Who is Goremyka? Word interpretation

Who can be called a miserable? This word is mentioned in a speech, but not everyone can accurately indicate the interpretation of a given language unit. This article will come to the aid of anyone who wants to know the lexical meaning of the noun "grief." Synonyms of the word will also be given.

The lexical meaning of the word

What does the word "grief" mean? This noun refers to colloquial vocabulary. It is not used in an official business style, scientific publications. Acceptable for informal communication. It is worth remembering that it refers to the general genus. That is, it is possible to call both men (the miserable Vasily) and women (the miserable Christina).

In the explanatory dictionary of Ushakov, the following meaning is presented: "a man who is pursued by misfortunes." That is, troubles pursue him, and he suffers from this. He experiences all kinds of deprivations of fate.

Sufferer asks for alms

From it you can form the adjective "miserable." It is also acceptable for a conversational style of speech.

Examples of use

Here are a few examples of sentences using the word โ€œgriefโ€. Most often, it performs the function of the subject, it is also an addition:

  • You just look at the miserable wretch - he is exhausted and wants to sleep.
  • One miserable loved to complain about fate, but he didnโ€™t want to correct the situation.
  • No matter what the miserable says to you, no matter how much pressure he presses on pity, one does not need to sympathize with him.
  • Goremyka wandered from house to house, but no one gave him a piece of bread.
The poor fellow is looking for food
  • Come here, miserable, I tell you this!
  • The poor miserable lost his home, he was kicked out of work, now he does not know where to go.
  • In order to at least somehow console the tear, we decided to feed him to the full.
  • Yes, you miserables are completely frozen!

Synonyms for the word

Sometimes to the word "grief" you need to choose a noun with a similar lexical meaning. It is no secret that frequent repetitions of the same word significantly impair the perception of the material. Therefore, it is important to use a suitable synonym. "Goremyka" - a word that has several similar in meaning nouns:

  • Poor thing. - The purse was stolen from the poor, now he cannot buy a train ticket and get home.
  • Woe onion. - Masha - onion grief, trouble always happens with her.
  • Jonah. - I do not believe that there are such losers in whom the black bar never ends.
  • Sufferer. - Anatoly was still a sufferer, he so skillfully aroused pity that he was everywhere sympathetic.

Now the interpretation of the word "grief" will not be a mystery. If necessary, synonyms can be selected for this noun.

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