Basketball: ball technique. Basic Rules

Basketball is a game that brings together millions. The greatest development in this sport is currently achieved by representatives of the United States. The best world players play in the NBA (league in the USA) (most of them are US citizens). NBA basketball games are a whole show, bewitching tens of thousands of spectators gathered every time.

Which basketball kid wouldn’t like to become a world-class star? Everyone dreams, but not everyone clearly understands that the most important thing for a successful game is the basketball technique, and not fashionable basketball sneakers, a stylish form or some other game accessories. Today we’ll talk about the game’s technique in detail, having examined all the nuances and subtleties of the issue.


The basics

According to all experts, the easiest and most correct way is to put basketball equipment at a very young age. Children grasp everything fast! If you start to teach a child a basketball at the age of 4-5 in a good sports school, then in the first grade he will be an order of magnitude superior to his peers in basketball games who did not attend training.

At a very early age, the technique of throwing in basketball, dribbling, and passing is laid. An ideal option would be if by 10-12 years the child will already be clearly able to do all these actions. And just when the basics of technology are laid down, you can begin more serious training, including learning the various methods of defense and attack.

It is also worth emphasizing that basketball is very useful for the overall physical development of a child or teenager. The most important thing is to follow the safety precautions in basketball to avoid injuries. It is especially necessary to be especially careful when forming the initial game technique. Most often, collisions with other players, falls, the wrong technique of passing in basketball (more precisely, taking the ball after a pass) lead to injuries.

As a rule, parents place their children in basketball sections when they notice that the child is getting tall. Sometimes it’s too late to start. In children's basketball, growth is not the key. And if your child shows a talent for the game, but he will not be high, then he can quite successfully play in a position where growth is not required even in professional basketball (for example, point guard).

Basketball technique

Basketball dribbling is a very important point. A player with good dribbling makes the brightest passes under the ring, sometimes beating several opponents. Simple dribbling involves dribbling next to you (usually on the side of the player), but if you play basketball confidently, you can try dribbling with cover for the ball or dribbling with alternating hands (this trick will deceive the opponents' defenders.)

If you have mastered dribbling with alternating hands, you can try basketball tricks. The technique of performing basketball tricks in dribbling is diverse. The simplest option is to add the ball to pass under one of the legs into the ball with an alternate change of hands.

basketball dribbling

Passing technique

Passes are also an important component of the game, the technique of passing the ball in basketball should be clear and correct. A lot depends on a good pass. Passes can be done clearly in the hands, you can make a pass with a rebound from the floor, you can make a pass forward with the amplitude of a “parachute”. The technique comes with experience, training passes is very important and you need to devote a lot of time to them.

pass to hand

Throw technique

At the amateur level, players usually do not perform beautiful and spectacular throws “from above”. The simplest shots are a throw with a rebound from the shield into the basket and the exact hit of the ball in the basket. Sometimes when performing free throws they use the technique of throwing the ball over the front bow of the basket and then rolling the ball into it (basket), this is a rather complicated element.

It is important to hold your hands correctly before throwing. Let's consider a situation with a ball throw from a place. A right-handed player usually uses his right hand as the basis for a throw. The right hand is parallel to the player’s body on the shoulder line (of the right), bent at the elbow, the forearm is strictly vertical to the floor. The left hand supports the ball (top, left). Next, an accurate throw is made. The throw may be different:

  • Wrist throw (usually performed at close to medium range).
  • Throw without a jump, but with the help of legs (such a throw is possible from any distance).
  • Throw in a jump with separation of legs (most often such a throw is performed from long distances).

The choice of the type of throw is carried out depending on the game situation, the physical characteristics of the player or the distance to the basket.

Delivered Throw

Basketball Technique

I must say that basketball is like riding a bicycle or swimming. If you once learn this, you will never be able to unlearn it. It is important to lay the basketball technique in childhood correctly. Do not neglect this. You need to carefully pay attention to this, because after 5-7 years after the formation of the game’s skills it will be very difficult to correct some mistakes, for example, the technique of keeping the ball in the basketball or shots and other things.

Usually, coaches select for beginners special exercises that carry some action or part of the action from a real game. This is very correct, because repeated repetition of the action is the refinement of the game technique.

