Lebel, phytolamination: instructions, customer reviews, before and after photos

The lamination procedure is gaining popularity among girls with naughty and curly hair, which are difficult to style. Due to the huge amount of cosmetics, it can be carried out independently at home. You must select the appropriate product and procedure, for example Lebel phytolamination, and follow the instructions for use.

Beneficial features

Any cosmetic procedure is aimed at solving certain problems and eliminating disadvantages. Incorrectly selected care products, daily thermal effects, tight hairstyles and various external factors affect the condition and structure of the hair. They can provoke damage and split ends, leading to overdrying and dullness. For intensive care, the Lebel phyto-lamination product has been developed.

Lebel color palette

This set was released by a famous Japanese brand and is popular among buyers around the world. The procedure is able to quickly restore even the most damaged curls along the entire length. Useful components in the composition intensively moisturize them, penetrating deep into the structure, returning them a healthy glow and attractive appearance. The manufacturer offers colorless and color Lebel phytolamination.


In order for the use to be as effective and efficient as possible, the presence of useful ingredients in the cosmetic product is necessary. This is provided by the Japanese manufacturer in Lebel Hair Beauty Product. Phytolamination as a procedure has been known for several years, and the natural components in the composition intensively care for the hair.

Phytolamination of Lebel Luquias

The list of ingredients includes:

  • silk proteins, which are aimed at restoring the damaged structure, fill it with keratin, give a healthy shine and smoothness;
  • corn proteins help smooth hair along its entire length;
  • soy extract is responsible for intensive hydration;
  • grape seed oil nourishes with useful vitamins and minerals, protects the length from various injuries;
  • sunflower seed oil strengthens, reduces the harmful effects of hard water, sunlight and high temperatures.

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to the large number of positive properties, Lebel phytolamination is in demand among the fair half.

Phytolamination Spray

Before buying, you need to determine the type of procedure: colorless hair treatment or color change. In addition, in order not to doubt, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages of a cosmetic set:

  • modern technologies have allowed to create a highly effective product that does not damage the structure after complete washing off;
  • gives additional volume at the roots and along the entire length;
  • facilitates the styling and combing process immediately after application;
  • provides ease of execution at home;
  • suitable for absolutely any type and color of hair;
  • judging by the reviews, it does not cause discomfort during use, does not have a sharp odor, does not contribute to the occurrence of itching, irritation and other reactions;
  • smoothes hair and gives it a healthy shine;
  • safe method of coloring and tinting any shade.

Of the shortcomings, buyers in Lebel phytolamination reviews point out a rather high cost and the need to repeat the procedure after a month.

Instructions for use

This type of hair care is popular not only for home use, but also in professional beauty salons. Stylists note high efficiency and natural composition. In order to get the maximum result, you must follow the Lebel phytolamination instructions.

Phytolamination application

It consists of several simple steps:

  1. Wash your hair with cleansing shampoo, which is included in the kit, and pat your hair dry with a towel.
  2. Apply a special lotion to the entire length. To facilitate this process, you can use a spray gun.
  3. Squeeze the necessary amount of laminating agent into the ceramic container and apply it from the roots to the ends with a brush, as when painting.
  4. Wear a shower cap, plastic bag or use cling film.
  5. To obtain the maximum effect, warm the composition with a hairdryer for several minutes and wrap your head in a towel.
  6. After half an hour, you need to remove the cap from the head and leave your hair alone for 5 minutes.
  7. Wash off the composition with cool water, then apply the shampoo from the kit, and then use the mask of this manufacturer. For intense nutrition leave for 10 minutes and rinse with cool water.
Shower cap

The Lebel Luquias phytolamination instruction explains all the steps of this procedure in an accessible way, which facilitates use at home.

Follow-up care

In order to maintain the lasting result and provide hair for a long time a beautiful and well-groomed look, it is necessary to follow some recommendations of stylists. Proper aftercare protects the beneficial components from being quickly washed out of the structure. To preserve them and maximize the effect, do not wash your hair for a day.

Phytolamination Procedure

After the procedure, you should abandon deep cleansing shampoos that are able to penetrate the hair cells and wash out all the beneficial substances. This is the only condition for extending the resistance of Lebel phytolamination. After that, you can apply any cosmetic care products: oils, masks, lotions, tonics, coloring products and anti-dandruff preparations. They do not damage the protective barrier, and the beneficial components of some of them help the hair to be more beautiful and healthy, shiny and silky.


This procedure is in great demand among girls around the world, due to the large number of positive qualities. Buyers in reviews of Lebel Luquias phytolamination say that the products are effective both in the colorless and tinted version of the procedure. After application, the hair becomes smooth, soft, obedient, a basal volume appears and split ends stick together. Useful components are aimed at deep and intense hydration along the entire length.

The effect of phytolamination

Ladies note that a huge advantage of this manufacturer is the necessary set of products in one package. It includes: a cleansing shampoo, a special lotion, a laminating agent and a nourishing mask. Reviews on Lebel phytolamination show that girls are attracted by the incredible shine that appears on their hair, as well as economical consumption. Means from the set are enough for several applications, depending on the length.


The Lebel phytolamination procedure allows you to give your hair an attractive appearance, smoothness, softness, shine and restore the structure at home. For proper use and maximum results, you need to follow the instructions for use and the recommendations of professional stylists on subsequent care.

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