants, boiler houses as fuel.

Use and transportation of DHA

Petrochemical distillate is an explosive and explosive substance. The substance is transported in compliance with the most stringent safety requirements in sealed containers made of anti-corrosion coating.

Some types of polymeric materials are also made from it, with appropriate chemical cleaning and stabilization of the distillate. And also in the production of additives with a high octane rating, it also acts as a raw material for the synthesis of olefins. It copes with greasy stains on machine mechanisms and acts as a solvent in the paint industry.

gas condensate distillate

In conclusion about the distillates

A distillate is a product obtained as a result of a physicochemical process called distillation. The technology is uncomplicated, but it requires safety and a clear implementation of sequential actions. The process flow is influenced by many factors, distillation is only necessary if there is special knowledge and skills.

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