The teaching of subjects such as history and social studies is an important aspect of modern school education. It is the lesson plan in social studies that contains the initial knowledge of the norms of social behavior. Both subjects are the core of humanitarian Russian education.
The value of social science
The modern world is filled with a huge amount of diverse information, all kinds of historical facts offered by various sources. Not every adult can independently cope with this information flow, especially since it is difficult for a child to do it. It is the lesson plan in social studies that includes a true idea of historical facts related to the development of society.
The problem of openness of information
Due to the fact that unverified information is provided on the World Wide Web in open access, schoolchildren experience confusion in the awareness of the same event or process. Unreliable facts posted on the Internet negatively affect the formation of the younger generation. Adolescents are particularly easily susceptible to negative influence, therefore it is so important that the social science lesson on the GEF should be complete, and the teacher should pay special attention to the formation of a sense of patriotism among the younger generation. Otherwise, there is a high risk that students will reject love for their Fatherland. The social science teacher has the crucial task of presenting reliable and real information to his students about the formation of the state system and the characteristics of social relations.
GEF in the teaching of social studies
The social science lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard has certain distinctive features in comparison with the classical (traditional) educational program. The teacher of such an educational discipline as social science must take into account all the nuances of the modern lesson in the context of the transition to new second-generation federal educational standards. As in other subjects, the lesson plan in social studies on the GEF involves the preparation of a technological map.
The structure of the modern social science lesson
There are certain requirements for the technological map of a lesson in social studies. First, the teacher determines the key goal of the lesson, sets forth tasks that he will have to solve together with the pupils during the lesson. In addition, those universal learning skills (OUN) are determined that the children should master. Depending on the age characteristics of schoolchildren, OUNs vary.
Item Specifics
The modern social science lesson on GEF is aimed at providing the following parameters:
- The formation of students of civil Russian identity.
- The unity of the educational process for all citizens of the Russian Federation.
- Preservation and improvement of the cultural heritage of the multinational people of Russia.
- Realization of the right of students to learn their native language.
- Mastering the spiritual values of the Russian Federation.
The final lessons in social studies should be accessible to all children. The teacher should ensure the continuity of all programs of basic, secondary, full education, so that the children get a complete picture of the phenomenon or process being studied.
It is a repeating and generalizing lesson in social science that contributes to the spiritual and moral development of schoolchildren, helps them fully assimilate complex terms and definitions.
GEF requirements
The development of a lesson in social science must comply with the basic requirements put forward by the second generation of GEF to this academic discipline. Pupils should be prepared for personal self-determination, individual development. The teacher forms in his pupils a motivation for cognitive activity, an interest in the system of important interpersonal and social relations. All tests in social science contain questions regarding value-semantic attitudes, citizenship, and testing of social competencies. Graduates of the basic school should, according to GEF, be capable of active participation in a multicultural society.
Meta-subject skills
Tests in social science allow you to test meta-subject skills and abilities, operating them in social, cognitive, educational activities. The teacher draws close attention to the development of communicative and regulatory learning activities, without which it is difficult to talk about the independence of students.
Subject skills
Social studies lessons (preparation for the exam for 11th grade students should begin as early as possible) suggest the formation of new knowledge, the ability to operate it when performing a specific task. The teacher checks the knowledge of the terminology, offering children test questions.
Personality formation
Personal skills are necessarily included in the outline of the lesson in social studies. They are aimed at educating patriotism, Russian citizenship, respect for the present, past, future of their land, people. A social science teacher is obliged to form a responsible attitude among students towards learning, self-development, and the creation of their individual educational trajectory. It is this discipline that introduces children to the world of professions, helps them find their niche for future education.