The basic rules of the game

Basketball training needs to be combined with learning the rules of the game. The rules in basketball are not so few. Some of them are basic, some are additional. To play at an amateur level, it is enough to know the basic rules. All of them are quite simple and understandable. Both the amateur and the professional began their journey precisely with honing the technique of the game and learning the basketball rules. Consider the basic rules in more detail.


Violation of the rules (push, footboard, incorrect blocking, etc.). If a player collects five personal fouls for the current game, then he is removed from the site until the end of the game (instead of the removed player, you can release another).

Team foul is something else. Each personal foul of any player on the team brings one team foul. If a team scores five fouls in a quarter, then each next (including the fifth) breaks through an opponent from the free-throw line (two shots).

If the team has less than five team fouls in one quarter, then some fouls are discarded by the opponent because of the sideline (fouls that are committed on the player only at the moment of his direct throw) break through. At the end of the quarter team fouls are canceled (personal fouls remain until the end of the game).

violation of the rules


Error in dribbling (dribbling). For every knock of the ball on the floor, the player takes one step, before the throw or pass the player is allowed to take two steps without dribbling the ball (the ball is in his hands). If you take three steps or more, a run will be recorded.

Dual lead

Dribbling is carried out by one of the hands, if you touch the ball with both hands during dribbling, then double lead will be recorded. Also, if you dribble according to the rules, then stop to make a pass or throw, but for some reason start dribbling again, this will also be a double dribble.


This is a mistake in the ball. The ball should always be in “free flight” when dribbling. If you try to hold the ball in the air by placing the palm of the leading hand under it for a while, then this will be a carry. Also, a ball carry occurs if the player leads the ball with an amplitude above the shoulder, while holding his palm always on the ball from above. Passing the ball is a violation of beginners, a technical experienced player (even an amateur) does not allow such a mistake in the game.

ball passing


Violation of the zone will be recorded when the attacking player made the transition over the center line (went on the attack to half the opponent), but he was forced to take a step during dribbling to his half of the court or pass the ball to the partner who is there.

Rule of three seconds

Attack players without a ball can be placed in a trapeze under the opponent’s basket for no longer than 2 seconds. You can run into the three-second zone, get a pass from your partner there and stay for the attack, when you get the ball, then the rule ceases to apply to you, because it applies only to players without a ball. Also, if you run into a trapeze without a ball and pick up a rebound or make a selection in two seconds, then the rule also does not apply to you, because you will already be a player with the ball.

Professional Basketball Rules

There are rules that usually do not apply to amateur games. But in the game of professional basketball players, these rules are mandatory. I would like to tell a little about such rules.

24 seconds

This is a rule that implies a period of time of 24 seconds, which is assigned to a team to attack an opponent’s basket, starting from its front line (under its basket). You need to understand that 24 seconds is given per shot, not on a goal scored. If the team met with a throw in this period of time, the shot turned out to be inaccurate, but the basketball players of the attacking team took the selection on someone else’s shield, then the counter is again set and they will again have 24 seconds for a new attack, and this can continue for as long as desired.

Ball hit

This is not found in amateur basketball, because usually amateurs cannot jump to the basket. The hitting the ball is recorded if the attacking player makes a throw and the ball already begins to fall, bypassing its highest point in the trajectory, and the defending player makes a block-shot at that moment. Also, the obstacle is fixed if the ball has already touched the shield or the bow of the basket, and the defense player swings the ball to the side. There are situations when the defender pushes the ball falling into it from the bottom of the basket. All these violations are punishable by a counted ball in favor of the opponent (that is, the team that was in the attack).

How to become a good player

A good basketball technique comes with experience through grueling long and frequent workouts. There is no other way. Do not run away from training, hone the technique of all game elements, while do not forget about running training (and other cardio loads), and also visit the gym. When teenagers from 16 years old or adults play basketball, body weight and the amount of muscle mass already decides a lot. Basketball is a contact sport where sometimes you have to work hard on the body.

powerful basketball player


Basketball is becoming more and more popular every year. Professional players conclude multi-million dollar contracts with clubs. The game gives joy to the fans. There is no reason not to like basketball. It is incredibly fast, entertaining and sometimes events are played out on the playgrounds that deserve to become the basis of scripts for the best movie dramas.

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