The specifics of the technological map
It is a modern innovative form of planning the educational work of a teacher in full compliance with the basic requirements of the new generation of educational standards. Such a generalized graphic open lesson in social studies, the basis of which is design, involves a detailed description of all the actions of both the student and the teacher. The ready-made form of the map allows the teacher to track the compliance of the goals with the final results obtained, apply universal and meta-subject educational actions in the work. Thanks to such innovations, preparation of a social science lesson takes away from a teacher much less free time. If the map is composed correctly, the result is reflected in as much detail as possible, coordination of actions of all subjects of the pedagogical process is assumed. A special place is given to the technological scheme of students' self-esteem at individual stages of the lesson.
GEF lesson sample
We bring to your attention a social science lesson in grade 6 according to the new federal educational standards.
The theme of the lesson in social studies: "The most dear people."
As an epigraph, you can use the words of A.P. Chekhov: "It’s even pleasant to get sick when you know that there are people who are waiting for your recovery, like a holiday."
Expected Result:
- Personal skills. Pupils must learn to identify meaningful personal values. They should have such qualities as a communication culture, tact, empathy with other people.
- Subject Skills. The teacher demonstrates to students the importance and ability to correctly search and choose friends. It forms their idea of family values and traditions, moral standards, and rules of behavior.
- Meta-subject skills. The lesson is aimed at creating the ability to consciously control and organize social and educational activities, to fulfill ethical standards in everyday life.
Key concepts for the lesson:
- A family.
- Comrade
- Kinship.
- Contemporaries.
- Marriage.
ICT tools for the training: screen, multimedia projector, presentation.
Equipment: notebook, textbook.
Lesson structure
1. Introduction by the teacher. The teacher enters the topic of the lesson, creates optimal conditions for the full perception of the proposed material. It is at this stage that the teacher determines the degree of readiness of students for the lesson. The following is an introductory lecture on the following issues:
- who can be called comrades, close people;
- what does family mean for a person;
- what will be discussed in our lesson.
2. The alleged answers of the students.
Personal UUD: the formation of knowledge of moral and ethical standards of behavior.
Regulatory UUD: concentration.
The teacher organizes independent work related to the assimilation of the material, creates feedback. There is an understanding of the topic, its importance, significance for each family. A physical pause lasts 2-3 minutes. The teacher himself, and one of the students can conduct it.
The theme "Most Native People" is closely related to the person. If it is placed in the center, then who should be around? Who are contemporaries and comrades?
Contemporaries can be considered those who live on the planet at the same time. Comrades make up a small circle of people who are personally acquainted with this person and constantly communicate with him.
The family is of great importance to the person. What responsibilities does each member have?
- Work in groups. The class is divided into two parts. Some list the activities of family members, their responsibilities. The second part of the students determines the optimal number of children, adults in the family.
- After watching a video on the ordinary life of a complete family, the guys share the results with each other. According to the plot, discussion is also supposed, discussion on special issues. For example, a teacher is interested in what kind of relationship should be between a man and a woman in a family, between children and adults. Who and what responsibilities should be performed? Next, a smooth transition to the family of each child is carried out so that children form pride in their parents, grandparents.
- The teacher sums up the subtotal after discussion. A family is when all its members together carry out certain actions, try to spend as much time as possible in general activities. In a real family, they try to help each other in order to fulfill their duties as soon as possible and enjoy communication. Then, in the notebooks, the guys write down the topic of the lesson, make a diagram, write the basic definitions.
- To consolidate new knowledge, students are offered to complete a practical task. As a homework, they are invited to make a computer presentation, "My Family."
The educational standards of the new generation impose serious requirements on the level of training of students. The lesson plan in social studies should be complete, because it is this academic discipline that contributes to the formation of a holistic worldview, helps to form a respectful and friendly attitude to other people. GEF of the new generation as the main requirement for the universal educational actions of graduates of educational schools puts forward the formation of a tolerant attitude to representatives of other cultures and nationalities, as well as a careful attitude to the traditions of their people, their country. Only in this case can we talk about the development of a sense of patriotism in the younger generation, the preservation of the cultural traditions of the family and the country.